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indy, tives, or brid

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yeah, i kinda get the feeling in the last couple years, that if I went, it would be for the novelty only. talked to a few peeps last year that have judged the event for a while and hands down, they all say CO and CA beats the crap out of Amst. now. and CO takes the crown over CA (this is coming from CA peeps too)
i heard that too eyecandi I had at least a handful of folks from Cali. such as palm springs,los angeles,the bay area and this is coming from growers that moved from Cali. to Co haha
I went to amsterdam for a long weekend for one of my friends bachlor parties and its an AMAZING place to be. You go to amsterdam for the weed, you stay for the women! between the redlight district, sex shows, swinger clubs, and just plain ol' hot tourists there is more Tang in that town then you can shake a stick at. (there is also some other stuff to do there like ummmmm, oh yea great museums, architecture, casinos, landscaping, and people)
Being a Cali grower all my life, I know the market all to well! When it comes to Kush and some of the finest outdoor you will ever see, Cali takes the cake. Colorado is hands down the best for Everything else, even though I am going back to Cali by the end of summer again... Most of what was good in Cali came out here for the chance at a for profit business rather than the typical NPO's and shit. I would stay but there is no room to move excess product from harvests unless you take on some BS patients who want it all free and have no comprehension of what it takes to grow great product, or even what it costs..
By law you cannot profit on cannabis in the state of Cali so, until that changes they will forever call themselves NPO even though we know that the owner labels himself director and rakes in six figures a year. It is bullshit about them being NPO but they gotta get paid somehow for all that work just like everyone else. They dont have laws in place like CO obviously! I just like being able to grow as many plants as I choose and have the option to at least move excess meds to dispensaries rather than sit on an overage that makes me illegal here. Shit is becoming really complicated and I just want to grow my meds and chill.
Don't forget Oregon outdoor and Vancouver in the convo...
1000+ dispensaries in LA City limits alone means there's lots of shady shit going on, regulation there is next to non existent (for now). I've had good and bad bud both here and there (ideally you should get what you pay for). But the patient to patient bud I've acquired out here has far outclassed the limited dispensary bud I've had from disps on the West Slope; I'm sure quality is higher on the Front Range, though I did sample a bunch of strains from a friends stash from the Stanley Bro's closeout sale in Collins and couldn't find one of 8 I really liked.

but if ur not a medical card holder u cant partake in anything in co so thats a bummer and a double bummer about that in amsterdam
Damn that rhino is killin it clobber! one plant? What's the terpin profile?
Tks Chef, it's mostly a single plant but her sisters are showing some of their buds too. As for the profile, I dunno the technical terpin names but the predominant smell in the room is very earthy, though not a Kush earthy. However, when I touch the buds, I get a very sweet, almost orangey, smell released.
Well guys we just crushed 20000 views in this thread, and getting choose to a thousand posts.. Totally awesome wooohooo!!! Love seeing the pics, discussion topics and and helpful advice points y'all keep putting forth! Keep it up, and pat yourselves on the back for an awesome place where we can show off! We wouldn't be here without each other :) next stop 1000 posts :)
Well guys we just crushed 20000 views in this thread, and getting choose to a thousand posts.. Totally awesome wooohooo!!! Love seeing the pics, discussion topics and and helpful advice points y'all keep putting forth! Keep it up, and pat yourselves on the back for an awesome place where we can show off! We wouldn't be here without each other :) next stop 1000 posts :)
Word! Just hit my fifth week so pics of the girls gain starting next week! Nothing to pretty right now besides how frosty all of em are getting. Now if only we could post the smells of our gardens on here with the pic! LOL Like a scratch and sniff photo!!!
Word! Just hit my fifth week so pics of the girls gain starting next week! Nothing to pretty right now besides how frosty all of em are getting. Now if only we could post the smells of our gardens on here with the pic! LOL Like a scratch and sniff photo!!!

lol i shall invent it one day soon :D
So, in lieu of the info on the webpage from the cup website.. I am really considering NOT going because of the info right here that I pulled off the page.....

What?! It’s the Medical Cannabis Cup and I don’t get any free cannabis?
Sorry, that’s a promise we just can’t make, but we do promise you an event celebrating the incredibly diverse and emerging medical marijuana movement, including a two-day cannabis and hemp expo that will feature cultivation seminars with HIGH TIMES editors Danny Danko and Nico Escondido, activism sessions with leaders of the medical marijuana movement and major cannabis celebrities, an all-star awards ceremony, and an unforgettable pot party with surprise musical guests.

Will I get to judge the strains, and vote for the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup?
All ticket buyers will receive a list of Colorado dispensaries participating in the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup. This list will be distributed via email and posted the week before the event. State-sanctioned medical marijuana patients are encouraged to visit those dispensaries on their own and sample each dispensary’s entered strain. At the Medical Cannabis Cup expo, attendees will be able to vote for their favorite strain and a Patients’ Choice Cup will be awarded. The HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cups will be judged by a panel of local expert medical patients in an extensive blind testing. The winners will be announced Sunday evening at the awards show, when the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cups are awarded to Colorado’s top medical marijuana providers.

The HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cups will be awarded by a panel of independent experts based on extensive sampling in a blind tasting. This expert panel will be at the expo on Sunday evening to announce their decisions and award the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cups to Colorado’s top medical marijuana providers.

Yeah, so if you want to sample then drive ALL OVER DENVER to find and Purchase entries which will be expensive as hell. Fuck that. They choose there own judges and control it obviously! I am not paying $40 dollars to look at something and have some supposed professional vote on what is good. This is just a joke really IMO. Fuck it....
So, in lieu of the info on the webpage from the cup website.. I am really considering NOT going because of the info right here that I pulled off the page.....

What?! It’s the Medical Cannabis Cup and I don’t get any free cannabis?
Sorry, that’s a promise we just can’t make, but we do promise you an event celebrating the incredibly diverse and emerging medical marijuana movement, including a two-day cannabis and hemp expo that will feature cultivation seminars with HIGH TIMES editors Danny Danko and Nico Escondido, activism sessions with leaders of the medical marijuana movement and major cannabis celebrities, an all-star awards ceremony, and an unforgettable pot party with surprise musical guests.

Will I get to judge the strains, and vote for the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup?
All ticket buyers will receive a list of Colorado dispensaries participating in the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cup. This list will be distributed via email and posted the week before the event. State-sanctioned medical marijuana patients are encouraged to visit those dispensaries on their own and sample each dispensary’s entered strain. At the Medical Cannabis Cup expo, attendees will be able to vote for their favorite strain and a Patients’ Choice Cup will be awarded. The HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cups will be judged by a panel of local expert medical patients in an extensive blind testing. The winners will be announced Sunday evening at the awards show, when the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cups are awarded to Colorado’s top medical marijuana providers.

The HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cups will be awarded by a panel of independent experts based on extensive sampling in a blind tasting. This expert panel will be at the expo on Sunday evening to announce their decisions and award the HIGH TIMES Medical Cannabis Cups to Colorado’s top medical marijuana providers.

Yeah, so if you want to sample then drive ALL OVER DENVER to find and Purchase entries which will be expensive as hell. Fuck that. They choose there own judges and control it obviously! I am not paying $40 dollars to look at something and have some supposed professional vote on what is good. This is just a joke really IMO. Fuck it....

pretty much why I have decided not to go and invest that $ in some new beans and just go to the private event on 4/20
Yup. My thoughts exactly! Might as well save the $ and make it worth while. Looking forward to the BBQ on 4/20!! Going to be a great time hanging out with the whole crew.