Would You Fuck This Chick?

Would you fuck this chick?

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would you fuck this chick?

doesn't matter, she wouldn't fuck you anyway.


I can try, though, right?
Omg I have a thing for Russians and mila kunis especially, she's damn sexy and she does modeling. There's an episode of 70s show where she dances on a table in black tights mmmm
Omg I have a thing for Russians and mila kunis especially, she's damn sexy and she does modeling. There's an episode of 70s show where she dances on a table in black tights mmmm

If your talking about her dancing in tights on that 70's show, you really need to watch Black Swan.
i would have voted in the poll if there was a "maybe" option. i don't feel strongly enough either way to say "fuck yes" or "hell no". there's people with actual vaginas who are more masculine than the shim.

on an unrelated note, my google chrome spell check has claimed that "vaginas" is misspelled. it is not. every time i go to post it's something else. what a shitty peice of shit.
The guys who protest the loudest are the one's who want it the most.

I'd be willinh to bet atleast one anti shemale member here has a hard drive full of the freakiest man on man action on the www.
Not me that is fucking sick.....And this is the internet and were pretty much anonymous so im sure anybody who filled up a hard drive full of transvestites would have no problem admitting it on the internet.

I'll admit though if I was locked up life without parole and we were cellys I would get my dick sucked by it lol then rent her out to the block for soups and cigarettes,let them nasty weirdos fuck it.
Oh shit Dots, I just spit my soda out laughing.

i lol'd hard at "rent her out for soups and cigarettes". i think if she had the poon surgery she goes to lady prison though because she would be considered an anatomical female. someone correct me if i'm wrong.

this is a really fun thread.
Who else thinks that it's completely disrespectful and just wrong for a tranny to not let people know that he/she is a tranny?
Who the fuck are they kidding anyway?

Why not just be honest, I'm sure there's straight dudes that actually prefer trannies on some kink fetish shit.

I watched some program on TV where this couple were getting married and right before the groom kissed the "bride" HE admitted to being a guy (how the groom never found this out in bed, who knows)

but that's just fucking wrong. The tranny probably ruined the guy's life.
LOl , if "It" had the female equipment and I did not know, I would have, but if I knew before, it would freak me out and I wouldn't. It's scary though because now they get rid of the Adam's apple and it's virtually impossible to know now. Damn I'm glad I'm in Jamaica, that kind of thing is unheard of here. Best thing is to know your date from her early years to be safe. Oh by the way Total Head, I saw a CSI show where, they sent this "shim" to a male prison because legally they are male and they couldn't send them to a female prison. If that was the case, a lot of lonely guy's would have sex changes and commit crimes and go to a female prison paradise lol.
The way I see it, if "she" is a good enough tranny to fool me all the way to intimacy, she deserves to be drenched in my fluids from the neck up.

I can't believe this thread's still going. That's why I came back in, to say that. And then look what I did... contributed.
The way I see it, if "she" is a good enough tranny to fool me all the way to intimacy, she deserves to be drenched in my fluids from the neck up.

I can't believe this thread's still going. That's why I came back in, to say that. And then look what I did... contributed.
You do such a good job of saying what I lack the testicles to, lol