Me and poker? LOL
While the theft made no difference to Canada, it is indeed a big bummer. I got myself a nice 4 day weekend and i've been prety much comatose from stress, same kind of thing as happened in January. Can't eat can't sleep can't drink, hell, i can't even take a dump!
Due to the fact that nothing can be proved, me and the folk are looking at getting him out on a breach of contract such as smoking in the flat etc. It is so shit though, this is my home and has been for 3 and a half years, i don't want to have locks on my bloody bedroom door, what kind of home is that! For now everything of value has just been moved into my bedroom leaving him a boring empty flat which seems o have annoyed him, and i'm looking along the lines of finding a new job and home as opposed to just getting him out and finding a new flatmate. I want me a spare bedroom with 2 or 3 tents in it, DST's Dog seeds have been poking me in the eye for long enough now!
Due to the lie of the land around here and a lack of a car, it would be a very very long walk to find a suitable grow site and even then pretty much every bit of green land is fields or well walked national trust land.