PAR T5/HPS DWC...FruityChronicJuice*BlueberryGum*BlueCheese* Autohobbit

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Wow, well where do we start??? For those who just happen to be reading through for the first time and are unaware, RollItUp had an issue while updating their systems (theres a sticky under "support" that will explain all) but basically all info from 3-15 back to 2-19 was deleted. yeah fun.

So Im not gonna re-post all the pics again, Ill just give a current update and Im sure you'll be able to compare and see how busy ive been :)


So we'll start with

I took 6 clones each from the BlueBerryGum (Mar3) and the FruityChronicJuice (Feb29)
View attachment 2075464Mar4) View attachment 2075465Mar14)
So 10-14days in and they're mostly still alive, they've started to consume their lower leaves and I can see a tiny bit of new growth on all of the FCJ clones and I think they're ready (although I dont see roots out the bottom yet, I can see the stems knotting and swelling so I know they're developing) so I moved them into the veg box. The remaining 6 BBG clones are going another day or two before joning their cousins in the veg box.
DSC02690.jpgBBG Mar17) DSC02682.jpgFCJ Mar17)
I also put in a 2ft 4bulb T5 panel for my nursery, and havent started using them yet but have an AquaticLife 420/460 bulb and a FloraSun for it, to mix with 2 of the existing 6500k bulbs.

Veg Box
So when you last saw my veg box I had all 4 plants still vegging away, BBG/FCJ/AutoHobbit/BlewCheez? I think I still thought the one I had labeled as a BlueCheese was going to be a genuine BC, however it is clearly a common sativa... female tho, but Ive come to call her BlewCheez? :) Since then Ive moved all but the Hobbit into the flowering box (which you will see shortly...) So for right now I only have the Hobbit and the 6 freshly rooted FCJ clones. The Hobbit is at her absolute peak height before she's too tall for the box and has to go into the flowering box and will loose 6hrs of light per day. She will likely have to go into the flowering box in a few days anyway to make room for the BBG clones.
When you last saw I was using a 4bulb T5 for light, that has been upgraded to a hydrofarm 6 bulb running alternating FloraSun/BlueWaves with a single ReefWave 420nm sidelight for 7 total bulbs (379watts total)
DSC02573.jpgMar4) DSC02688.jpgMar17)

Flowering Box
I previously had only two small plants flowering, both were 12/12 from only a few days old. Since then, Ive added the BlewCheez, FCJ and BBG. So I have 5 total now in the Flowering box. I previously had the 8bulb T5 and the 400wHPS/CoolTube... I am now T5 exclusive... no more HID! I took out the HPS and the ducting for it (I may use the fan for a carbon filter tho) and replaced them with 2 4bulb 4ft panels on either side of the 8bulb.
DSC02614.jpg<- with the 8bulb between these two, FloraSun/CoralWave/Roseate/FloraSun repeated-opposite. I want to repace the Roseate's with RedSun's to give a red boost and to equal the 8bulb which is now PlantGrow/RedSun/CoralWave/FloraSun/PlantGrow/CoralWave/RedSun/FloraSun and makes a nice overall purple hue.
2012-02-28 22.54.02.jpg<- the purple hue of just the top 8bulb panel (no fiji purples either!) *diff cam/cellphone cam

Current Config

My babies!

Kannabia Seeds AutoHobbit*fem





New AC
I had to get a new AC, it was getting close to 90 in my boxes! now its a comfy 78-84 in the boxes and 72 in the room :) $400 14000btu Amana/Haier dual hose unit. Used a Snuggie to wrap the tubes!

th-th-th-th-thats all folks... for now :)

banksy 1.jpg


Active Member
Wow, you've been workin and with much success. The different strains and styles are especially impressive; the bushy BBG next to a GOOD MORNING sativa, and even 12/12 bud. Awesome growing, this is gonna be a fun next couple weeks.

Henceforth, when someone asks "How do I grow different indica/sativa hybrids with T5s?" they will be referred to UCCs Light Tent.

Glad you found a use for your snuggie.

