Dr. greenthumb seed review!

You know whatt would eliminate all this contraversy?doc.should give a couple packs of seeds to the 5 topp posters,or topguys with the most completed grow journals....they could journal the grows,smoke reports and then we would all know.I do want to try his gear,but I don't know who's spamming and who's not........like you can't say that ogman isn't affiliated with the doc because he is and I know that for an absolute fact!sme with chemdawg......don't try to tell me its not ntrue cause I KNOW it is!!how else could he know what the doc said to one another on a private phone conversation......

He did this a year? or two? ago, on rollitup. It was called "The Dope" when it was introduced. I didnt follow the journals, but they are here and you'll see them via our magical search box. His doing that is what made me try his genetics, we tried five of his strains. Endless Sky was the most disappointing because of the lies about flower time and yields and his coverup of losing the right mother to make the as-advertised seeds. The rest were just "meh" with better results coming from genetics from trusted breeders not to start adding other names to the mix. For the money, you must be on crack to try his seeds. Or be a fool like I was. :)
I've tried 2. One good, one bad.
When it comes to price, time, and effort. The bad stings a little more. I will have the dope for a pretty good minute though, so she will have to pay for both.
I've tried 2. One good, one bad.
When it comes to price, time, and effort. The bad stings a little more. I will have the dope for a pretty good minute though, so she will have to pay for both.

Could you elaborate on how good the dope is and also which strain blew?
The dope is pretty good. I like the effects, flavor, and smell. It puts me in a bubble, and really makes my brain race from one thought to the next. No couchlock.

The Big laughing was far from advertised.

I journaled the dope,(I think I did big laughing too)

I am not affiliated with Greenthumb, and not looking to shine any poles, but I do like the dope.
A local breeder in my area has been doing this method for a while. He will give anyone 10-12 seeds or so, and 8 outta 10 times peoples come back wanting to GIVE monies to say thanks and to possibly try other different varieties.

Its amazing how well word of mouth spread the positive word. Its true business, not a con mans game.

He also makes case to never sell seeds. Not to a distributor, or wholesaler. What monies people give him is a THANK YOU not a sale.

IMO, its much more honorable than just playing the numbers game for the sake of profit. Greed is what keeps 99.9% of "breeders" in the back pocket of seed banks. If they truly cared for the plant and for a ill person who can benefit from the genetics, they wouldn't be trying to make a dollar at all, they would be trying to show true human compassion that has not been railroaded by a Dollar Bill. Compensation for cost of production comes from the heart, not a pocket!!!

The majority of seed sales in the WORLD is by means of MANIPULATION of Legal Statues. Without these LAWS there would be NO GREEDY DESIRE to sell seeds. Merely taking advantage of a legality . Living in grey rather than black and white, and enjoying so all the way to the bank. Sad, but true.

Just my .02
hope green thumbs hears me out. I had 4 iranian auto that didn't grem and 1 that was strong the rest were about three days slower. So just went out and checked.......1 out of 7 sprouted:( not to happy. I just put 5 of my freebies in from last years March give away from Attitude(nl auto, dark star, kushage, bermise kush) same germanation Techniques, All the freebies germed and sprouted so it wasn't that. Never have i had failure like this before 1 out of 10. I will give the Dr a call tomorrow and hopefully work things out:) the lady i talked to on the phone said to return the seeds but i dont have the four that didn't germ and i already mixed up the soil and put in the freebies in the buckets the iranians were in...5 anyways. so i could maybe find 3....lol this isn't going to be pretty
hope green thumbs hears me out. I had 4 iranian auto that didn't grem and 1 that was strong the rest were about three days slower. So just went out and checked.......1 out of 7 sprouted:( not to happy. I just put 5 of my freebies in from last years March give away from Attitude(nl auto, dark star, kushage, bermise kush) same germanation Techniques, All the freebies germed and sprouted so it wasn't that. Never have i had failure like this before 1 out of 10. I will give the Dr a call tomorrow and hopefully work things out:) the lady i talked to on the phone said to return the seeds but i dont have the four that didn't germ and i already mixed up the soil and put in the freebies in the buckets the iranians were in...5 anyways. so i could maybe find 3....lol this isn't going to be pretty

