It's All Over Folks


New Member
Citizens United will definitely be Romney's ace in the hole.

It'll come down to Obama's stellar campaign groundwork versus Romney's bottomless pit of PAC money in the end.

Brace yourselves television addicts!
Well they both have the same PACS practicaly and they both believe corporations are people apparently, they also both support the banks("WallStreet over mainstreet") despite what they may say and they are also both pro-citizens united so how is this the defining issue at all? Romney and Obama are in agreement on this just as they are in agreement with just about everything.

It is funny how the obama zombies are in total disagreement with Obama on practically every issue but for some reason the side with him? I wonder who is the real racist here? It is not JUST the ones who will NOT vote for Obama solely because is the black guy but the ones who do the opposite. In their actions and affiliations I don't understand how anyone can agree with Mitt Romney or Obama but their words tell an entirely different story, and their identy is more important to some. The truth is that intellecutally philosophy is more important than Identity and idelogy. Actions should speak louder than words but in this case they don't because of statist brain washing appealing to our most primal instincts, pandering.


Well-Known Member
Why are you and some others so anti Paul? Are you a staunch supporter of slavery?
You either support Ron Paul or you support slavery, this is what you suggest. You have been convinced that Laissez Fair has no victims. Capitalism played it's part in history, driving globalization, we can't continue growing exponentially. That sort of "free-market" is as right wing (maintains old hegemony) as it gets. Earth's resources are common heritage of all humanity.


Well-Known Member
Well they both have the same PACS practicaly and they both believe corporations are people apparently, they also both support the banks("WallStreet over mainstreet") despite what they may say and they are also both pro-citizens united so how is this the defining issue at all? Romney and Obama are in agreement on this just as they are in agreement with just about everything.

It is funny how the obama zombies are in total disagreement with Obama on practically every issue but for some reason the side with him? I wonder who is the real racist here? It is not JUST the ones who will NOT vote for Obama solely because is the black guy but the ones who do the opposite. In their actions and affiliations I don't understand how anyone can agree with Mitt Romney or Obama but their words tell an entirely different story, and their identy is more important to some. The truth is that intellecutally philosophy is more important than Identity and idelogy. Actions should speak louder than words but in this case they don't because of statist brain washing appealing to our most primal instincts, pandering.
You were doing okay until that second paragraph. :roll:


New Member
The only problem with free market, Laissez faire capitolism, is that it creates giant governments that this idea opposses, I will acknowlege that but aside from that is the best idelogy if there is such a thing, because in the immediate it gives you maximum liberty, the best idealogies in my view are the ones that grant the smallest government possible.


New Member
You were doing okay until that second paragraph. :roll:
So explain? You said the definig issue is citizens united but you are voting for obama? That doesn't even make sense. Do you even know why your voting for obama? Please try to explain that without using reasons of identity or ideolgy or the exscuse of the lesser evil and you will of earned a pat on the back and justification for typing "You were doing okay untill the second paragraph"...A large percentage of Obama voters are voting for him only because of these types of reasons and nothing else, not philosophy, not the issues..therefore Obama zombies is the appropriate name..the same goes with Romney as well..lets call them gop-zombies.
I hope ron paul takes it to the convention. Split the party both GOP and DEM's and come out a popular vote winner. Show the world and all the U.S. citizens what a sham the voting system is. Because ron paul will not win the electoral. The electoral vote will go to the biggest sell out. It is a sad sad day people.


Well-Known Member
The only problem with free market, Laissez faire capitolism, is that it creates giant governments that this idea opposses, I will acknowlege that but aside from that is the best idelogy if there is such a thing, because in the immediate it gives you maximum liberty, the best idealogies in my view are the ones that grant the smallest government possible.
How does Laissez Faire create big government? Its does precisely the opposite, because in a truely free market everything is private sector.


Well-Known Member
We're doomed regardless of The Big Club's refusal to recognize Ron Paul or Anyone not in the Club. I respect Ron Paul but am curious about his supporters' belief he could possibly win. I voted Libertarian in 3 Pres elections before 08; I believe in voting for who you want to win but never doubted it was only a statement vote like marking None of the Above....


Well-Known Member
Yeah we get a real glimpse of the true mit on mmj in this video.
he said no to a guy who needs mmj, not to his face though. he has no dignity, hes a senseless puppet. hed be the last person to realize the benefits of taxing mj. were fucked if hes president.


Well-Known Member
The only problem with free market, Laissez faire capitolism, is that it creates giant governments that this idea opposses, I will acknowlege that but aside from that is the best idelogy if there is such a thing, because in the immediate it gives you maximum liberty, the best idealogies in my view are the ones that grant the smallest government possible.
Marxism is the ideal idealogy; the problem no idealogy can overcome is when a small group of powerful men use it to control the masses and increase their own wealth and power. Look at christianity. Great message right? The Golden Rule is beautiful. Weather Jesus existed or not, great message yet somehow it is used by a small group of powerful men to strike fear into the masses while demanding unquestioning obedience.
I like small government but there needs to be a safety net and public education (well, a GOOD one) roads, hospitals, etc are nice as well as ensure a thriving society so I will pay taxes for them happily. I propose we throw out every single law and start from scratch. KISS and take our defense budget and make it useful by feeding, clothing, housing and educating every single person here on this planet so that they have no need to attack us thus no need for the Military Industrial Complex. Too simple?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... I despise Romney but have to say at least he doesn't make as his campaign platform belief of State's Rights, along with a promise to not arrest MMJ patients then have his AG declare the end to The Drug War and THEN reign over a DEA slated to arrest more patients than the entire W Administration. Plus he is a major flip flopper, he's likely changed his position on this 5 times since and 10 times by November.


Well-Known Member
Marxism is the ideal idealogy; the problem no idealogy can overcome is when a small group of powerful men use it to control the masses and increase their own wealth and power. Look at christianity. Great message right? The Golden Rule is beautiful. Weather Jesus existed or not, great message yet somehow it is used by a small group of powerful men to strike fear into the masses while demanding unquestioning obedience.
I like small government but there needs to be a safety net and public education (well, a GOOD one) roads, hospitals, etc are nice as well as ensure a thriving society so I will pay taxes for them happily. I propose we throw out every single law and start from scratch. KISS and take our defense budget and make it useful by feeding, clothing, housing and educating every single person here on this planet so that they have no need to attack us thus no need for the Military Industrial Complex. Too simple?
+rep welcome to RIU my friend.


King Tut
We're doomed regardless of The Big Club's refusal to recognize Ron Paul or Anyone not in the Club. I respect Ron Paul but am curious about his supporters' belief he could possibly win. I voted Libertarian in 3 Pres elections before 08; I believe in voting for who you want to win but never doubted it was only a statement vote like marking None of the Above....
i'm doing it as a statement at this point. AND so i can sport one of those "Don't blame me, i voted for Ron Paul" bumper stickers ;)