World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Send you another text MDB dunno why u not gettin am just replyin to the txt u sent???

@ Pukka - Cheers m8 jst tryin to keep positive bout it all :-) Honestly mate a would have said that both were just as tasty, very similar to Livers, n both were potent wish ad had more ;-)


Well-Known Member
got it man, no worrys
Good good, a no the posts all fucked up, can only afford 1st class but Sambo's n Pukka's got there nxt mornin. Was talkin to the mrs earlier, goin to get some more cracked nxt few dys n 1st spare 20 quid will get another few airpots n some coco blocks, need to get a kinda perpetual set up, not proper but cant afford to run out anymore. So you'll see a few of your seeds gettin popped matey ;-)


Well-Known Member
Perpetual is nice, you always feel like you will not run out. I just stopped my peprpetual to do a full run and it seems strange waiting so long to chop something.


Well-Known Member
Would b nice to never run out. The way am thinkin there might b a wk or 2 but it aint goin to cost me a fortune buyin snidey 20 bags of half grown crap :-D

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
no probs man. id just use normal pots matey till u harvrest and then get more air pots, i mean they good but normal pots will do to get some extras on go.
i got a huge list things i need but till then i will bodge along. or diy wots a must. next few days will knock up a veg cab, a flower room in garage for males or breeding and a scrog set up out off a rabbit run and string. hahahahah cowboy builder style prob have light leaks and all sorts but good to try and will keep me busy.
think will clone my 1 fem exo x br after weekend and see if can get two them bad boys. this one ent stretched and starting branch out abit now in nwe bigger pot.
i prob wont use my air pots this round as they 15 litres and i dont want huge huge plants as wanna mix and try few things out


Well-Known Member
would you bother using them air pots in a flood and drain system? they'd be getting a load of air anyway with the clay pebbles


Well-Known Member
cheers. i want to try the coco aswell now. theres so much to choose from but i got 2 50l bags of clay out the shed and i cant afford to waste them lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
the 15 litres r huge. depends on plant count this run really. mayb id i get alot males i will use them as space very limited. yeah the airpots r good but it cause other probs in my tent like makes plant to closed to my fixed light.
that y i need build a good sound proof grow space in the bedroom. get the light higher and use airpots more.
shame u so far away as u could borrowed my 4 airpots if i dont use them this run.
need get myself some way smaller airpots. maybe 1 litres and then some 5 and 10 litres.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
use the pebbles mrt.
im a sucker for using up old things, raised the council way,waste nothing if poss.
i mean i only top plants that i can clone the top from haha.
r the pebbles good to grow with?


Well-Known Member
They're ok m8 with a giod wash u can reuse. Only use them in ma farm now. Everythin else'l b airpots n coco much cheaper n agaun reuseable :-D


Well-Known Member
the 15 litres r huge. depends on plant count this run really. mayb id i get alot males i will use them as space very limited. yeah the airpots r good but it cause other probs in my tent like makes plant to closed to my fixed light.
that y i need build a good sound proof grow space in the bedroom. get the light higher and use airpots more.
shame u so far away as u could borrowed my 4 airpots if i dont use them this run.
need get myself some way smaller airpots. maybe 1 litres and then some 5 and 10 litres.
A no m8 distance never used to b problem but a dnt think a could drive that far with ma fecked foot. Will get 3 more 6 ltrs a think, that'l b 6 n the farm started off a week or 2 in btween


Well-Known Member
use the pebbles mrt.
im a sucker for using up old things, raised the council way,waste nothing if poss.
i mean i only top plants that i can clone the top from haha.
r the pebbles good to grow with?
yeah thier brand new. i ordered them with a wilma big 4 flood and drain system but i used soil instead because im waiting on people to come and do my windows and it was quicker and they would be easier to hide in the normal pots lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
the window man still not been? think u and scotia using same company haha, they prob lost using a satnav hahaha somewhere between u and scotland


Well-Known Member
the window man still not been? think u and scotia using same company haha, they prob lost using a satnav hahaha somewhere between u and scotland
i know they keep putting it off. they where supposed to be doing it in january originally but they run out of funding. they've done some houses in my street but the door we chose still hasnt been made lol. the coucil are the same where ever you live lol