The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeah no need to flush at all if you are using biobizz or organic nutes but i just give the last to waterings plan water with no nutes and never had a problem with cracking or flavor.
so they posted the canna coco nutes and couldn't send coco cause they dont have any right now, gonna try some garden centers but i dont think i have much hope of finding coco in donegal.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
theres a small plane flying over the house here all morning he`s done 4 or 5 pass`s and most have been directly above my house...

starting to get worried....


Well-Known Member
nothing to worry about planes useless your scared they are gonna crash into your house! its only helicopters u gotta worry about

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
had to travel away to work dave, no fear of that this time tho...hahahaha..

yes first harvest this time, i`m nearly matching the last grow now so from here on in its all new.........

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thats them in my avatar dave..

have to admit tho, i was ultimate noob to it, taught pop them in soil and light be ok..

poppped all 14 bag seeds i had and learned from there, and this place has been a god send for learning and a bit of craic..:)


Well-Known Member
Hi lads a wee birdy told me that some of you guys might be intrested in clone swapping or (i give also lol)
pm me


Well-Known Member
Any of you lads ever use smartpots? I was considering sticking with coco for next grow since it is so hassle free, except for the watering. I need something that can go 2 days without watering. At the moment in 10 litre airpots in full flower my pots go from fully drenched to bone dry in 18 hours. Was considering going for like a 7 gallon smartpot, this should do 2 days without water methinks, shouldn't it?


Well-Known Member
Soon to be topped and transplanted, growing from seed is hassle free but SLOW!
hi this might be a stupid q but im learnin all the time.....................
do u top ur plants because u have height restriction or does it increase yield. i topped a blue cheese think i did it arse ways but it looks like it will yeild better
than my 1st attempt wit this it true to say the blue cheese kinda sticks togthere as it flowers


Well-Known Member
Awww fuck, I think this auto might be starting to hermy, I can see some small sacks starting to form on one of the bigger tops and a few on the smaller ones. Bollocks to this I am never growing shitty genetics again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess, will know for sure in a day or two if it is or not, it may just be some fucked up bud development but it's too early to tell. This would break my heart :(

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah could be just swollen calaxyls or whatever there called, i hope they are for your sake, be a cunt if she hermi`d on you now...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i try to reply and my browser keeps crashing!!!!!!!

anyone an idea why this would be happening..... have set my lappy to full scan so we`ll see in a little while if theres any threats on it..