busy bee led's


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Im just curious if anyone has had any experiance with BusyBee LED? They appear to have some good lights at a very reasonable price.. I am in the market for a LED pannel and these look like a great deal but i hate wasting hard earned cash so any info would be awesome!


Have you grown with led before? I have. I converted to mh & hps.
You may want to do more research before you invest a lot of money in led. Now it's been several years since I used led and I hear they have made advances but still do some reading on both. Just a thought.
Thanks Gramps that was useful.. I dont understand why you bother checking the LED threads if you dont like to grow with LED's..

Does anyone else have any USEFUL info on the Busy Bee LED's that im inquiring about?
Thanks for stopping by there Chris. Did you happen to see their Stinger model? Its different than their module type unitsKushman.
Have you grown with led before? I have. I converted to mh & hps.
You may want to do more research before you invest a lot of money in led. Now it's been several years since I used led and I hear they have made advances but still do some reading on both. Just a thought.

I am using led yet, I started with a 300 watts from Light house hydro, the result was disappointing I harvest from 6 plants no more than 70G around 3 ounces. now I am using the 300 watts plus a 600 watts light house hydro. It is gonna be my first harvest but so far i can see a lot of change and probably I will get some around 6 ounces now!!
But the point is I already spent over a thousand with led panels, the truth? If I knew since the begging I was choose a HPS with 600w or 1000 w these lamps are cheap VS the led panels and the result are thousand times better than leds!!

Good luck brah!!!
i am using led yet, i started with a 300 watts from light house hydro, the result was disappointing i harvest from 6 plants no more than 70g around 3 ounces. Now i am using the 300 watts plus a 600 watts light house hydro. It is gonna be my first harvest but so far i can see a lot of change and probably i will get some around 6 ounces now!!
But the point is i already spent over a thousand with led panels, the truth? If i knew since the begging i was choose a hps with 600w or 1000 w these lamps are cheap vs the led panels and the result are thousand times better than leds!!

Good luck brah!!!

Yo man thanks for your input! However, I have to disagree with you because they claim to use true 3w -single chip diodes and offer a 200w unit (that is claimed to actually draw 200w) for under 500 bucks. Now im in Canada but that seems like a good buy.. Has anyone used this make of light? Or any other 3w single chip unit?
Yo Mtx,

Thanks for your advise man, and thats the delema im facing is that its a real toss-up between a 600w hps and the more expensive led's for my stealth armoire. I have weighed all the pros and cons of both types of set-ups but im still leaning toward the LED route for various other reasons besideds quantity. I will do outdoor for that and keep the "low-key" indoor grow as a hobby.. I dont want heat or noise in my bedroom.

sup kush man , ya i wouldnt dabble with those lights they are a rebranded light not sure where from but when they are selling highheeled shoes on the same pages as leds look the fuck out bro haha , come by and check my sig man got some very nice panels from a company called vipar top notch panels man owned a few different models before but this is by far the best , viparled.com , cheers man hey im from canada too , keep on fighting the good fight :D
Yo Cuuurly! Thanks for the tip man! How r those Vipar pannels workin for u? Have you had a harvest under them yet? As for the fight man, the sooner we can get the young people to vote we should be able to scrap this bill c10 bullshit. But lets not stray to politics, that never goes well.. haha keep on keepin on my fellow Canuck!

hey buddy , ive yet to pull a harvest with these panels but veg and even flower so far (im on day 7) has been the best growth ive seen so far and i expect that this will be my most successful run so far with led or even hps :D , also just how well built these panels are is amazing and there sexy too boot haha. man i hear ya on young people voting and that c10 fuck around , stephen harper is a goof i hope he just does what most politicians do in there time in power and that is nothing.
forgot to mention ive used spectras , magnums, and chinese no name panels in the past , vipar blows em out of the water
i used to run a 600w and as far as veg these vipar panels beat it hands down flower is looking it will turn out the same , as far as heat these panels do produce a bit of heat but alot less than hps , my tent sits around 75 degrees used to be around 80-85 and noise on them is not that much they use two bigger fans rather than a bunch of smaller louder fans ive yet to see other panels use this , my spectra had a bunch of smaller fans and that thing was louder than both my vipar units combined! they do make a little noise though but shit i could sleep in the same room as they are in :D no prob
@Curly, I really hope you are great and your harvest and Vipar are gonna stand all the hype, I honestly think that, I do not represent any company at all... I am just getting my hands into diy recently.

Don't you think you are pushing your Vipar a bit too much? You haven't even harvested yet...
Yes they are vegging great and look promising, but you must admit you got quite a bit of power going on in that space?

I understand you prob got the lights for free or with a discount... so you need to advertise for the company....

but here people are spending their money on new panels?

so why don't you cut that down for a while til the proof is the pudding?

Otherwise you are gonna come across not as the nice fella you are, but just as a "too much already seen around" business orientated birds.

Mind, nothing wrong with the fact that you seem honestly in love with your panels!

Take care
cheers junaire nice to meet you finally i have heard good words about you before from a few people and yes i hear your into DIY good stuff man something i would like to look into at some point just dont have the time :D. well were to start , yep your right i do love these panels and yep i got em for free but man if any company wants anybody to go out and do a journal sending a light or two out for free is the least they can do for all that advertisement , what im doing here though is spreading my knowledge of panels with someone who has asked for help like i said before a have used a few different panels in the past and this one is the one that has proven itself best. and just because i got the panels for free does not mean i have to do any sort of "advertising" besides my journal this is me trying to help someone looking for a good panel thats it didnt say he should outright go and buy them i would never say that about any panel , he was asking questions so i was answering. quite a bit of power in that space? i would say 600w is average for a 4x4 space. but again i hear ya jubaire there are alot of shitty sales type people out there but i didnt hear anyone complaining till you came along , check my posts man im no salesman i am simply here tio spread the knowledge of leds and how to grow with them and disprove those who say that leds dont work or cant match or beat hps grows so thats why im here.