Why transplant instead of starting in the end grow container?


Title pretty much explains all, I'm wondering why people don't just start in say a 5 gallon or 3 gallon where they're going to end up? Seems unnecessary to go through the stress of transplanting to progressively larger containers. I do understand for seedlings since most of the time the soil is cut with perlite or something because a lot of soils are too "hot". Educate me please :dunce:


I still don't see why anyone does it, seeing buying organic soil such as fox farms can be pretty expensive why waste the soil?


Well-Known Member
if you dont know the sex of the seed, its not smart to go out and fill a bunch of 5 gals for males. soil costs money, so we use party cups. some also transplant to high p and k soils whenever they want to flower.


So if I'm buying fems and I'm just going to use fox farm soil with 25% perlite and nutrients can I just grow in 3 gallon pots from the germinated seed to the end?


New Member
if you dont know the sex of the seed, its not smart to go out and fill a bunch of 5 gals for males. soil costs money, so we use party cups. some also transplant to high p and k soils whenever they want to flower.

thats the same reason i dont start out in large containers


New Member
So if I'm buying fems and I'm just going to use fox farm soil with 25% perlite and nutrients can I just grow in 3 gallon pots from the germinated seed to the end?

yes u can if u want to
it is all about personal choice


Well-Known Member
You could but why? transplanting takes all of 5 minutes to do.... Being Lazy gets you nowhere when growing. Its not really wasting soil You put the old soil( or root ball) into the new soil. Anyway if you want to use up extra water/nutes then go with a bigger pot from the get


New Member
You could but why? transplanting takes all of 5 minutes to do.... Being Lazy gets you nowhere when growing. Its not really wasting soil You put the old soil( or root ball) into the new soil. Anyway if you want to use up extra water/nutes then go with a bigger pot from the get
and gives u something constructive to do with plants and is fun


For some reason I had a misconception that transplanting the plant is very stressful for the plant, and often kills some... that's why I was so skeptic but it sounds like easy stuff to you guys.


Well-Known Member
thats the same reason i dont start out in large containers
whats up fab
and yeah, i started out a male in a 3 gal this year but i dont really mind males any more, they're just compost or seeds if i breed him. but in fl, growing a male is like growing a felony for nothing hahaha


Well-Known Member
So if I'm buying fems and I'm just going to use fox farm soil with 25% perlite and nutrients can I just grow in 3 gallon pots from the germinated seed to the end?
yeah you can, your veg nutes should last the plant a few months if theyre in your medium. and put a layer of perlite at the bottom of the pots for good drainage. once flower comes around, you can just add guano to your top soil or shake it up in your water. i prefer compost tea.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I had a misconception that transplanting the plant is very stressful for the plant, and often kills some... that's why I was so skeptic but it sounds like easy stuff to you guys.
and if you do it wrong, you could probably do that. i would suggest poking holes in your soil if you try watering them in so you dont smother your roots, if your transplanting the main stem further down spread root gel on the part thats getting covered by soil. when poking holes, stay about 2" away from your main stem to keep from root damage. these holes will help them dry out easier, and inspire new root growth and aeration for the roots. earth worms do the same thing in nature, so it wont hurt them.


New Member
For some reason I had a misconception that transplanting the plant is very stressful for the plant, and often kills some... that's why I was so skeptic but it sounds like easy stuff to you guys.
if done right no harm
turn pot upside down with hand placed on top of soil and slide pot off then place in larger pot but dont forget to turn it back dirtside down
u should even be touching roots so no shock sure it will say hey my home got bigger time to spread out

thats what most commonly mistake as shock it aint shock its just moving to a bigger house


New Member
whats up fab
and yeah, i started out a male in a 3 gal this year but i dont really mind males any more, they're just compost or seeds if i breed him. but in fl, growing a male is like growing a felony for nothing hahaha
go plant it in front of police station at night then call the local news with a anon. tip


Well-Known Member
go plant it in front of police station at night then call the local news with a anon. tip
hahahaha i almost forgot to do that, i might just put a bunch outside the fire station and light it on fire, maybe they'll get baked off whatever thc a male produces