Kidney Stones?


Active Member
Does anyone here use MJ to medicate kidney stones? I realize kidney can vary A LOT in how much pain they induce, so I'm talking mostly, minor-medium pain, not that, buck wild no hold bars cry like a little girl on the bathroom floor type of pain (if there's some bud I could smoke to get rid of that, I'd be AMAZED! (and very, very, very grateful)).

I suppose it could be comparable to most other types of pain, but I'm not sure, as it's non-muscular.

So, from experience, what would some of you say would be the best strains for pain? Especially kidney stones, if anyone has experience with that, i'd appreciate any advice.

And before I have a bunch of people telling me I should go get them blasted with an ultra-sound to make them smaller, I don't have insurance and doing that costs about $1200+ each time (I'm a humble man of little means).
Ok, I will not tell you to go have them taken care of.
But when you start to pass the kidney stones, if they are big enough, you will be begging someone to take you to the ER. If your lucky they may be small and you can pass them.
Weed can only do so much for pain.
This is your grandpa talking I hope there small cause if there big weed is not going to make a difference!
Never had em myself, but my brother has, and he drank himself silly for a few weeks and pissed em out.
But when you start to pass the kidney stones, if they are big enough, you will be begging someone to take you to the ER. If your lucky they may be small and you can pass them.

Oh, I know, trust me. I know when they get bad enough, there's nothing I can do but go to the ER. Last time I ended up at the ER I ended up with a kidney infection and was going septic cause it was blocking my kidney up (like that dude from deadwood, lol, I had piss up to my eyes).

I was just hoping for some advice on pain management that aren't that big, the ones I could pass myself at home. I usually just take a bunch of ibuprofen, but because I'm worried about my kidney/liver, I rather not do that anymore.

Thank god I finally nailed a full time job with benefits (after 90 days). In 91 days I'm gonna make an appointment to get them blasted by an ultra sound, and frankly, I can't wait!
my ol lady has kidney stones and you need to realize that in order to maintain a healthy life you have to maintain a healthier lifestyle.. she loves espresso and caffeine is a huge contributor to kidney currently an EMT-B, not a paramedic or dr, but in 35 yrs i have read and studied alot of health notes..
In case with my woman, we monitor her caffeine intake and keep her hydrated, this seems to be combatting anymore trips to ER in last three yrs...
Also, if you feel them coming on, studies have shown to have a couple beers AND drink water to help pass them... the beer makes people urinate more frequently and the water is for obvious hydration....i know alcohol is a dehydrant so atleast drink one glass of water for every beer to start to see how your body reacts, do not get drunk as this will signify that you are drinking either too much beer or too fast...and will begin to dehydrate you faster, good luck man..

also, i am an advocate of eating MJ, it is 4x stronger when eaten than inhaled and lasts 4x longer btw...i grapple and wrestle and this has helped neck and back pain me for a recipe if you are wont even taste it in the
I hope you make day 91!

I'm sure all be alright, but thanks. I live in Cleveland and one thing we do have here is world class medicine and the metro hospital doesn't make you pay if you can't afford it (neither do the catholic hospitals around here, which I didn't know till I ended up at one, good people). I just hate going to the ER and feel guilty about taking up their resources (makes me feel like a deadbeat, again, thankfully I got some benefits coming my way. I've always held a job, but I've been doing freelance work and private insurance costs an arm and a leg). I'm only 26 and this kidney stone bullshit is just that, some bullshit.

my ol lady has kidney stones and you need to realize that in order to maintain a healthy life you have to maintain a healthier lifestyle.. she loves espresso and caffeine is a huge contributor to kidney currently an EMT-B, not a paramedic or dr, but in 35 yrs i have read and studied alot of health notes..
In case with my woman, we monitor her caffeine intake and keep her hydrated, this seems to be combatting anymore trips to ER in last three yrs...
Also, if you feel them coming on, studies have shown to have a couple beers AND drink water to help pass them... the beer makes people urinate more frequently and the water is for obvious hydration....i know alcohol is a dehydrant so atleast drink one glass of water for every beer to start to see how your body reacts, do not get drunk as this will signify that you are drinking either too much beer or too fast...and will begin to dehydrate you faster, good luck man..

also, i am an advocate of eating MJ, it is 4x stronger when eaten than inhaled and lasts 4x longer btw...i grapple and wrestle and this has helped neck and back pain me for a recipe if you are wont even taste it in the

