What makes an herb grinder the best?

the people chiming in to say "just use your hands or scissors" have absolutely no idea how much thc gets lost on your hands the scissors, and falls to the floor. Have fun tearing apart your buds. Mine are too sticky, and even with the best grinder on the market - grinders will get sticky and stop working too. Keep it clean, put in your nugs, twist each way for a minute, knock it on your knee cap with your foot on the ground and watch the keef pile up.

If you are still tearing it up with your hands, you are throwing away the best part of the weed.
the people chiming in to say "just use your hands or scissors" have absolutely no idea how much thc gets lost on your hands the scissors, and falls to the floor. Have fun tearing apart your buds. Mine are too sticky, and even with the best grinder on the market - grinders will get sticky and stop working too. Keep it clean, put in your nugs, twist each way for a minute, knock it on your knee cap with your foot on the ground and watch the keef pile up.

If you are still tearing it up with your hands, you are throwing away the best part of the weed.

I diasgree, that's why I use scissors or my hands because I dont like to leave anything behind in the grinder. Everything gets broken down directly into my zag...nothing is lost, whereas too much stays either on the grinder blades or in the kif chamber for my liking.

Tell me what im doing is wrong or not as good as your way all you want. I dont care and I dont believe you.
Ok, so while it's not for everyone, I'll bust out my novelty grinder...I got 2 of these little tools for 12 bucks, my lady wanted the heart shape (they have ALL sorts of different grater surface shapes, I just chose the "V" ). So keep in mind, when I took this video I was balancing my camera and really high, lol, but I just used this thing again the other day and I'm always surprised at how well it works. Just not so well on your lap balancing a FlipCam...lol

Really, 6 bucks? I have a grinder/grater that stays in my wallet at all times, and they have different size screens for a finer grind...this one here is the "Chunky", largest of the 3 sizes.


Really, works pretty well, this video doesn't do it justice, it's just clumped together cause it's sticky, but it give a pretty consistant grind.
That's wicked for a wallet grinder man!!!!!

Yeah, not bad or 6 bucks...I was at the High Times Cannabis Cup in San Fran, and I was checking out the booth. There was this other guy there interested, and the girl threw a pitch of 3 for 25, I asked this random guy if he wanted to go in on the deal, but he said "how do we decide who get's the third one?", and the gir selling them said she'd do 4 for 25...I said "4 for $24", and she said "OK"...lol...So now I have a nifty wallet grinder...Mine works well with medium to large nugs, the denser the better!
i just got some cheap ass grinder but the only thing that is kinda shitty about it is the holes are too big so when im grindin i just flip it upside down so it will stay in the top and grind more. and i use a dime in my grinder to knock the kief into the bottom.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: i do the exact same thing, works perfect.
I also tried using my bullet but was very disapointed because the thing is a bitch to clean out, wasted more then i collected lmfao, but the weed does bust up nicely
You used your bullet as a grinder?
You really are kinky.
also a 'bullet'
I diasgree, that's why I use scissors or my hands because I dont like to leave anything behind in the grinder. Everything gets broken down directly into my zag...nothing is lost, whereas too much stays either on the grinder blades or in the kif chamber for my liking.

Tell me what im doing is wrong or not as good as your way all you want. I dont care and I dont believe you.

It depends. I always roll on the lid of my tin so anything I crumble that falls lands in it. It depends on the weed- dryness, density etc. SOmetimes I find a grinder helps but often i will just roll up without one, especially if on the street in class or on the bus X3

I've see alot of people drop a sickening quantity of weed using grinders- or having it blow away >_<;
how do you grind it so fine?

Um... The quality of the grinder and how much you turn with the weed in it I guess... Who are you comparing to?

I like the grind metal sharks teeth give me but someof you like everythings ground to dust, in which case a good metal diamond-tooth grinder well-screwed should do it. As for specific brands just read the rest of this thread or the dozen other grinder threads. xx
i am wondering about the quality/structure of joints rolled by those who don't use grinders. way back before i used grinders i used to break up the weed by hand and with scissors. it would take me about 10 minutes to break it up properly because the little pieces had to be small enough or the joint would burn like everybody else's shitty joints. can't have different sized chunks of herb in a joint or it will be bumpy and burn like crap. i could absolutely achieve a fine uniformity by hand but it took fucking forever and i'd have sticky fingers for an hour, which makes rolling even more difficult. how can you break it up by hand and have a sticky gross residue on your fingers and still claim that you're not losing anything? and sometimes you squish the bud by manhandling it and end up condensing it and making it even more difficult to cut up.

i find that "ground bud" is of a much better texture/structure/whatever for rolling. with a 3 stage you get a nice uniform grind. it only turns to dust if it's bone dry, in which case it obviously shouldn't be put through a grinder in the first place. it takes me exactly 30 seconds to decide to smoke, open my jar, arrange herb on the grinder, screw it shut, and grind.

damn i'm long-winded in the morning.
I bought my grinder from bp gas station which of course is ran by pakistanys or however u spell it. I spent 15 bucks and have had it for 2 yrs teeth r still good and sharp. My kief catches well. and get this my grinder tells me what time it issss whaaaaaaaat!?!?!? Awesome points right lol maybe its juss me but I'm for grinder all the way. I think ur wasting ur weed if u don't use one
I like to leave my trichs somewhat in tact, so...scissors

LOL thats the funniest thing i have ever heard. i've heard so many dumb excuses for people using scissors.... i'll give you a few good reasons NOT to use them...

#1: Oils bold to other oils. Trich's are oil, your human body produces oils... therefore the THC bonds to the oil on your body.
#2: Surface contact. when busting it up with scissors you touch all the bud to bust it up, touch it again to load it or roll it.... by the time your done whats left?

A good buster is made from stainless steel or 7075 aluminum, which is why they cost so much. these metals don't flake off into your weed like some people say, they don't steal the trich's from your weed.... all in all the buster keeps the bud more potent, busts it up more efficient and faster manner, so you get higher faster, or you can roll more for later......... scissors kind of get left in the past with the old folks.........
i used to use the scissors, or just break it up with my fingers. but i realized that's some serious caveman type shit.