good luck bro
Researchkitty is so far up Attitudes ass that she'll outright lie for them. Researchkitty's notion that dr. gruber, joeblow and ANYONE who like greenthumb's work is actually greenthumb is laughable...if it weren't for the fact that Kitty is a mod here and that alone commands a certain amount of credibilty; that and the fact she is deliberately misleading the community. What a disgrace. This is exactly the kind of stuff that gives Rollitup a bad name

I love how people come on with 17 posts and start criticizing a mod, especially Kitty. Dr. GreenTHumb is a greedy putz, and is only out for your cash. There are many complaints about poor germination, his web site is full of inaccuracies, his customer service is the WORSE- and he's a nasty old bastard. Yeah, right I can't wait to send you more money! Attitude is only a re-seller and they are generally reliable, with a great selection and decent prices. I've gotten all but 1 order (maybe out of 12) and they resent the missing order promptly. I've always found researchKitty to be professional and courteous, and very helpful to those who need it. So pot.whisperer, you're a schmuck who doesn't have a clue what's going on.....
All breeders do it for the money.
If you want there seeds you got to pay.
I don't expect em to do it for free.
I send doc cash, wouldn't dream of doing that with attitude.
I won't even give em a credit card cause it prolly would be by their employees.(happened to several I know).
And they no longer take prepaid cc.

Attitude gouges there breeders an only gives em 1/3 of what they charge.
I support the breeders and buy direct.
NICE!!!!!! the dr heard me out and sent another pack of seeds. Iam so lucky!!!! could have been out $150...... very impressed with the customer service. Just be honest. I will def be a repeat customer.....Thanks Dr Green Thumbs:)
If Dr Greenthumb stood behind his products with proper customer service, maybe instead of trolling us with new accounts from the same computer all the time (duhhhh), they could sponsor rollitup and participate in the forums with advice, help, and troubleshooting.

But they dont, they sit at home and spam us.

Ah, Researchkitty may not have been around then but I remember well when Dr.Greenthumb was banned here for life for posting a photo of his OG Kush
Guess ( Attitude) the competition couldn't take it
never posted her but after reading this thread i just thought id post my experience
about 9 months ago i ordered og kush ghost seeds and east coast sour diesel seeds from the dr Greenthumb
it cost 350 dollars for them because at the time the ecsd seeds were 200$ and as always the shipping was free...
i called the phone number on the website and talked to a lady who was nice enough and straight forward( i was deffinently the shady one in the phone call :-P har har.. when she picked up she didnt say "dr greenthumbs" or anything and i could hear kids in the back ground...so i didnt know if it was the right number...but it was and it all turned out good) she assured me they were legit. and told me how to place my order
i sent 350 cash to their address in canada and about 10 days later i had my seeds.. im in the NW usa by the way.
so after waiting a few months i popped 3 or each strain using the paper towel method and then planted them into big peat pucks( all 6 popped and grew very uniform)
now after being in flower for 5 weeks or so they are both looking spot on in every way...
both strains stretched alot and are very tall but thats all my doing and i knew it was going to happen going into it.. i didnt have room in flower and i dont like topping new seeds the first time .. i like to see how they grow natural or im sure i could have easily bushed them up
both strains are smelling exactly like their clone only parent... cant say enough in this aspect as smell and taste are very important to me .. almost more so then hightype..:lol:
both are looking to be uber crystally and extremely heavy yielders and both strains are 1000% hermie free with almost no variation within the strains.
very happy to say i cant find one damn thing to bitch about when it comes to the doc.
i dont mind one bit paying 200 dollars a pack when i get such a great representation of an elite clone...especially when their is such little variation...you only ever need to sprout one at a time .. 11 of these could vary well last me a lifetime.
i say more power to him.. u want the best u pay for it.. keep em comin doc

