72 days into flowering does this look normal??


Active Member
i dont know if its normal ... but it looks like multiple shoots are swirling around the stem... i would of thought that they would of started too collapse upon the stem to start hardening up to create the bud .. but i dont know maybe im just losing my mind it just looks weird lol


Active Member
Hahaha! I'M INNOCENT! Its the strain ... Its the delicious critical neville haze and the breeder says. Clear in the description of the plant that by the end of flowering the majority of leaves will fall off I promise.. look it up


Well-Known Member
I've never seen anything like this before, but dude sounds like he knows what he is talking about. I think your ready to harvest. Good Luck, and I hope it is some great smoke. At 72 day of 12/12 it better be.


Active Member
Well the breeder notes said earliest should be around 14 weeks... was originally looking at 100 days ... here's a link of a thread i posted a couple days ago.. looking too see if people thought they where done or just anything they had to say about my plants at all... take a look and let me know what you think please
I've never seen anything like this before, but dude sounds like he knows what he is talking about. I think your ready to harvest. Good Luck, and I hope it is some great smoke. At 72 day of 12/12 it better be.


Well-Known Member
looks terrible to me, but I know nothing of the strain..but I wouldn't be terribly impressed with a plant that looks like that...


Active Member
Wow... Harsh... Why.. what looks so bad about em? I'm confused... I'm actually extremely proud of this grow... Its only my 2nd grow and I think they look quite amazing... Why do u think they look terrible??
looks terrible to me, but I know nothing of the strain..but I wouldn't be terribly impressed with a plant that looks like that...
Wow... Harsh... Why.. what looks so bad about em? I'm confused... I'm actually extremely proud of this grow... Its only my 2nd grow and I think they look quite amazing... Why do u think they look terrible??
Yeah I agree man, it's just your second grow. Looking good!!


whats it matter it producing high quality pot lol and it clearly says on the attitute website that when it blooms the leaves drop off they say it happens no matter what you do and its common just stems and bud they're just jealous bro


Looks A1 to me - bud is good and every nugget bearing branch is precious - I like the look, cheers to the cook - when the wannabes are whining, you'll be smoking clean green.



Well-Known Member
Hey bud looks like a kicking sativa!! I grow mr nice critical haze and it puts out thin sativa nuggets of pure rocket fule! Vroom !! Around page three of my indoor grow on my sig or the last page of my outdoor/green house has sum sativa buds ;) dont cut before you think it feels right follow the info you have gathered and keep the nitrogen low ... Looks like a haze to me;)


Active Member
foxtailing and dreaading are references to a similar thing

you nearly killed that plant and then it started buddeing again - like a reveg without the veg
i've seen wonder haze and diesel both do it after a heavy nute shock
all the leaves yellowed and fell off
buds turned like goldish tannish
didn't grow for like 6 days
pistils were still long and thick but rust colored
then the dreads came
HUGE crystals though rofl
good luck man - it's an anomaly... i think