First time Cab setup


Ok so I am a total newby in cannabis growing, but With many hours of reading and researching I feel I have sufficient knowledge to attempt my first grow. All input is greatly appreciated so feel free.
I'm going to try to grow 2 (I figure auto flowering would be good for a first timer)
Here are the supplies that I'm thinking of buying, wondering if everything I have will be sufficient again input on this is welcome.
I'm going to make a grow cabinet out of some 2x4s the dimensions will be 3ft long 3 ft wide and 5ft high (good size for 2 plants?)
- A small window AC unit, I'm growing in an attic so temps can reach 100+ couldn't find an alternative =/ - 400w HPS ballast/bulb/reflector - 4" carbon filter/170cfm fan combo for exhaust - Fox farm nutrients 1quart of big bloom/tiger bloom/big grow's-Ocean-Forest-Potting-Mix-1.5-Cubic-Feet.asp - Farm farm ocean forest soil (also adding 30% perlite to it)
Then just some 3 gallon buckets to grow in.
But yeah just want some input before I drop around 500 on this whole setup. Thanks! :arrow: :joint:

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
also look into fem seeds, autos can be troublesome buggers, guy on here been growing them out and they gone hermi on him...

earlier in the grow two runted on him, and he`s no noob to growing just unfortunate with the genetics he got..

not to say there all like that just a heads up is all, its your first grow and speaking from experience when you have them in flower and they let you down through no fault of your own it can be dis heartening, that said i wish you all the best in your endeavour to become a grower :)


Yeah going for autos vs. fems has been a choice for me I think I may just go fems because I've heard that autos aren't that easy anyway due to how different they are from regular seeds. Also I figured 170cfm would be more than enough... considering my room is 45 cubic feet it would replace air almost 4 times a minute.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
with these things its always better to have than to want, so going a little bigger will only help you in the long run..


Alright, if I'm ordering from attitude seedbank, what are some quality, trusted seed brands I should stick to? (Going to buy Fems)


Active Member
you should be able to get more than 2 plants in there. I have a 2x2 and I have 3 in there. It is a little cramped but I would imagine 3-4 should be no problem.


Also say I stick with the 4" fan can I just cut small holes as intake as air will passively go into the cab when only using an exhaust fan?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks, i should of said why i thought he would need a bigger fan.
we all got to start somewhere ;)

as for genetiics and seeds well thats totally down to choice, but i went with nirvana and ministry of cannabis, theres loads to choose from and from attitude they should be good no matter which you choose...

no of plants always catchs people out, myself included, best to fill the centre of your room and remember they will get very bushy and tall so leave room around edges and between pots, this doesnt have to be alot but every inch helps, to get light and air around the whole plant, you could fit 5 in but 3 will do much better... if that makes sence to you!

filling the room in veg is only going to hold you back in flower... they can double if not triple in size, again the early planning can save you hasstle here too....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Also say I stick with the 4" fan can I just cut small holes as intake as air will passively go into the cab when only using an exhaust fan?
what about light leaks and such? holes are never a good idea, you can buy small fans pretty cheap it doesn`t have to be an expensive one to do the job, and for exhausting best have two doing the exhausting and one intakeing.... again this will save hasstle with temp when the time is right...


So in a 9 sq ft cab you think 3 plants would be best (originally was thinking 2 cause of small space)


well If I put some black pvc with a 90 degree bend in it light won't be able to penetrate, and 2 exhaust would mean 2 filters, which I can't spring for at the moment =/ I looked at cheaper fans instead of a passive intake, but I figured I may as well keep negative pressure so air is being "sucked" in.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
oh you can make it light proof just its not ideal is all, there are other things to consider, pests getting in, after all they can make it into sealed up tents and such..

just factors to think about before setting up....

one exhaust will do but two is better you know ;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
3ft wide 3ft deep 5 ft tall. By 9 square feet I meant the ground sorry to confuse.

you can comfortably fit in 4 girls there so, with lst and topping they`ll grow fine and strong, have you taught of a small fan for the canopy, i swer by them, it will really keep the stem strong and air circulation in the room constant...

this is a seperate issue to exhaust too, almost as important as the light in my book....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
the fan has nothing to do with the light, it helps the stem become strong and the plants cool(er) than just sitting under the lights ...

you will see when you have them up to a ft tall how benificial it is, nothing major a small 4inch ossilating fan will do the trick and only cost a few quid, the mesh i don`t know about, never used it, but from what i read theres very little to keep the bugs out, screen wise...

smell... well thats a whole other paragraph :) and i think nothing but a charcoal filter will solve that, again i couldn`t comment as i exhaust into the attic


Well for the smell that's why I have the carbon filter exhaust setup, but yeah I was planning on putting an oscillating fan inside the box just to move air.