Feds raid Oaksterdam University - cannabis persecution Obama's highest priority


Well-Known Member
1st of all the investigations and raids have been purely for the IRS. Tax Evasion is a crime that the IRS has a right to act on the ability to commandeer other government departments to aid in investigations.
2nd of all no one has been able to prove without any doubt that Obama is to blame. No literature, no nothing just assumptions that the Head administration must have ok'd every action of the DEA, IRS, ATF... etc. Which is very unrealistic. Many things go on behind closed doors. Even behind the presidents back. Yes they have to report to him if they fuck up but when they are just doing "their job" the only person watching over the daily ins and outs is the head of the DEA if he even finds out. The Agency is large and very complicated.

What you guys all have to realize is that ANYONE who is trying to get elected is not going to be able to please everyone when campaigning. Medical Marijuana is a big issue but the people outside of our little pot world have no idea its even there or have a pre conception that everyone who is a MMJ patient is a young person abusing the system because of what they see from Cali. Its is not a hot press topic, what gain would Obama get out of a raid anyways? What benefits do you guys see?

When its all said and done and the investigation becomes public cant wait to see that it was solely the IRS being pressured by DEA to go after dispenseries for taxes because the DEA couldn't go after them now. The whole DEA is filled with people in over their heads in drug war propaganda. Drugs are ruining America, it must be stopped. Then there are the guys at the top end of the DEA that always knew pot isnt harmful but enforcement creates jobs and bigger agency budgets.

So Im going to stick with my earlier article post.



Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Not many remember Randy Weaver and his family that were attacked in their cabin, Bob. They would all have been murdered by the marshals had they not been stopped. That was a set up from the get go. They tried to get him to saw the barrel off a shotgun and he refused, then they planned to massacre him and his family. Nice bunch those feds.
I followed that one closely. It was out and out murder.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
more like a whiny little baby.

suppose obama steps out tomorrow and makes the announcement of desert douche's wet dreams. what next? is everyone going to be free to grow?

if you think that, you're desert dumb.

the states, counties and towns will still go on prosecuting the drug war.

if you want an end to the drug war, it will happen almost exclusively through voter initiatives.

is everyone here too fucking high to realize that stoners are easy political targets? is everyone here too high to remember how we have made most of our progress so far?

if desert dipshit had two brain cells to rub together, he'd realize his time behind the computer pecking at keys would be better utilized mobilizing action towards voter initiatives rather than mouth farting and being a cranky sorehead about some figurehead on the other side of the nation.
I agree with this 100%. Just goes to prove that even a uterus can be right occasionally. This, of course, does not absolve Obama from being a double dealing, lieing politician, and if it wasn't for the feds threats of "arresting state employees" for implementing legalization initiatives then the states might move a little faster toward a rational policy on cannabis.

The uterus throbs every time Obama utters another, "let me be clear, the cheese line is open till the first Wednesday in November" line.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I followed that one closely. It was out and out murder.
Indeed it was.

There is a documentary about the Waco massacre. Watch it if you want to make your ulcers bleed. Chuck Schumer (D, NY) is a disgrace to the senate and this is from a guy who lives in California, so I have first hand experience with disgraceful senators.


Ursus marijanus
you aren't intimating that there is political influence on the president's actions during an election year, just like every last president that has come before, are you?

why, that would be downright logical, and desert douche hates logic.
I have found Desert Dude to be quite capable of logic. However he holds opinions opposed to yours, which does tend to lead to the emission of more heat than light all around. I like to think that a basic plank of American social mores is "I cannot stand the drivel dripping from your chin, but I will defend to the death your right to a spattered bib."

And as for am I intimating ...? Well, goodness, yes ... (blush) I guess I am. cn


Ursus marijanus
He's not the lesser of two evils. He is just a slightly different evil. Less evil than the republicans on some things, more evil on others. How did we get to the point in this country where the MINORITY of people in this country and political parties believe in actual freedom?
My three-word answer? "Follow the money." Freedom carries a lower profit matrix for those who actually shake&move than the other leading brands. cn


Well-Known Member
My three-word answer? "Follow the money." Freedom carries a lower profit matrix for those who actually shake&move than the other leading brands. cn
Most of the peasants are perfectly happy with the scraps anyways, freedom might make them expect moar!