My Little Secret


Active Member
Little does any 1kno that in a *secret room*aka GLuRGonia there are 4 brother/sister plants (sex undetermind) who have been quitely growing for about 2 months under a 370 watt heat lamp. Is there anything i can do to make the potency of the weed stronger to have much better pot1.............. lam a retard everything i say is false & is just a figment of my imagination


Well-Known Member
GROWFAQ you should do a little research, as this link will really help you learn the basics, like that you should toss the heat lamp into the garbage can.


Active Member
well what you could do is determan which are male and female. The female grow more bud, male produce more seeds. Get and air flow system gowing and keep the temp at 75% ok and probubly get another light and water it once or twice a week. The water(if you got it from your sink) let sit in an open container for 24 hours. Then add a few drops of liquid grow. Your bud will then get thicker and hevyer so good luck to you and enjoy your bud when it is done growing. oh and keep the male away from the female so you don't cross breed.