I ordered Tramadol today


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Lets see here...I get Oxycontin 20mg 4mg dilaudid and 10mg valium each month and I can honestly say I regret it :hump: Shit is a living hell trying to escape your body when its time to detox:hump: I would not recommend opoids unless you don't have an addiction problem:peace:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
and TRAMADOL aka Ultram is what the doctor will most likely prescribe you before you venture on further into the world of narcotics...In other words if your doctor doesn't want to give you a narcotic you get shit like tramadol:hump:


Well-Known Member
Lets see here...I get Oxycontin 20mg 4mg dilaudid and 10mg valium each month and I can honestly say I regret it :hump: Shit is a living hell trying to escape your body when its time to detox:hump: I would not recommend opoids unless you don't have an addiction problem:peace:
Good god zeke,not that it's any of my business & surely not to judge but wtf causes you to get such heavy med's & have you tried other alternatives to the heavy med's.

Ive been through hell & back over the last 3 decades with serious injury's & severe pain from a broken back,3 severly herniated disc's & 3rd degree burn's over 12% of my body so im accutely aware of what these pk's are capable of.

I spent 9 months taking 100mg MS Contin 4 to 6 times a day after getting out of the burn unit so i know how hard kicking that shit is,im just curious if you've tried alternitave medicine,traction 3 times a week & seeing the chiropractor twice a week keeps me off the heavy shit.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Good god zeke,not that it's any of my business & surely not to judge but wtf causes you to get such heavy med's & have you tried other alternatives to the heavy med's.

Ive been through hell & back over the last 3 decades with serious injury's & severe pain from a broken back,3 severly herniated disc's & 3rd degree burn's over 12% of my body so im accutely aware of what these pk's are capable of.

I spent 9 months taking 100mg MS Contin 4 to 6 times a day after getting out of the burn unit so i know how hard kicking that shit is,im just curious if you've tried alternitave medicine,traction 3 times a week & seeing the chiropractor twice a week keeps me off the heavy shit.

Ive been suffering from back issues ever since I got out of the military in 2000..MRI showed 3 fractured disks in lower back...To be quite honest with you....Its because I was intending on getting narcotics, I basically got over on my doctor...Im not saying I dont suffer from pain, cause I surely do:hump:but what I am sayin is I dont really need all of this...I admit I have an addiction problem with opiates....but 1 thing I can say is Its totally in my hands now, I use the meds what there 4 and thats basically it whereas I use to take them because I liked the high....Basically nowadays I still eat my Oxy's 3 times a day and smoke herb....I dont fire the dilaudid like I did years ago nor do I still take the valium but its all here if I need it...

but yes I worked my doctor over into getting what I wanted:hump:

I have kids and will never let these take my life to the point they once did, thus the reason why I highly DON"T recommend them:peace:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
and if it werent for Cannabis, I could not tell you where I would be today..And thats real talk:hump:


Well-Known Member
Traction is the key for back pain bro,i broke my back over 20 years ago then have had massive problems with it since,3 herniated discs & so forth,i get what i want from my pain management doctor whenever i want it,i could get oxycontin by the buckets if i wanted it.

Nothing has helped me more than buying my own traction machine,you strap yourself in & it pulls your spine apart via hydrolic rams ,up to 200 psi,morphine is nothing compared to a traction machine.

Ask your doctor if he will send you to physical therapy & try it once,you'll be a new man,hopefully.
How about those inversion tables? And I saw this thing on tv that you put your legs up on and they say it's supposed to kinda work the muscles around the spine loose. I've got a couple of herniated discs, too, and sometimes I fantasize that I can just reach right through my stomach and rub the parts that hurt.


Well-Known Member
How about those inversion tables? And I saw this thing on tv that you put your legs up on and they say it's supposed to kinda work the muscles around the spine loose. I've got a couple of herniated discs, too, and sometimes I fantasize that I can just reach right through my stomach and rub the parts that hurt.
Nope,not even close,a real traction table is a whole other principal.

Have you taken any physical therapy,if not ask your doc to refer you then ask the therapist for traction,i walked into the therapy joint looking like quasimoto all hunched over & my leg slooping along ,plus being in an assload of pain,the therapist girl told me she was going to give me traction,i had very low expectations of traction & i even told her i'd rather not even do it cause it would make me hurt worse,she assured me it wouldnt hurt.

She strapped me in & for a few seconds nothing happened,then once the pressure got around 200lbs it was like a moment of clarity,i'd been in agony 24/7 for 5 solid months,chewing up oxy's,vocoden's & morphine sulphate's like they were M&M's with no reduced pain, then all at once the pain was gone,it was a scary feeling not to feel the severe pain i'd lived with for that many months.

I walked in with a pain level of 10 & walked out of that place standing tall with a pain level of 2 & it only took 15 minutes,im going to ebay right now to dig you up a link for an auction for one of these machines so you'll know what the home units are.


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks. :) I don't trust the P.T. place I went to after my accident (rear-ended on my bike last September), they made the neck pain so much worse.. I couldn't describe it, it just BURNED, like hell it burned. I do go to a chiro, but he's kinda.. well, people just don't expect much up here. He cracks the back and that's IT. The traction sounds like it would feel SO wonderfully good. I wonder if it'd help my hips, too. After my run up to Tahoe yesterday that right hip was paining me a good bit.


Well-Known Member
tramadol will help combat some of the back pain but will not give you the good narcotic feelings that vicodin do. i mean it will fight the pain a bit but not fuck you up. i believe it is a non narcotic form of pain pills. tramadol is the same as ultram.
masta is correct..and it is kinda like the morphine family. I worked in a pharmacy for 15 years. It is not as good as a narcotic...it is non narcotic. But should help the pain ..unless you have a tolerence built up from the use of a narcotic.....


Well-Known Member
Here's the 1st home unit i bought,it works very well,i paid well over $600 for mine before i got smart & hit ebay.

This unit is for the back & i swear by mine.

Saunder's Lumbar Home Traction Device - eBay (item 110242584738 end time Apr-18-08 22:04:48 PDT)

This unit is for the neck & again i swear by mine,my neck will get so tight that i'll get migrane head aches,15 minutes on the traction & no more headache.

Saunders Cervical HomeTrac Deluxe Neck Traction Device - eBay (item 330228352124 end time Apr-19-08 15:48:57 PDT)


Well-Known Member
I spent an hour or so last night with my TENS unit (GOD I f'ing love electricity), but it can't do everything. Those traction units look like they would REALLY help. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I pick up one of these state gigs (because they PAY). I prefer Dept. of Forestry to Dept. of Corrections, please. :)


Active Member
mate with the tramadol drink a fair amount of water, from my experience they can dehydrate you pretty bad, i took tramadol for an abcess and ended up with intense migranes, went straight back on the co codamol, they basically the same thing just the tramadol has synthetic codine in it with all the good narcotic hit taken out for people who are sensitive to codine or have built up a tolerence. if its for back pain id recomend something from the benzo diazipan family, probably go for valium through the day and temazipan at night for a good nights sleep! these are marketed as tranqs but trust me they do a diasmond job as a muslce relaxant! and go very very very well with smoke!