Welcome New Members!


Active Member
I'm in U.S.A How long will it stay in veg state? It does not look like it is getting any bigger! I'm giving it 1 gallon of water every 3 days now and Miracle Grow every 6 days. Do I need to trim off anything or just leave it? Thanks for all the Help! Hoog.
Water every six days fertilice every 12 days. It will stay in veg state until fall comes. This is just my opinion. I have never conducted a grow outdoors but its just common sense after a bunch of reading on the subject.


Active Member
i have five pots in five gallon pots bt i dont know how or when to feed them i have all fox farm products and fox farm ocean forrest i have the schedules bt the bottles say differnt tings so i wanna know what other ppl using fox farm think
Hello everyone out there in this community. I just wanted to say hello!!!!!!!!! Out there. Iam from the good old North Carolina. But now i live in the great state of Colorado. I work in the wine industry. And iam really into it. I like everything about it. Really just love wine. I want to know everything about it. The growing to.But if you like to know anything else about me.Just ask. But anyways i have been growing for like 3 years know. And i like to give as much advice to people as i can. And i will if i can.But i have taught my self everything. So i really want to ask questions and have people comment on my growing. Then help other people out in the long run. I will be starting up two journals to show people one grow that is about to go into flower. And one that is starting. So hope you in joy it.


Heyyy Heyy Yawll thought id post my first post heer:joint:
Im having trouble seeing some of the attached pics in the journals section, i seem to be able to view some but most i cant any help would be appreciated


Active Member
HELLO everyone, I'm a first time grower.. about 2 months ago I began researching how to grow my own bud. many helpful tips were utilized upon starting my project, and this site had many useful techniques, which I have already put to use...

1o seeds started germinating on March 23, 2o12 (all 1o are bag seed / unknown strain)
6 seeds planted on March 25
3 seeds planted on March 26
1 seed planted on March 27 (the lazy one)

first signs of sprouting were visible the very next day, for the most part.. within days, some stems were stretching a bit so I lowered my CFLs to within inches from the tops.. I also added soil around the base of the seedlings, just below the cotyledons, to help support their stems.. new growth visible on all seedlings (some showing a lot more than others)....

April 3, 2o12 (1 week and a couple days old)


Hopefully going to start growing some dank bud, can't wait to get started and watch my plants progress! :weed:


Active Member
Hopefully going to start growing some dank bud, can't wait to get started and watch my plants progress! :weed:
Best of luck with your grow... this is a great site, tons of helpful sections and many great peeps always lookin out!

~Stay Frosty, my friend~


What's up, guys? I'm Dok and after reading a lot in the forum for the past couple months, I finally decided to join up and try to have some discussions myself.

Cya around!

mr gator

im new here and i have alot to ask about how to post send pic and how to grow in hydro and many other things , so first my user name is mr gator now want do i do


Just checking in to say hello. I've been here for a couple of weeks now, and have made a couple comments. Great site for learning and sharing. Newbie here with one White Widow growing in a 4' x 4' closed grow room in basement. My growth is about a week to 10 days behind of what it should be due to no heat for those 7 to 10 days. But after placing a heater, the leaves are really beginning to stretch out. Using 1 Prosource 90 watt Illuminator UFO LED and 1 Lighthouse 100watt UFO LED. The biggest problem I have is staying out of the room. I guess I"m trying to help it grow. Using the LED's to keep my electricity down I hope, and Stealth I hope too. Growing for personal use. Tired of paying money for nothing. Anyway, great to be here and looking forward to learning a lot more.

mr gator

welcome you all newbies and etc growers , ive been in the weed world for a long time smoked my tie stick and all the other plant that i can't remember the names of them , ive grown pot way back in the day all outdoors grow for close to 11years ,yes i said 11 yrs outside grows , back in texas , and when i stop grow pot was some what hard to find for some time back then , but for the 8years of living in california i got my growers license so i could grow, like a plant or 2 all in soil under house lights and then moved to shop lights and i came across hps light man , from grow with house lights maybe getting a 1/4 oz after all done to growing with an shop light getting maybe getting 3/4oz after all said and done to using my first hps 400watt light and pro harvest blaster , to now using a 600watt with a deemable blaster over 6 to 9 plant yields 24 to 38 oz's all from soil to now switching to hydro running the some 600watt with a new bulb light system over a 24 5.5 net pot system , now look i can help some of you newbies on soil grows and the type of light to get but i need help on how to grow in hydro ,i don't know like things to look for like are the plants taking in nurtients are the root rotten , i know some things like nurt burn and some of the other like pest,diseases,deficiency to look for because of all my soil grows , but to know to how to dial in a hydro system can be hard if you haven't ran one before so if you hydro grows don't mind to give me a hand in dialing in this hydro system , i would like to thank you , now sent that has been said this is for all the old school weed head im looking for old school seed banks to grow the old school pot yes the old school seed , so old school grows if you know of old school seed banks give me a yell ok ,,,,, thanks for you alls time of helping me out in dialing in my hydro system


Active Member
I am a beginner, but very eager to learn. I currently have a small closet set up.. One 125w light w/ reflector, small fan and reflective material.

I am on a small budget and upgrades will come eventually.

Right now I am on day 9 of what began as three seedlings from a nice dense and bright green batch from a dealer. Since my lighting system was super weak, Im affraid they are already stressed out. By day 4 the seedlings were already stretching for light. On one, the leaf production was impressive, but the others were struggling..

Today I bought the new hydrofarms lighting system, aswell as fox farms organic big bloom.. also I transferred the two surviving seedlings into larger dwellings(praying not to exspose the roots), and buried the weak stems..

I also planted some newly germinized seeds from a sticky batch I have now. I would like to "practice" with these seeds before I go with the good stuff :D

I now have a better light source and better nutrients.. I am hoping this is enough to snap the babies back, and recover from this shock.

I am open to any suggestions!
This is my first post here. Hello World!

I am in the research phase for my indoor grow room, and hope to learn a lot from the experienced members here. 2 years ago, I planted a seed from a bag along side some tomatoes I was growing in the early Spring. It germinated quickly, and actually became my strongest plant of everything I was growing. However, I was completely unprepared to properly care for it and did not have a good place to keep it. When she was about 2 feet tall others in my home were getting very paranoid about the pot plant growing in my window, so I did the right thing and removed the plant from my home. It was a hard decision because I had grown quite fond of her.

I have a location picked, and am putting together a basic plan for the new room. It will take a while for me to get it set up, but I'll be using quality seeds this time. This is for personal use only and I want the best possible results. I'll likely research this for a few more months before actually starting to build the room. I look forward to sharing my progress here.