mmma down???

bob harris

Well-Known Member
A little story from today..and it does have a moral. I went fishing again today. Now, I was wondering if the smallies were up in the shallows and eddy's, (due to the warm spring) but they are out of season. Catch and release isn't for 2 more weeks or something. But catfish season is open..and catfish like minnows I floated minnows under a bobber. Damn..didn't catch one catfish..frickin smallies kept hitting the bait. Must have thrown 5 back. The moral is: it's not always WHAT you are doing that gets you in trouble, but HOW you are doing it.

No DNR guy in the world would have had a problem with what I was doing...I mean, I can fish for cats now, and minnows is a pretty legit cat i'm having a ball fighting those tuggy little things, and I'm perfectly legal so long as I don't put one on a stringer.


Active Member
bob harris, I think that's what the affirmative defense was intended to cover. Unfortunately the courts seem to have gutted it, reinterpreting it to mean that you're only covered if you're under limits, that it's only for those without cards... ugh. I never realized just how powerful judges were until I saw these cases work their way through the courts. They're the most powerful members of government... we gotta vote these bastards out.


Well-Known Member
When did you change sides bob? All of a sudden you sound like a different guy. Completely different.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
bob harris, I think that's what the affirmative defense was intended to cover. Unfortunately the courts seem to have gutted it, reinterpreting it to mean that you're only covered if you're under limits, that it's only for those without cards... ugh. I never realized just how powerful judges were until I saw these cases work their way through the courts. They're the most powerful members of government... we gotta vote these bastards out.
You are right about the power of judges. But that is what they do..decide difference of opinion..about laws. My point has been and still is, that is where the battle has to be fought now. We need quality lawyers debating with the courts to preserve our rights. Voting in new judges will take to long..great long term goal, but this cannabis law is being amended RIGHT NOW.

If the pro med voice isn't heard in the courts now..doesn't matter what we do next year...


Active Member
I think it is, in a way, actually a blessing in disguise that the COA ruling happened when it did - all the outrage was over the dispensaries, and suddenly with most of them gone, it's hard to gather support for legislative changes. There are some Michigan Supreme Court seats up for election this fall, that's barely over 6 months away.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
When did you change sides bob? All of a sudden you sound like a different guy. Completely different.
I'm not different at just lost your rabble rousing leader. People were rephrasing every thing I posted in order to dis agree with me. Go back through my posts and read them for content. For meaning. Not to jump on things like "dress code" and make it "Racist" and Bigoted"'s not. You may not like the way I worded it...but you should have gotten the meaning. Same with "VOTE NO ON BILLS " point all along was that the bills were going to pass, and we should be more concerned about helping word them better, not trying to block them. I took an ass whipping for that position. At the end of the did it turn out?

Quite simply, I still think the guy that got shot, the shooting had little to do with cannabis.

The original reason for the cops to stop by, was domestic cannabis connection without that. And who is to say the cops didn't smell cannabis? Maybe he was near the end of flower and his house smelled "delicious". Perhaps a friend medicated a half hour ago before he left. But the bottom line is: He lunged at a cop with a knife. That gets you shot.

Had he been tasered, timmah would have still tried to say too much was a tiny little knife..they could have overpowered him and not used the tasers.

Point being, the whole argument is a mis direction ploy..keep people busy arguing that..but not working on issues.

PUBLIC APPEARANCE MATTERS! Especially when talking about a dispensary or market.


Well-Known Member
Rather than take it from me, go there and look around. As long as you are okay with blood sacrifice on a moonlit meadow you should really like it.


