Cops questioned me.


Well-Known Member
so i was in an accident a few days back and a cop asked me if i was stoned or drunk i said No, then he said that they could smell it on me and i said "well i dont smoke" then they said there going to search the car and me, i then said "search me or the car, i dont care" then she gave me some attitude, and said oh can I.

I havent smoked in months and after all that they didnt search me, they did tow the car off though.(it was underivable)

anybody out there think that sure was just saying that for me to say yes?


New Member
I wouldn't worry about it. Ufortunately sometimes people with authority let it get to their head.:roll:

It was probably just an ego rush for them:?
so i was in an accident a few days back and a cop asked me if i was stoned or drunk i said No, then he said that they could smell it on me and i said "well i dont smoke" then they said there going to search the car and me, i then said "search me or the car, i dont care" then she gave me some attitude, and said oh can I.

I havent smoked in months and after all that they didnt search me, they did tow the car off though.(it was underivable)

anybody out there think that sure was just saying that for me to say yes?


Well-Known Member
had some assholes pull me and some friends and said he could smell it on us... we hadnt smoked that day or in that car EVER... and we were going to get groceries...
it was just bullshit.. its sad.. we let em search, and they let us go after givving us more shit

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
About a year ago I was driving to work early one morning doing the speed limit and drinking my coffee. A motorcycle cop went to pass me, when he go just in front of my door he slowed down and yelled out,, PULL IT OVER!!!!! So i did. He came to my door and said.. Do you know why I pulled you over?? I said no Officer. He replied because you are drinking and driving.. NO Fing SHIT. I said it is just coffee, he replied that does not matter. I replied.. Wow,, officer I did not know that.. I am so very sorry. I will never do it again. He then said, ok, I am going to let you go on a warning. He rode off on his bike, and then I pulled out into traffic.. Sipping on my coffee.

About a month later I asked two cops about this,, they both laughed and said the Pig was just messing with me,, probably in a bad mood or just being a PUNK.


Well-Known Member
About a year ago I was driving to work early one morning doing the speed limit and drinking my coffee. A motorcycle cop went to pass me, when he go just in front of my door he slowed down and yelled out,, PULL IT OVER!!!!! So i did. He came to my door and said.. Do you know why I pulled you over?? I said no Officer. He replied because you are drinking and driving.. NO Fing SHIT. I said it is just coffee, he replied that does not matter. I replied.. Wow,, officer I did not know that.. I am so very sorry. I will never do it again. He then said, ok, I am going to let you go on a warning. He rode off on his bike, and then I pulled out into traffic.. Sipping on my coffee.

About a month later I asked two cops about this,, they both laughed and said the Pig was just messing with me,, probably in a bad mood or just being a PUNK.
geeze wtf is up with cops these days? it seems like they are letting their power go to their heads


Well-Known Member
OMG did i tell you that the cop wrote me 2 tickets, totaling about $470 plus the deductible for the car.
O.O, my friend got off easer then you and he was driving with out a linces and 4 people in his car and all he had to pay is $200 and he lives in Canada


Well-Known Member
LMAO my point so tired of people commenting on what they HAVENT experienced or what they dont know about....

hesay shesay is nowhere near close to the real deal


Active Member
you never get your car searched in AUS for some reason. the only time i got searched was when my car got defected for too many mods.
some of the shit you guys do in the US to your cars is defectable here.


New Member
I've never had anything like this happen to me except one time I went for a swim in the middle of the night. I drove my motorcycle to a man made lake and went swimming. Of course I toked up before and afterwards got on my bike and drove off home.

I always drive with my leathers on and my hair tucked underneath my jacket. (never fit under my helmet...too long)
Well I admit I was speeding but never expected an unmarked car to come after me but it did.

Two cops get out and ask for my drivers licence and I said 'no' that they did not look like cops. For that he told me to take off my helmet and I wouldn't do that either.

They checked out my bike pulled out their badge and again told me to show them my licence and take off my helmet. I took off my helmet and was about to give them my licence but all they were doing was checking me and my bike out.

They then laugh and laugh
don't even look at my licence and take off.

I was pissed at the time but now that I look back...they were out trying to have some fun. and now I even find it amusing.

Never been busted for weed. Touch wood.

Lacy:) and getting back to they let the power go to their head.


Well-Known Member
You're always busting this guy's balls.
ya damn right....look at the stupid shit he says 24/7

look at my sig for an example....he without a doubt always says something that earns its way in the hall of shame in my sig...

for fucks sake he recommended a 'fernus' (his spelling, not mine) i guess he was referring to a furnace fan....anyways....recommended that for cooling a room

not only that....he is suggesting to take the fan off a car radiator.....or a turbo from a car....

like really what in the flying fuck

that is last thing we need, someone who is a noob who is giving more bad advice to another noob....smh