first time grow any help would be great


i am a first time grower and going into some trouble with my plant.. im growing nirvana bubbalicious autoflower that i would say is about 3 weeks into flowering i keep it on 18/6 with a 250 watt hps about 10 inches from the top of the plant.. I noticed that some of my leaves started getting yellowing spots kind of looks like rust on the bottom leaves and did some reading and thought that my ph was off.. I raise my ph to about 8 cause my runoff water was very low at around 4 without raising the ph. now the run off is about 6 with raising the ph. Btw it is in fox farm happy frog in a 3 gallon bucket. any help would be really great and any advice would be appreciated..

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Active Member
flower under 12/12 ...but it looks fine too me i wudnt worry about it. maybe its just a little nute burn. good job on ur first grow tho


thank you for the response i did alot of reading before starting but r u sure i should flower under 12/12 cause its an auto i asked that question on a forum once everyone was telling me i was an idiot

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
the 12/12 is just more natural to the plant, think of it like this, anything that is not natural is stress on plant even if just a little, those auto will finish faster in 18/6 or even 24/0. so its up too you, but the plant would do best in bloom at 12/12 light ad HPS and just keep a really good eye on the plants your plants don't look wrong but its at these points that plants will change color and everything and even some fan leaves turn yellow, just keep an eye on the plant give alot of attn to detail and you'll be fine


Active Member
your 18/6 for the autoflower is fine, if your ph is low, you can toss some dolomite in and water, it will help to bring your soil more towards neutral 7. might jus be my eyes but not seeing the spotting in the pics, they are looking healthy


thank you for your input i think i might just change it to 12 12 and i just wanted to know what is your input on nutes im using fox farm big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom when do u think i shold give my last feeding to the plant ?

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
give the npk of those three at during bloom you want mix that is slightly low on Nitrogen and high on phosphorus and potassium


Active Member
ive used the fox farm nutrient line, it will do the job. i usualy give 1wk of no nutes and flush the soil depending on the nutes im using and how hungry my girl is.
the reason i say the 18/6 is fine is because autoflowers do not require a 12/12 to start flowering, the 12/12 triggers flowering in plants requireing a photoperiod by causing the plants to build up hormones related to the flowering process, in autoflower the plants trigger on their own due to being crossed with ruderalis. if you give them the longer lighting period they will give a higher yield.

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
i am a first time grower and going into some trouble with my plant.. im growing nirvana bubbalicious autoflower that i would say is about 3 weeks into flowering i keep it on 18/6 with a 250 watt hps about 10 inches from the top of the plant.. I noticed that some of my leaves started getting yellowing spots kind of looks like rust on the bottom leaves and did some reading and thought that my ph was off.. I raise my ph to about 8 cause my runoff water was very low at around 4 without raising the ph. now the run off is about 6 with raising the ph. Btw it is in fox farm happy frog in a 3 gallon bucket. any help would be really great and any advice would be appreciated..

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ok i have done alot of research for you and me, i have it too its a magnesium deficiency now that is a tricky beast from what i have read and seen basically it can be 2 things, phosphorous and calcium(unbalance ph too) can lock up mag or maybe u just have enough, basically too add more u add 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water to your feed and you will be good Check this out as well!!!!!!!!!!!!

deficiency guide!!!