Well-Known Member
I would rather hear it explained here, cuz if it's bullshit someone will call it. I am too medicated to read the fine print. Could someone please explain the beliefs. I am a medical patient and caregiver. I started looking online to be a better grower. As I started reading threads I became intrigued with the soap opera. It appears to a guy on the outside looking in that each group could very well be completely full of shit.
I wonder if the politicians that participated in these private meeting read this shit. Holy Fuck could they sort out some shit. Joe Cain was voted out at last tribal council. It looks like the merge is ready to happen. Are people going to stick with old alliances or do those in jeopardy create new alliances. Is it like that? Who can outwit, outlast, and outplay?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I would rather hear it explained here, cuz if it's bullshit someone will call it. I am too medicated to read the fine print. Could someone please explain the beliefs. I am a medical patient and caregiver. I started looking online to be a better grower. As I started reading threads I became intrigued with the soap opera. It appears to a guy on the outside looking in that each group could very well be completely full of shit.
I wonder if the politicians that participated in these private meeting read this shit. Holy Fuck could they sort out some shit. Joe Cain was voted out at last tribal council. It looks like the merge is ready to happen. Are people going to stick with old alliances or do those in jeopardy create new alliances. Is it like that? Who can outwit, outlast, and outplay?
Unfortunately, yes, to some degree. There are crooks on our side too..or at least they claim to be on our side. Big money in medical cannabis..cannabis in general. Big money crooks vie for "top dog" in this arena, just like politics.

Sometimes all you can do is try and pick the least bad choice.....and align there....Kinda like the upcoming election..If not Obama, Who? the time it gets to the poles..thier won't be a good choice.


Active Member
Same with "VOTE NO ON BILLS " point all along was that the bills were going to pass, and we should be more concerned about helping word them better, not trying to block them. I took an ass whipping for that position. At the end of the did it turn out?
What bills are you talking about?

Compromising with them on wording leads some representatives to believe we are actually happy with changes when we are not, and helps bills pass. It's why they compromise in the first place.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
What bills are you talking about?

Compromising with them on wording leads some representatives to believe we are actually happy with changes when we are not, and helps bills pass. It's why they compromise in the first place.
This was in regards for the bills passed last Thursday. Once a bill is scheduled, and close to being heard, you can yell all you want about saying's going to be heard. Once a bill is scheduled, as in this situation, all you can do successfully is lobby for positive wording. Sure, you can TECHNICALLY call for a no vote...but history proves that fruitless on bills of any type.

Many bills are still far enough away to try and block..but as they get closer to a hearing date,,,we need to re-direct focus to damage not compromise, is to let them pass the bill "as introduced"..and that would have been WORSE last Thursday.


New Member
What bills are you talking about?

Compromising with them on wording leads some representatives to believe we are actually happy with changes when we are not, and helps bills pass. It's why they compromise in the first place.
I agree with you 100% our mmj law should not be changed at all. I didnt agree to any new rules at all. I agreed to follow the law in accordance with the mmj act


Well-Known Member
I'm not different at just lost your rabble rousing leader. People were rephrasing every thing I posted in order to dis agree with me. Go back through my posts and read them for content. For meaning. Not to jump on things like "dress code" and make it "Racist" and Bigoted"'s not. You may not like the way I worded it...but you should have gotten the meaning. Same with "VOTE NO ON BILLS " point all along was that the bills were going to pass, and we should be more concerned about helping word them better, not trying to block them. I took an ass whipping for that position. At the end of the did it turn out?

Quite simply, I still think the guy that got shot, the shooting had little to do with cannabis.

The original reason for the cops to stop by, was domestic cannabis connection without that. And who is to say the cops didn't smell cannabis? Maybe he was near the end of flower and his house smelled "delicious". Perhaps a friend medicated a half hour ago before he left. But the bottom line is: He lunged at a cop with a knife. That gets you shot.

Had he been tasered, timmah would have still tried to say too much was a tiny little knife..they could have overpowered him and not used the tasers.

Point being, the whole argument is a mis direction ploy..keep people busy arguing that..but not working on issues.

PUBLIC APPEARANCE MATTERS! Especially when talking about a dispensary or market.

Ahhh yes there you are.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I agree with you 100% our mmj law should not be changed at all. I didnt agree to any new rules all. I agreed to follow the law in accordance with the mmj act
The problem is..That will not law ever stays as written very long. And most have the initial flurry of changes soon after they are enacted. It's what bills and legislature are's how they work. Especially with "peoples Initiative" laws...they are notoriously poorly worded. Who he won't admit that if whoever had penned this law, had added maybe 2 more paragraphs, that we wouldn't be arguing any of this?