Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012

how is letting someone keep more of their own money "spending"?

explain that one for me, genius.

What was the debt before the bailout? What was the unemployment rate? What are they both at now? Who's gonna pay all this back? Time for another stimuless, that will fix it.
What was the debt before the bailout? What was the unemployment rate? What are they both at now? Who's gonna pay all this back? Time for another stimuless, that will fix it.

the job loss numbers turned around shortly after the stimulus was implemented and we are now adding jobs every month.

but if fox news says it didn't work, you keep beating that drum. it's a free country, and you are free to believe in whatever idiocy you see fit to believe in.
it's not theirs if they filed a W2 or whatever form you fill out to start a job or business, which is a completely voluntary action.

Voluntary? If we opened up a bussiness and tried not paying taxes, our place would be padlocked and sold for all the penalties no? How does someone do that and not pay taxes? We are a for profit bussiness.
Voluntary? If we opened up a bussiness and tried not paying taxes, our place would be padlocked and sold for all the penalties no? How does someone do that and not pay taxes? We are a for profit bussiness.

is anyone putting a gun to your head and telling you to sign the W2?
is anyone putting a gun to your head and telling you to sign the W2?

Its not a W-2 its articles and other forms which our lawyer filed initially. What is tax evasion then? Show me how I dont have to pay taxes and I will split it with you, serious offer. Legally of course.
Voluntary to the point where if you don't fill it out you get in trouble.

or you just don't get the job because you didn't fil out the form, which is not getting in trouble, it's not getting a job.

baffling, i know. o'reilly is on soon, maybe he can tell you what to say next.
if i had to guess, i would say moses is from texas. a lot of dumb people come from texas, it is just a byproduct of that state. of course, there are some smart people from texas, but it's really the exception rather than the rule.
Cmon I thought you were serious. I been working all my life. How can an American citizen work for money, support their family from it and not pay taxes? Without it being tax evasion

abscond to the woods? join the amish? flee to somalia?

if you're going to enjoy the benefits of the greatest nation on earth, you can't be a free rider. you've got to share in footing the costs of the land of opportunity.
if i had to guess, i would say moses is from texas. a lot of dumb people come from texas, it is just a byproduct of that state. of course, there are some smart people from texas, but it's really the exception rather than the rule.

Wrong again. Stop pretending you have knowledge about me you havent been right about any of this stuff. No big deal. Nobodys right all the time.
Come on buck, just answer one question. If the all mighty stimuless is so great, why not do more of them? It's a simple question really. Take a break from being an asshole to Moses and stop ignoring the question.

i would suggest you pick up a book on how keynesian economics works.
or you just don't get the job because you didn't fil out the form, which is not getting in trouble, it's not getting a job.

baffling, i know. o'reilly is on soon, maybe he can tell you what to say next.

I wanted to watch Olbermann, but hey...