>>>Running with Guns: Pineapple Chunk : 1 Plant : Soil : Stealth Cabinet CFL Grow!<<<


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty healthy to me. You could trim off all of the foliage below the screen, since it won't get much light anyway. When the tops reach the lights and actually touch, they can get heat stressed, which can cause the plant to herm. I had that happen in my 2nd grow. In my 3rd, I tied down the tallest branches to keep them from touching the lights. Later, I also put some chicken wire over the lights so that I could always bend the tall branches away from them. Those things helped keep the heat stress down and the 3rd plant didn't herm.

I'd make them all warm lights, but haven't researched the issue enough to say what's best. There are certain light frequencies that are best for flowering in the warmer range.

You got some nice tops forming there, Gunny.


Well-Known Member
personally i would leave all leaves on at this stage, as they are the life support during flowering, even though they don't get much light, they still contain essential sugars and food for the buds, and because the plants aren't massive, the more leaves, the more growth, keep em cruisin man


Active Member
Thanks for pitching in guys, I decided to replace that bulb with a warmer light :)

As for the foliage below the screen, I'm not going to trim it myself since it already seems to fall off on it's own, guess I'm gonna let her decide when she wants to get rid of these leaves herself ;)

I am 3 weeks+ into flowering, and I have read that at this stage in flowering, it is normal for some leaves to yellow (more so under a screen where no lights are coming through) I have also been told that there is very little I can do at this point to stop the process, as adding in more N at this point is somewhat useless since the plant in Flowering wouldn't be absorbing it at a good rate.

So for the next watering I'm gonna give her molasses, cal/mag from mineral water and and just a light shot of Nitrogen for one last time in this grow.

Thanks for all your support fellas, I'd rep but I need to spread more of it around ;)

Happy Growing!


Active Member
Hi there guys, time for another update :D

She's been doing really well, especially since I gave her another Molasses and N feed with a bit of Cal/Mag yesterday.

Some pics from 3/31/2012 first:


And here are some pics from today - see if you notice any difference:


I feel my buds are still a bit airy.....dunno, they should be swelling more around the end of week 4....gotta wait and see!

how long do you think they still have to go? (LOL I know it's too early to be asking that :P)

Thanks for stopping by and happy growing!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
airy is fine at this stage :) beautiful and healthy, keep those leaves perky and she'll love you back for sure....ages left yet man patience :)

she's just about to start shooting some more hairs out and grow shape, good work! go the lil' cfl's !!!!


Well-Known Member
Probably got another 6 to go bud. Looks just like mine did when I was at the end of my first 4 weeks. I let my last one go 11 but it looked a bit more sativa-ish than yours. Id say 6. As soon as you see your first hair go orange you got another 3-4...


Active Member
Hello people,

All is well it seems, gave her a feed with some cal/mag, and flowering nutes which consisted of 05.ml/liter Atami Bloombastic and 0.4ml/liter Micro. This is her first flowering dose as she goes into week 3 of flower., so it will be interesting to see her reaction in a few days. from here on I'm planing to start upping the doses progressively.


Cheers and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Looking great GunRunner .... I'm sure she will like the nutes . I know mine are getting really stinky I'm sure yours is too, almost overpowering my carbon filter lol

happy growin


Active Member
Looking great GunRunner .... I'm sure she will like the nutes . I know mine are getting really stinky I'm sure yours is too, almost overpowering my carbon filter lol

happy growin

Nice to see you here again bro :)

She sure does,

I'm just curious, how often do you guys water / feed your plants.

So far my watering schedule has been to water every 4 or 5 days when the pot feels very dry, and I'm feeding her with every-watering. Should I alternate, give her just water and feed the next time around? or can I keep on giving her food every 5 days. Note: I avoid using full strength doses most of the time.


Well-Known Member
I use a wick system so I water/feed every other day, but when I used to top water it was nutes every other watering ..

happy growin


Active Member
Well I just did something that maybe I shouldn't have done at this stage, but fcuk me I'm curious :D

I just cut off a couple of popcorn nugs off the plant and put them to dry...I'm just curious to know how my immature bud tastes like and feels like, and will keep you posted on it tomorrow, or tonight if i oven dry it....

I know I know......that I gotta be patient and all..... but look I just wanna know aight? :D

PS: My fingers were slightly sticky after handling the mini nugs and I noticed a light glitter on the leaves of some of the larger nugs.....I'm optimistic ^^

Cheers guys!


Active Member
Hey folks......

To be totally honest and not mislead myself with wishful thinking: I gotta say I wasn't impressed with the little bud I dried and smoked. I let it air dry for two days and although I was mentally prepared for the bad green taste (of immature Bud). I only managed to get a light buzz that quickly faded (Granted I was high on Lebanese blonde hash a couple of hours before that......So I dunno.......wait and see I guess.

