368watt CFL Grow Northern Lights, and Fruity Chronic Juice+Upgraded Cab


Well-Known Member
fungus gnats??? WTH are those.....I'm glad I know how to get rid of em right away now if I ever see any in my dirt (SAND)!
Almost done Chief ;) You must be so excited.....they both look so danky and yummy. Your gonna get MEGA SHEBUDS with those 2 girls, it's gonna look so beautiful Chief.....I can't wait!


Well-Known Member
I also got a question man. They are this flame war over here in the newbie central section and 2 guys are arguing for and against flushing one guy swears you MUST flush at least 3 times during your grow or you get mutelockout... Do you flush like this and should I? He says that the leaves and start to turn pale green then yellow and then your plant dies. My leaves are doing that on one of las plantas. It doesn't show any signs of death though... They got me wondering.


Active Member
ahh u los the part i was lookin for, about the molasses.
What is your question about it and I will answer it...
I also got a question man. They are this flame war over here in the newbie central section and 2 guys are arguing for and against flushing one guy swears you MUST flush at least 3 times during your grow or you get mutelockout... Do you flush like this and should I? He says that the leaves and start to turn pale green then yellow and then your plant dies. My leaves are doing that on one of las plantas. It doesn't show any signs of death though... They got me wondering.
This is based on serveral things like if the plant is sensitive(OG KUSH), or well adapting(white widow), also how often and how much you feed them, and what you feed them but the bottom line is it's not a must, its just one of those things that you have to watch your plant for, and I do, do a flush during transition period just to be safe but I have had plants that never needed a flush except for during the Flush, but as far as killing them its possible but it takes alot to kill them creatures of pleasure. So in conclusion I would recommend one if you -feed, feed, water- and no if you -water, feed, water, Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
He was wondering how much you put into a gallon.

Also, when should I flush? Are you referring to THE flush?


Active Member
fungus gnats??? WTH are those.....I'm glad I know how to get rid of em right away now if I ever see any in my dirt (SAND)!
Almost done Chief ;) You must be so excited.....they both look so danky and yummy. Your gonna get MEGA SHEBUDS with those 2 girls, it's gonna look so beautiful Chief.....I can't wait!
Fungus gnats love the enviroment of moist locked soil to lay their eggs as well as white flys, they lay eggs in soil mainly along the outside of the pot, and when the larve hatch they feed on the small roots and then fly around the plant which they dont harm the parts you see just the roots which is BAD, so they easiest way to get rid of them same day fast is sand, you just carefully remove the top 2" inches of soil and replace with sand where they are detered from digging and laying eggs, also while doing this place some sand by the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot as they will turn them into alternative routes to the soil, and Im glad I said this PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? SIDENOTE TIME YAYYYYY

(SIDENOTE-A very easy to tell when to water your plant is to do what I did until I learned how to read the leafs, place sand by the drainage holes so when you water you will see the sand soak up water, and after a couple of days when the sand dries its time to water again because once there is not enough water for the sand to soak up theres not enough for you plant to soak up. This also saves you from the risk of digging your finger in the soil and tearing root.) that is all...


Active Member
He was wondering how much you put into a gallon.

Also, when should I flush? Are you referring to THE flush?
putting what into a gallon all of my feedings are never the same, everytime I feed I raise whatever Im adding by .5ml til the plants say no, and I think your reffering to this ("So in conclusion I would recommend one if you -feed, feed, water- and no if you -water, feed, water, Hope this helps")part if so this is for the flush during the time you switch to flowering to remove salts if needed depending on how you feed. Now regardless of anything during the end(2 weeks before harvest) always flush.


Well-Known Member
You're a flush! Thanks a lot man! He was wondering how much molasses do you put in a gallon?


Well-Known Member
if so this is for the flush during the time you switch to flowering to remove salts if needed depending on how you feed. Now regardless of anything during the end(2 weeks before harvest) always flush.
tell me more Chief about this flush before flowering....please.

Fungus gnats love the enviroment of moist locked soil to lay their eggs as well as white flys, they lay eggs in soil mainly along the outside of the pot, and when the larve hatch they feed on the small roots and then fly around the plant which they dont harm the parts you see just the roots which is BAD, so they easiest way to get rid of them same day fast is sand, you just carefully remove the top 2" inches of soil and replace with sand where they are detered from digging and laying eggs, also while doing this place some sand by the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot as they will turn them into alternative routes to the soil, and Im glad I said this PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? SIDENOTE TIME YAYYYYY

(SIDENOTE-A very easy to tell when to water your plant is to do what I did until I learned how to read the leafs, place sand by the drainage holes so when you water you will see the sand soak up water, and after a couple of days when the sand dries its time to water again because once there is not enough water for the sand to soak up theres not enough for you plant to soak up. This also saves you from the risk of digging your finger in the soil and tearing root.) that is all...

Thanks for sharing the knowledge.....your so knowledgeable :) I hope I never get the little buggers, but if I do....I know just what to do now.
My roots are showing a little through the drainage holes...should I just poke em back in gently and cover em up with a little dirt? And with 2 of my plants...their leaves are curling under on a few places?? Does that mean it's too dry (my rh)?

and what's the secret to "leaf reading"....I wanna know??? I'm only watering about once a week.....with a little bit in between and they stay moist all the time. Do you wet your entire medium when you water? I want my soil to dry up a little bit so I can feed them again and stick to their schedule. Some say it's good to let em dry up a little here and there.....some say it's not! I'd say the risk of fungus gnats are a good reason to let it dry up for a day or so.
I put my finger in once and felt a tiny root rip :o Good idea with the sand...same as the bottle....I will implement both of these before the flowering commences :)


Well-Known Member
is it Wednesday yet???
I can't wait to see them Chief.....sneak peak, or are ya gonna make me wait till Wednesday?