For all I know smoking ANYTHING is bad for you. It surely isn't good, had you have lived two lives and you spent 1 smoking and the other one NOT, I think you would live longer in the NOT SMOKING life and I mean smoking ANYTHING. I think weed should be legalized, but, am I dumb enough to think smoking marijuana on a daily basis has no harmful side affects? NO! Smoking weed Is Still SMOKING. Our longs aren't ment to smoke things, It may have a pleasant side effect but no physical benefit. I.M.O you should weigh how much you value the time your going to spend in YOUR LIFE against how much you want to spend the little tiny bit of time ahead of you HIGH on RESIN. Do you mind coughing up a lung in front of people by the time your 40? With that being said I just smoked two FAT Nasty resin bowls and I am high as shit. I wont need to worry about finding some BuD till morning. I truly believe that having a Quality life is better then having a Quantity life, then again I was high when I though that so I ALSO think NOT smoking weed until around age 18 is a good Idea. I started at about age 11 and it took me 10 more years to realize I cant reverse the harm I've already done to my body. Marijuana is an AMAZING MEDICINE but still a drug. Im high as shit off scraped resin. Am I proud of it no, BUT I AM NOT A KNOCK. know that. I just get high