So here i am!!

G'day new to the site not new to MJ... By the way awesome site!!! So i started with a few (Top44 X Skunk I) Seeds and some random seeds, They been lying around for years (Don't know the strain of the others) So i planted a few seeds November last year and are going very well with outside sun and they are in big large pots and are moved around with the sun across the backyard all day. Now the top44 X skunk as soon as i put that little bugger seed in the soil a few days later bamm. Its Alive! (I first started planting early 90's so it been a while) Same as for the other seeds but the top44 X skunk grew and grew and flowered very fast and now is in budding with a large cola and branching around down the bottom of the cola, Its been like 5 1/2, 6 months since i put them in soil and it has gotten orange/brown pistils most of the buds are like nearly full of them but i cant tell the color of the trichromes (don't have a microscope or a bloody magni glass) Just by looking at the trichromes there is a sea of them "frosty as" all over the main cola, Now i give the plants nuti's etc etc.. They are very healthy, As for the the Top44 X skunk it started to stink bad in the first 2 months and now is really really smelly, I also trimmed most of the fan leaves, But when is it gonna be ready i don't want to ruin the buds THC. As for the other plant it has now budding and a pungent sweet smell is being released the pistils are very large and not orange or brown but much thicker then the Tops pistils "i have pics but its with a iphone 4 so not the best" so that plant with the large pistils "unknown origin" now for the last one is what i call my runt plant it just made it i thought it was gonna die but them boom it blew up and is like a Bonzi MJ plant, Its got buds growing all over it now, but not ready yet not for a while, So thats my story. This is a great way to learn more and "expand the mind" I will be getting some good better strains soon this is just a starter, Now here are the pics :) :) These first 5 are Top44


The next unknownIMG_1982.jpgIMG_1983.jpgIMG_1984.jpgIMG_1985.jpgIMG_1992.jpgIMG_1993.jpg

And last my Bonzi runt.IMG_1986.jpgIMG_1987.jpgIMG_1988.jpgIMG_1989.jpgIMG_1990.jpg


Well-Known Member
Welcome.. and keep em frosty! I don't trim fan leaves but to each his own.:leaf:
3 weeks anyway.
Good frost, but pistils are still white.

Looks great btw.
Thanks 3 weeks for the top 44 you mean?
The second one you mean, Yes has very much white pistils and is starting to give off a pungent smell too but not the same as the top 44 got a few months to go on that one still.