Emergency watch now!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanx Beagle. Rachael Meadow's is a pretty liberal woman much of the times, but she hits many hard points here in Michigan that need to be looked at on a deeper level, and I appreciate her reports on the backroom duty our repubs have been doing here in Michigan.

info spread.


Well-Known Member
Help me make this go VIRAL!!!
Share on Facebook, twitter, email to everyone in your address book!

OH AND THIS IS MY 420th posted ...YAY!


Well-Known Member
great post. the citizens of michigan need to smarten up and realize theyre getting screwed. the gop has lost all respect for democratic process.


Well-Known Member
HAPPY 420 Beagle..... i ll hit the Omicron2 in your honor sir.

I made my membership here known to those that needed to know a while back. Being on multiple forums is nothing new. I just happen to be open enough to not feel the need to hide behind 3 or 4 different screen names while doing it.......See my statement about how I own my words. perhaps that will enlighten some.

And they know i own my words. good or bad. and those that dont. soon will.

Hit my FB links and was put over to the PTG site via twitter i think, If not yet, it will be soon.


Well-Known Member
WOW... I knew things were bad but they are even worse than I believed. Truly frightening.

Does anyone wanna jump? I want to throw Purklize off the highest cliff, Im really thinkin I want too? The fuckin punk Kid mother fucker fuck my mind up piece of shit?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Thanx Beagle. Rachael Meadow's is a pretty liberal woman much of the times, but she hits many hard points here in Michigan that need to be looked at on a deeper level, and I appreciate her reports on the backroom duty our repubs have been doing here in Michigan.

info spread.
Sure am glad we got those bills worded more favorably...timmah wanted us to try and have them "vote no"
Yeh, listen to timmeah, and you'd have had them jammed down your throat in the original form..now snake that he is, he is praising the "truth" of this report...while trying to make everyone forget that 2 weeks ago he was satbbin your ass with his self serving issues..or was that Joes self serving issues.....Tis guy is just looking for a new master, in hopes one day he''l be fed crumbs from their success...and he doesn't care who gets screwed along the way.

He'll have your back right up to the point he makes you his human shield...