Active Member
Why was the pic removed? It wasn't nudity...
Why was the pic removed? It wasn't nudity...
The mod probably so altar's comment about roofies and it not looking good so he/she deleted it.
I'm still wondering what kinda "women" or young lady would ALLOW u to post such pic, sorry i found the pic horrible and removed it, seriously how old are u OP? Do u not have any respect for ur women or her body? So tacky
Mods are NOT EVER allowed to altar comments, we only delete inappropriate comments and pics. Not here to censor only moderate, but common sense is not common, so mods are required, see how the circle all comes togetherlol
I'm wondering where in riu policy it states you can take it upon yourself to just remove someone's photo because you label it something?? I didn't see the photo and I really don't care that I do but you acted under policy I would assume. it all seems in good nature by the OP and anyone involved in taking/posting the photo. I'm just interested in where this isn't outright personal censorship. And then you pretty much badmouth OP and his woman and question his age.
April I think he meant me, lol. Altar, not alter...
As a mod it is at my discretion. As a person i have the right to my opinion. Considering u didn't see the photo how can u make such bold comments on the subject, lol this makes me laugh, but regarless u 2 have the right to ur opinionsee how that works, adults can discuss things and have opinons
I did not badmouth the op, only espressed my opinion as u just did
She did not allow me to post it. And I don't see how its so horrible. I was probally just as baked as she was when I posted it and every idea seemed like a good idea. Even with me being sober right now I do not see how it was a "horrible" picture. I don't see how it was ageinst any policy either. You saw how she was ok with it...We are all over eighteen here. My gf is 19 I'm 18. There was no nudity...I don't see a problem. Maybe I'm a horrible boyfriend for doing it but my gf doesn't think so and that's all that matters. It was just fun. But I guess there will allows be people with power to take that away. This forum is for high people talking and sharing things. And that's what I was doing.april:7261835 said:I'm still wondering what kinda "women" or young lady would ALLOW u to post such pic, sorry i found the pic horrible and removed it, seriously how old are u OP? Do u not have any respect for ur women or her body? So tacky
I'm 18. I do have respect for my girl and her wonderfull body. My girl is a young lady who has humor and was ok with it being posted. If she were completly naked it would have been a completly diff story. Sorry you found it tacky. I would be surprized if a woman didn't find it tacky or mean.april:7261835 said:I'm still wondering what kinda "women" or young lady would ALLOW u to post such pic, sorry i found the pic horrible and removed it, seriously how old are u OP? Do u not have any respect for ur women or her body? So tacky
April, where exactly was my opinion expressed? I simply asked a few questions and you answer with vague details or none at all. Let me rephrase, where in riu policy on mods does it say you are to use your own "discretion" and remove photos that you find inappropriate?