I'm at day 79 today, with 38 days into flowering.
Still got 18 days to go to reach Barney's Farm's time frame. but I already know from other people's experience that it's gona take longer than that.

The waiting is killing me :D

Happy growing buddies!


Hey, man. I just found your journal and read through it today. It seems to be looking good, of course that's coming from a complete layman.

It's nice to see someone else who's having to grow in a short box. I should hopefully be starting me a little grow very similar to yours in the future. Most likely something in the 35"Wx14"Dx24"T. I was more than a little worried about growing in a short box, but seeing your grow has really reassured me.

Keep up the good work!


Active Member
Hey, man. I just found your journal and read through it today. It seems to be looking good, of course that's coming from a complete layman.

It's nice to see someone else who's having to grow in a short box. I should hopefully be starting me a little grow very similar to yours in the future. Most likely something in the 35"Wx14"Dx24"T. I was more than a little worried about growing in a short box, but seeing your grow has really reassured me.

Keep up the good work!
Hi there, thanks for stopping bye :)

It does have it's challenges, but it can be done, I guess you could manage most strains in there, some with a little bit more work than others.
I would recommend a slightly shallower and wider pot than your standard pot, as big as you can fit in the space you have. You will definitely have to ScroG it in there so don't veg for too long, I did the mistake of vegging for 40 days, but I had to re-veg after an accident with the plant. 12/12 from seed sounds logical here. Put as much light in there as you can afford to exhaust it's heat in there and set your screen low and early.

But honestly, I think that doing micro grows like this are the same amount of work as growing 2 to 4 plants under more relaxed conditions. well, again sometimes you don't have another option.

Hit me up when you start your journal mate!
and happy growing :weed:
Hey Gunny, I just checked out your thread for the first time in a couple of weeks. VERY nice SCROG work there, bud. Tops are looking nice.

Don't worry about the bud sample not being very potent at this point. (And really, did you expect to feel very much after smoking hash only a couple hours earlier? Tsk, tsk... patience!) The remaining buds will build up resin and potency over time. I can guarantee that. I harvested around 60 days and that was too early, partly because my plant had some health issues along the way. But I used hydro, which is supposed to be faster. You just gotta go by the color and cloudiness of the trichomes to know when it's time to harvest. Those buds will bulk up a lot by the time she's ready.


Active Member
Hey Gunny, I just checked out your thread for the first time in a couple of weeks. VERY nice SCROG work there, bud. Tops are looking nice.

Don't worry about the bud sample not being very potent at this point. (And really, did you expect to feel very much after smoking hash only a couple hours earlier? Tsk, tsk... patience!) The remaining buds will build up resin and potency over time. I can guarantee that. I harvested around 60 days and that was too early, partly because my plant had some health issues along the way. But I used hydro, which is supposed to be faster. You just gotta go by the color and cloudiness of the trichomes to know when it's time to harvest. Those buds will bulk up a lot by the time she's ready.

Hey there mate, thanks for stopping by ^^

you're absolutely right man, gotta be patient! Good bud takes time and experience!

They are already starting to produce more and more resin, and the buds, although not as big as I would like them to be, are dense and compact :D

Time for an Update!


Active Member
It's 420 time!!!!


It's been a while since I posted an update, and looking at the calendar today seems like the best time to do one ^^

First the good news:
She has been packing some more weight, the buds are heavier, denser, compact and are starting to get frostier :)
Lately I have been giving her Molasses, I also started on the flowering nutes.


Now the BAAAAAD news:(
Seems I'm constantly being plagued by deficiencies :/
From what you can make out in the pics above, I suffered from N deff, and seems that the problem is still persisting.

I'm sure that N is not the only concern here, take a look:


As you can see from below the canopy, all lower leaves are long gone, middle leaves are almost gone, things have been slowly decaying and falling off on it's own, no matter what I feed her....I even give molasses to make sure she takes up as much as she can from the soil, and to prevent salts buildup I always water until 20% of the water volume comes out the bottom.

I got red stems (not the main stalk or branches, rather the stems connecting the leaves to the branches), yellow tips and slightly pale green leaves (while younger leaves are maintaining a dark green color), I even have a couple of leaves with Necrosis.

Take a look at the dead leaves I removed just now (there were non 9 days ago....) They look as if burned, necrotic, dry and crumbly....the blades have curled up if that means anything....

I got two branches from below canopy level that are completely yellowing, necrotic and I'm pretty sure they wont make it.

Here's what I'm thinking, this can be a P/K deff now, with a Magnesium deficiency.
What do you think? I would be very grateful to hear your diagnosis :)

I need to fix this urgently! I'm at day 44 of Flowering and she seems like she still has at least another 20 days to go (At the minimum as I feel that even at day 60 of Flowering it would be too early to chop chop:/), But I am starting to have doubts that she will make it to the end.....Might have to chop early :/

