my big buddah blue cheese is this normal


im growing 10 big buddah blue cheese i done them from seed but i have a quick question when my plants where in vegging they looked short and stubby like a indica but now im flowering they have got very tall im like 5 foot 7 and there like under my chin and im in week 3 flowering the plants seem ok but look more like a sativa is this normal

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
1. Plants can grow raidly in the first few weeks of 12/12.
2. They might be stretching because of inadequate light. Pics would help.
3. Some strains throw a phenotype that is very different. And sometimes seeds are even mislabled.


Well-Known Member
thinking about this its very rare from seed. say 10 that u get all the same phenoes. so are all the 10 like this. if so then more info pics will be needed. a very very close friend grows bb blue cheese n has for years one sec i ring him and get some feed back 10 mins


im going to see if i can get some pics im going to pic my cam from a mate so u can see with a better quality but ive never grown this before but its abit weird because wen i was veggin it looked small and stubby with big leaves but now looks more like a sativa im on week 3 flowering now i just have 2 600w hps lights so light couldnt really be a problem


im going to see if i can get some pics im going to pic my cam from a mate so u can see with a better quality but ive never grown this before but its abit weird because wen i was veggin it looked small and stubby with big leaves but now looks more like a sativa im on week 3 flowering now i just have 2 600w hps lights so light couldnt really be a problem


Well-Known Member
ok np let us know when u have them up. also how old are youre bulbs how far r they ec. also did you swap straight to flowering nutes the day u switched to 12/12.
n try n put up some info on lighting and youre nutes ect


Well-Known Member
sorry about this. just trying to help. my friend just got back to me and says youre on the right track and just carry on as you are. this is how bb blue cheese should be looking and to get all the same pheono wow you looking good.

little rich

Active Member
hi there skillian iv grown big buddhas blue cheese a few times from seed & i veg them till 3ft & they finish at around 5ft & every time iv grown them they been more indica phenos than sativa even tho mine were 5ft they were still compact bushy plants.
barneys blue cheese are more sativa in appereance,they more viney looking plants with long thin sativa leaves.
hope ur grow turns out great.


i have posted couple pics not that great until i get my proper cam bk today i use bio bizz product in veg i only used bio grow and when i switched to 12 12 i use bio grow bio bloom top max and on the 5th to 6th week im going to use abit of pk 13 14 do you have any thing else or any other boosters to use that for bigger buds or more thc and i have 2 600w hps lights both the bulbs are brand new


hi there skillian iv grown big buddhas blue cheese a few times from seed & i veg them till 3ft & they finish at around 5ft & every time iv grown them they been more indica phenos than sativa even tho mine were 5ft they were still compact bushy plants.
barneys blue cheese are more sativa in appereance,they more viney looking plants with long thin sativa leaves.
hope ur grow turns out great.
these are big buddah blue cheese seeds do u think because they have stretched too much do u think will affect the yield or stress the plants