Undercover Cop

Active Member
I made some pretty good budder recently, took a few days alternating slowly heating the butter/bud for about 2hrs in a small pot, then directly into the freezer where it would stay until I had another two hours free to tend it while it slowly thawed and warmed again. I basically warmed/froze it about 5 times (I was in no hurry) then strained it a few times... Good budder. nothing special.
But I wanted to share a way Ive come to dose with it... I was reading about the traditional Indian Bhang Lassi drink, which is a warm milk concoction where the milkfat absorbs the THC and is the medium, then its mixed with different spices and sugar for flavor. Well I didnt have any buds available to mash into milk.
So I tried this... about 3 fingers (1.5-2") worth of whole milk in a glass. Warm it up (I nuke it for 30secs) Add a tea-table spoon worth of sugar, and any other flavorings to make it very sweet. Ive been adding strawberry pancake syrup, but Im sure hot cocoa or hersheys syrup would work well too. Mix well. make sure its still warm, and tastes very sweet. Add one tea-table spoon of budder and mix well. The budder will melt but will still float ontop of the milk since they wont mix. The milk is basically a very delicious couter to the kinda funky taste of straight budder. But you can kick this back in 2-3 gulps, it tastes fantastic, when I use strawberry syrup, it basically tastes like a slightly buttery strawberry milkshake. But since the budder floats on top, thats all you will be able to smell when you drink it. Im not a fan of the green smell of budder so its a little off-putting to me, but it tastes good, and is alot easier than having to cook something up to use budder. takes less than 2 minutes to get a good solid dose, nothing easier except to take a straight spoonful. Sure it might be easier to eat an already cooked edible (brownie/cookie etc) but this way you can be sure of exactly how much you dose, and can add or remove some depending on what you're looking for. My buddy swears its his new favorite way to partake, I still like a clean rip of some kindbud but it definately does have its advantages. I dont drink alcohol, so this is a nice cocktail to mix up when a friend pops in. enjoy!

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Im not particularly religious, but I found some pretty interesting things about the history of cannabis. I forgot where, but I remember reading about how in the book of Abel in the Bible, "keneh bosem" is described as a fragrant stalky plant with curious healing/useful properties "cannabis". Say "keneh bosem" quickly... canna-bosm...cannabis. Again, Im no religious scholor and havent looked any of this up myself, but its not hard to believe. How could a plant so necessary to civilization, from fibers for clothing and ropes, to pulp for paper etc, have been completely glossed over through-out the entire bible... It wasnt, it was referred to by the term "keneh bosem" in several places
In February, 2003, Bennett published a groundbreaking article in HIGH TIMES, "Was Jesus a Stoner?" This article looked at evidence of cannabis use as revealed in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Jesus portrayed in these scrolls is a much different figure than the one that described in the Bible of the Catholic Church. Bennett concluded Jesus had been anointed with a sacred oil by John the Baptist and the recipe for this oil could still be found in Exodus 30:23. In Exodus, Moses is instructed by the voice of God&#8212;emanating from a burning bush&#8212;to mix an oil of myrrh, cinnamon and six pounds of cannabis (&#8220;250 shekels of keneh bosem&#8221;) mixed into about a gallon and a half of olive oil. "The Greek title 'Christ' is the translation of the Jewish term 'Messiah,'" says Bennett, "which in English becomes 'the anointed one' and makes specific reference to the cannabis-based oil described in Exodus. In fact, there is evidence that many of the so-called miracles performed by Jesus and his followers were accounts of actual medical applications of this topical oil."

hmmmm. interesting

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Damn, where'd everyone go?

Anyway, I have 6 FruityChronicJuice and 4 BlueBerryGum clones, all Vegging now, showing healthy new growth :) The BBG are a little smaller and coming along a little slower cuz I cut them smaller, and I think the BBG in general isnt as hardy as the FCJ. I hope it is higher quality to make up for its tempermental nature. I killed off two of the BBG clones cuz they werent gonna make it. But 10 clones... gonna be a big harvest in a few months. I hope I have room....


lol, ok so she's in the dark now for a few days, but before that I decided to trim abit to let the undergrowth get some air. I would let her go a little longer like this to let the under-flowers mature abit but she was starting to throw nanners and the top most leaves and most fanleaves had crisped up and were crumbly... deficiency due to nitrogen starvation for 2+weeks? excess UV? over fert??? Ill never know until I get a few clones that I can compare different conditions vs environments. Anyway, I trimmed her up cuz I couldnt wait to see what was under her clothes! Tell your friends!! the Mari-guaro cactus!

before... far too hot for the desert, like wearing a parka!
View attachment 2051740

after... ahh much better, like she's in a bikini getting a tan under the sun!
View attachment 2051741
View attachment 2051742
View attachment 2051743
Its like a desert sunset!
Your cactus looks crazy how many times did you top?
Auto flowering?
How long did it take to grow?

Just a few of many questions + some rep for ya :]

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Your cactus looks crazy how many times did you top?
Auto flowering?
How long did it take to grow?

