Dr. greenthumb seed review!

Regulars from Crosstown Traffic, the head shop I mentioned in Ottawa might be able to verify some of this. The owner of the shop, Mike, is well-respected and could probably verify it. Chimera says you'd never see him up on stage or whatever accepting an award or whatever. That is not because he's modest, it's because he's secretive and if people knew who he really was they'd know the truth. I dare say a lot of people who hung out at Crosstown didn't even know he was Chimera. Because I sold him smoke I was welcome at his moms house and I swear every word is true.
Okay thanks for that. If you say it's true I guess I'll take your computer words for it;)

Wyteberry, I have read a lot of your posts over the years and know you are one of the most honest guys around. Rep to you. I am not trying to sell you a story and I am not trying to stir up trouble, I am just telling it the way it is. Chimera has a lot of book learnin and he may even be a half decent grower by now and he may even be doing his own breeding now but when I knew him a few years ago it was all bullshit and all about selling seeds. When I said he grew the odd clone he got from somone and that he didn't really know how to grow, that's the way it was. He talked a good game on the phone but he was no grower and certainly no breeder. If he picked up his growing game in the past couple of years good. He doesn't rip people off. You do get seeds. He's just was not a breeder when I knew him a few years ago and I find it impossible to believe he is a breeder now.
Thanks.. I believe you and I'm taking your word for what u say.. I said computer word because we are not actually talking but typing lol.. But I do believe you man.
If Dr Greenthumb stood behind his products with proper customer service, maybe instead of trolling us with new accounts from the same computer all the time (duhhhh), they could sponsor rollitup and participate in the forums with advice, help, and troubleshooting.

But they dont, they sit at home and spam us.
If Dr Greenthumb stood behind his products with proper customer service, maybe instead of trolling us with new accounts from the same computer all the time (duhhhh), they could sponsor rollitup and participate in the forums with advice, help, and troubleshooting.

But they dont, they sit at home and spam us.

Doc always answers emails an calls.
You ever tried getting customer svc from attitude?

Those "spamers" are acutually folks who like his seeds...
If Dr Greenthumb stood behind his products with proper customer service, maybe instead of trolling us with new accounts from the same computer all the time (duhhhh), they could sponsor rollitup and participate in the forums with advice, help, and troubleshooting.

But they dont, they sit at home and spam us.

He probably don't wanna sponsor riu cause he already has enough business.Also I've read on here plenty of people getting replacement packs from him,Attitude don't do that.
Doc always answers emails an calls.
You ever tried getting customer svc from attitude?

Those "spamers" are acutually folks who like his seeds...

Yea, the spammers are greenthumb. That was the point. :)

I cant comment on Attitudes customer service, never needed it. Everything they sell is as advertised. Greenthumbs on the other hand, well thats been discussed.... <G>
Now is all that necessary ?
U like gc then go there no problem.. Just to let you know every forum has a troll.. But kitty is speaking her mind not calling u a name so y u feel the need to do so?
exactly. im just not gonna sit back as kitty beats the dead horse which is...issues with GT. The majority of the people in this thread have said they were happy with his gear. because she is so great, she thinks she should keep dropping her nonsense here like once every other month...even though she has grown out 1 strain from him. lmao. do i diss dna because chocolope was shit...no. so why does she think she can diss GT repeatedly b/c she fucked up 1 pack of 1 of his strains.

cuz i grew endless sky when i was a newbie and have people comin back to this day and asking me to grow it again.
exactly. Im just not gonna sit back as kitty beats the dead horse which is...issues with gt. The majority of the people in this thread have said they were happy with his gear. Because she is so great, she thinks she should keep dropping her nonsense here like once every other month...even though she has grown out 1 strain from him. Lmao. Do i diss dna because chocolope was shit...no. So why does she think she can diss gt repeatedly b/c she fucked up 1 pack of 1 of his strains.

Cuz i grew endless sky when i was a newbie and have people comin back to this day and asking me to grow it again.

lmao !! I would bitch too but not if it was my fault.... Like i said lessons have to learned !! I bought a 10pk of plushberry and i havent grown in like 6 yrs and i fucked up that whole pack !!! Shit sucked but it was my fault !! I forgot how much attn they need !! Lesson learned...lol
and therein lies my point...if she was such a great grower...or even just very experienced, she would know that a breeder cannot be judged by 1 pack of anything...

this is why i conclude that she has some kind of alterior motive for trashing GT repeatedly...and the only time i come back is when i see her dissing GT again and again about the same pack from so long ago.