Active Member
if its from TH Seeds then its MK ultra crossed with S.A.G.E.What is MKage.. I got a freebie as well and wondered what the hell it is?!
if its from TH Seeds then its MK ultra crossed with S.A.G.E.What is MKage.. I got a freebie as well and wondered what the hell it is?!
Same thing happened to me bro, it sucks. With Crohn's disease I've had so many endos and colos it's frightening. It takes me about three times the regular sedation, and I don't even feel it anymore. Wide awake through the entire thing. Then once they wheel me into recovery the fentanyl and xanax kick in and I can't remember the next two days. I remember everything about the procedure though.Guys... it was an endo & colonscopy. Its not like they did open heart surgery.... but still. Extremely painful. I was vom'ing too... couldnt breathe through my nose... I think I passed out once too.
I've had seeds of the same strain take 72 more hours to germ/sprout than their sistersHatton; the seed wont even crack. Its in a baby "spit-up" towel (soft fabric) thats damp and easily 70-85 degrees in there. Humidity and always damp (never the same standing water). So Ive got a bitter taste in my mouth about them. All my other seeds have cracked... I dont get it =P obv its not me... if all my other seeds popped in 24-36 hrs max.
ya it just goes by your time zone. says his post was at 1:20 am for me.i hope u were smoking if you were up at 420 in the morning hahah i guess u may be in a different time zone, im in central us time so ur post was at 420!