Just a few of many questions + some rep for ya :]
Only topped once, during veg, regular unknown bag seed (unknown indica, non-auto) vegged about 6 weeks, flowered abt 9. It just came out like that on its own! Zero stretch in flower, it only added about 3"of bud height during flower. And I appreciate the kind words!


Only topped once, during veg, regular unknown bag seed (unknown indica, non-auto) vegged about 6 weeks, flowered abt 9. It just came out like that on its own! Zero stretch in flower, it only added about 3"of bud height during flower. And I appreciate the kind words!
Oh wow, That's pretty swank. I've never seen anything like it, how much did you end up with again, dry weight? Mind taking a look at my girls some time and giving me some feedback?

Undercover Cop

Active Member
Oh wow, That's pretty swank. I've never seen anything like it, how much did you end up with again, dry weight? Mind taking a look at my girls some time and giving me some feedback?

Lol, Ive certainly never had one like her either. 4oz dry from about 14oz wet. Im almost 100% that she was a Cheese. I did a sniff test... buds in a mason jar curing vs parmesean cheese from my fridge... No difference in odor, only the Mari-guaro was waaaayyy stronger, like smack me in the face strong, otherwise she smelled like parmesean, and smoked smooth like silk.

Undercover Cop

Active Member
What nutes do you run?

Edit - How old is your BBG? Have you started flower yet?
I think I started to flower the BBG on 3/18 but Ill confirm that. She's budding up nicely, little thumbnail sized budletts :) I had to FIM the FCJ cuz she was getting soooo freaking tall, like 3'+. The Hobbit will be ready almost any day now.

I started with GH Flora 3 part liquid series, but I was using so much since I swap out my nutrient solution so often it was getting expensive, so I switched to the cheaper dry powder mix GH Maxi series, Veg/Flower/Ripen, im getting just as good results (gotta make sure to shake the shit outta the jug to mix it well tho...) I also use SilicaBlast, Hygrozyme (when needed), SuperThrive, B1, H2O2, GH PH down, Molasses (at final Flush)

I took some pics last night, Ill post a Pic Update after Im done with my general garden chores for the day


Well-Known Member
why would you prematurely remove any leaves from the plant? where do you think the plant stores its sugar? the water leaves...

Marijuana User

Active Member
Every cell in the plant has a store starch in the vacuole that can make up for the loss of a few leaves until the plant has time to regrow. What do you think happens in the wild say if an animal eats part of it? Its all hydroponic so I would assume the girls would have another drink if they needed to.

Undercover Cop

Active Member
why would you prematurely remove any leaves from the plant? where do you think the plant stores its sugar? the water leaves...
What are you talking about??? The "Marij-uaro" that I trimmed up the day before harvest? The one that I said I knew I would get comments about trimming the leaves off, but that it didnt matter because it was ONE day from chop??

Ive got a few grows under my belt and know what works and what doesnt. Ive grown and left them completely un-touched start to finish, and Ive trimmed/topped/fimmed the hell out of em and got good results from both. Some trimming can encourage new growth and can help with ventillation through the base to avoid mildew and other issues... Sure it may seem counter-intuitive to trim, but have you ever noticed the response from a plant when its topped? Nature lets it recover and even thrive after small trauma's that occur in the wild like when a top gets eaten by a deer or something, they're resilient and will respond well to most types of training/stresses. Some indicas that are extremely short and bushy (like the "Marij-uaro" was) can really benefit from some internal thinning to allow air circulation and to let those deep down buds to get some daylight. Tall lanky sativas that arent choking themselves out wont need the trimming that much.
Im not saying you're wrong, yeah sure they use their fan leaves as storage for essential compounds and to assist with the development of the buds uptop as well as a healthy root system below, Im just saying that a trimming the day before harvest, for the sake of posing for pictures (which I said it was for the pics) isnt gonna hurt anything, nor will a light trimming in an area that is getting overcrowded...

Yo Towelie!!! havent seen you in awhile! Happy Egg Day! got some Hobbit drying :)

Marijuana User

Active Member
Yo Towelie!!! havent seen you in awhile! Happy Egg Day! got some Hobbit drying :smile:
Happy egg day to you as well. Wanna get high? (a few hits later...) I am so high right nowI have no idea what's going on. When you get out of the water you need to dry off right away to avoid catching a cold. That's why Towelie says, don't forget to bring a towel!



Thanks for the inspiration. Just put some SOUR60 in jiffy gonna try the pr0fes light setup for now. Mad respect to you.


Active Member
Awsome grow UCC. I thought I had subbed along time ago but apparently it was right before the hack. Great job though brother!