Thanks, I appreciate it. I know what you mean about the healthier lifestyle. I actually do alright and have less trips to the ER than I used to have. I first got kidney stones after I became a vegan, and I would get them constantly. Now I'm a vegetarian and get them drastically less (every other month I feel a small one, couple times a year I'll get a real painful one), but still, 1 kidney stone in a life time is more than enough for anyone. I had no idea a couple beers would help. I make a point to drink as much water as I can stomach when I have one, but the last one I ended up at the ER for, the doctor said it was nearly a centimeter (idk if that's big to be honest, but he said it was the biggest he'd ever encountered). Either way, since it was blocking me up, drinking a ton of water was actually messing with my insides. Usually it helps, but if it doesn't have a way to get out it'll start to seep through your insides, or something like that, all I know is I was going septic. I was too drugged up at that time to pay much attention to what he was saying, but I think i got the jist of it.
91 days? No way jose. And no amount of marijuana is gonna be able to fully alleviate pain like that. I second the drink-yourself-silly method, be it with alcoholic beverages or not.
This wont Help the Pain but will pass most stones,
Take Parsley chop it up and let it simmer in hot water, drink daily until you feel better
it breaks down the stones and passes them with the Urine
And before I have a bunch of people telling me I should go get them blasted with an ultra-sound to make them smaller, I don't have insurance and doing that costs about $1200+ each time (I'm a humble man of little means).

If you think a $1200.00 lithotripter treatment is expensive wait until you price a kidney transplant. A kidney stone lodged in a ureter can rapidly ruin a kidney plus what was a simple bath suddenly becomes a trip to the OR for a J-Stent placement. Worse what type of stone former are you? Are these struvite, uric acid, cystine (heritable), or ca oxalate stones (most common)?

Worse stones cause infection and you can end up with struvite stones from ignored CA Oxalate stones. You don't want that. Don't play with this. Don't worry about the money. Get this fixed NOW.
A dab of simpson oil eaten a day helps everything. That shit cures cancer, and it's documented. My buddy broke his back and he eats a dab a day and takes no painkillers. He's a recovering junkie though, so he really can't, but he is healed up and moving around like his old self man.
Get this fixed NOW.

What part of "I don't have insurance" don't you understand? Around here, if you don't have insurance, they're not gonna do anything for you short of an emergency. That's just the way it goes.

Like I said, in a few months I'll have insurance, and I'll take care of it then, not now.
you are just gonna have to deal with it. MJ is not the awnser, its not gonna help the pain is too intense and localized
What part of "I don't have insurance" don't you understand? Around here, if you don't have insurance, they're not gonna do anything for you short of an emergency. That's just the way it goes.

Like I said, in a few months I'll have insurance, and I'll take care of it then, not now.

So I attempt to actually help you and you insult me publicly and privately rep me?
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In the US no hospital can turn away an emergency. Five mm or larger urolithiasis are emergent. At the very least you need an initial IVP for differential diagnosis and weekly KUB's for status until resolution. You may find that 12 digital KUBs will probably pay for 1 lithotripter bath.

Before attempting to struggle through 3 months of misconception I would urge you to call your putative insurer and ask them the meaning of, and how they specifically handle, pre-existing conditions. Because if it's like almost all medical insurance offered today pre-existing conditions are excluded. So your day 91 may be no different than your day 1 for this specific problem.

Anyway I'm done I'm not interested in being insulted when I sincerely attempt to help. I have to many other things I need to do. I hope you have good luck but stone formation is not usually a hallmark of such.


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I passed kidney stones years ago. I can tell you it is super fucking painful. Seriously man, that pain was so damned intense. The nurse at the ER said it was the closest to childbirth a man can experience. Want a little preview of the pain?

Place your dick on a table then smack it as hard as you can with a hammer. I've broken bones dozens of times including a compound fracture in my arm/elbow, I've been stabbed, blown discs in my back etc etc and nothing compared to the pain of passing stones.

I quit drinking alcohol and drank coffee and coke by the gallon as a substitute. Lol I haven't touched a soda since, drink water all day and real lemonade for something sweet to drink. Take the advice about caffeine drinks man, I haven't had stones since I changed my habits.

For the pain, if you have large stones no amount of MMJ is gonna cut it. Alcohol will just make you a drunk in tons of pain. You need painkillers when you pass them. Good luck man, I sympathize for ya.
cranberry juice help breaks the wife passed stones ....there are different types of stones caused by different problems... calium stones ect.

My wife stones were so big... they used a kidney stone vibrator to try to break them um into smaller passable the end they had to stent her tube from the kindney to the bladder to get them to pass... then remove then stent wanna talk about pain

the main reason for the pain.... the stones are not smooth but rather pointy and have jagged edges.... they tear up the walls of your urinary track as you push them along with your pee
Take 5 tbs of lemon juice 2xs a day. Dont use concentrate. You could also eat 1 lemon a day. I have had numerious surgeries for stones, kept getting them then 4 wks ago a friend told me to try this-It Works! Dissolves stones went back for my ct and they were gone!Dr was pretty shocked! Good luck! Also a good idea while u r suffering is to drink alot of cranberry juice-if a stone passes n scratches you the antioxidants help fight off infections-