also keep in mind i am completely unaffiliated with the doc or any breeder/seedbank for that matter and strictly grow for myself so i put a much bigger emphasis on dankness then i do on yield or anything else.
good day all
never posted her but after reading this thread i just thought id post my experience
about 9 months ago i ordered og kush ghost seeds and east coast sour diesel seeds from the dr Greenthumb
it cost 350 dollars for them because at the time the ecsd seeds were 200$ and as always the shipping was free...
i called the phone number on the website and talked to a lady who was nice enough and straight forward( i was deffinently the shady one in the phone call :-P har har.. when she picked up she didnt say "dr greenthumbs" or anything and i could hear kids in the back ground...so i didnt know if it was the right number...but it was and it all turned out good) she assured me they were legit. and told me how to place my order
i sent 350 cash to their address in canada and about 10 days later i had my seeds.. im in the NW usa by the way.
so after waiting a few months i popped 3 or each strain using the paper towel method and then planted them into big peat pucks( all 6 popped and grew very uniform)
now after being in flower for 5 weeks or so they are both looking spot on in every way...
both strains stretched alot and are very tall but thats all my doing and i knew it was going to happen going into it.. i didnt have room in flower and i dont like topping new seeds the first time .. i like to see how they grow natural or im sure i could have easily bushed them up
both strains are smelling exactly like their clone only parent... cant say enough in this aspect as smell and taste are very important to me .. almost more so then hightype..:lol:
both are looking to be uber crystally and extremely heavy yielders and both strains are 1000% hermie free with almost no variation within the strains.
very happy to say i cant find one damn thing to bitch about when it comes to the doc.
i dont mind one bit paying 200 dollars a pack when i get such a great representation of an elite clone...especially when their is such little variation...you only ever need to sprout one at a time .. 11 of these could vary well last me a lifetime.
i say more power to him.. u want the best u pay for it.. keep em comin doc

also keep in mind i am completely unaffiliated with the doc or any breeder/seedbank for that matter and strictly grow for myself so i put a much bigger emphasis on dankness then i do on yield or anything else.
good day all

All the haters are gonna say you are the doc.
so you came across this thread with zero posts huh?some of you guys are fucking jokes.the only way you came across this post is by a google search....so you decided to join riu,and the only post you make is this one?and yoyu want to be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain?tell me why so many of you doc lovers come on here with 20 or less posts.....
so you came across this thread with zero posts huh?some of you guys are fucking jokes.the only way you came across this post is by a google search....so you decided to join riu,and the only post you make is this one?and yoyu want to be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain?tell me why so many of you doc lovers come on here with 20 or less posts.....

Hey Chongs,
I hear you but if you go by that criteria you have to use it both ways. The OP of this thread and many other Greenthumb bashing threads often have very few posts and none of the Greenthumb Un-supporters ever seem to notice that when complaining about low post counts.
Just saying it is a 2 way street and if you or I use that as evidence its going to come right back at us.
yeah ur right abiout that gruber....
in the end im a stnd up guy and its my opinion that hes not even close to being totally trustworthy.when a guy like you withj lots or credit and posts i listen or read because its a respect hing,in fact the only way id ever try his gear is because of guys like you who know their shit and just like to grow great genetics.but when a guy comes in with 1 post....i mean cymmon,i will never take anything you say seriously!to me the guy is a spammer who did a google search.
Chongs, that logic is why I sent in the $200 and tried for myself. Now, I am a repeat customer.

I have a hunch, that if the doc sold his gear to the seed banks for $30 a pack, then a lot of the few-post-haters would disappear. (And those packs would still be $200. lol)
How do u order ? It's says send a money order but were to I list the seeds that I want an am I posed to place the printable address papaper in the envelope too .. I know I must sound dumb but I want to be mistake free wit send 150 bucks