First grow in 2 years, micro/cab, cfl, 14 plants and counting


Well-Known Member
I have to stay in the same place, otherwise all the work I've done the past year and a half building my business will have been for nothing, but if all goes will I'll be able to afford to live in a semi suburban/rural area.


Well-Known Member
you clearly have a pokemon bracelet on in the picture with the glass piece unless that is not you?


Well-Known Member
I still watch re runs of any pokemon episode pre orange islands, in the first movie when ash turns to stone and everyone crys is the saddest thing in the world, and I have all pokemon in all games crystal on back at level IS a pokemon bracelet sir, you are not mistaken.


Well-Known Member
I still watch re runs of any pokemon episode pre orange islands, in the first movie when ash turns to stone and everyone crys is the saddest thing in the world, and I have all pokemon in all games crystal on back at level IS a pokemon bracelet sir, you are not mistaken.
hahahahahaha holy shit doctor j your my hero now. i used to have a charamander sticker on this old ass bong like 3 years ago haha