World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
nice man, hows bigs that exo haha loving the water farm ent it
exo x br looking sound as a pound and the bsb is a lil stunner. looking like 3 big buds


Well-Known Member
The exo in the farms bout 45cmx35cm n 12 inches high got about 17 decent colas on it. Really hopin for a good harvest from it. The ither 2 of ttts r real good in fact am proper suprised lol...

U need tae get some pics up m8. Email me them if u dnt wanna post on here lol. Chokin to see some of the.phenos a can expect ;-)


Well-Known Member
What all this batty caper there it was you that lost out lol there were your bc lol,ge
mdbt some info bout them t is lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
way up fellas. g u need send me details dude to pass to the fairy god brother haha.
sod it i will email u few today then fella. be after me job hunt tho...


Well-Known Member
Thats some healthy look ladies mate.... Is that the only 2 females you got in the blue cheese or has it only been the 2 different phenos?? Either way both lookin real nice, a see what you mean about them loving the led's in veg..

A wee tip, see once you've uploaded the pics before you click the post quick reply double click on the picture. It'l bring up a wee box, if you click in the wee box that says large then click ok that will make the big pictures ;-)

Aw aye ur EXOxBR looks feck all like mine lmao

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
that y i took a cut. it is stinky even the clone.
on uk there a pic off my hand and a leaf. its the bc broad leaf one. u see my slim leaf bc curls outwards, is sexy i like it.
na theeres i exo and bout 5 bc, two thin leafs to thick leafs.
will show males tomoz they kipping now. oh and one small bc that topped i think is a male


Well-Known Member
that y i took a cut. it is stinky even the clone.
on uk there a pic off my hand and a leaf. its the bc broad leaf one. u see my slim leaf bc curls outwards, is sexy i like it.
na theeres i exo and bout 5 bc, two thin leafs to thick leafs.
will show males tomoz they kipping now. oh and one small bc that topped i think is a male
So just the 2 pheno's so far then :-D defo goin to get 5 popped this wknd need to get them in 12/12 to sex, but then again a might just run 12/12 through as I have so many, then when got bout half left al start thinkin about a keep lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
wen u got half left i will send u bc crossed with exo x br ahaha or exo x br f2s.
the bc dont smell like the exo tho but solid lil plants. ive dropped them n all sorts. and over watered few times
the exo i got wood u like a cut or two if i get them too take??


Well-Known Member
wen u got half left i will send u bc crossed with exo x br ahaha or exo x br f2s.
the bc dont smell like the exo tho but solid lil plants. ive dropped them n all sorts. and over watered few times
the exo i got wood u like a cut or two if i get them too take??
Hypothetically I would love to mate but I would only be able to flower the cut, in my little veg cub, I got room for one mother n 6-8 clones/seedlings. Plannin on keepin the psycho for a while, although Bill's keepin it a think so may be able to twist his arm for a cut every now n again lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
oh isee no worrys well im gunna build a veg room and try keep her alive so b plenty chance hypothetically, no rush nor problems
shes a keeper i think starting bush now so week or two and b flowering. time up feeds abit i feel.
hapy bday to ya mrs matey.
my mrs got pics on lappy but i figured out how posst pics am proud myself haha


Well-Known Member
There lookin pretty healthy to me mate, wouldnt up it too much. Did u get ma wee tip on how to make your pics bigger? Computers are a brilliant thing if you know how to use them properly, a hate it wen ma mum asks to use the laptop, that usually means a few hours of showing her where to click lol....

If I win the lottery mate hypothetically al take every cuttin you wanna send lol, should be able to sort somethin out in a few wks so if it still goin spare al gve u a nod....

Wish the inlaws would hurry up n go, am ready for bed, will need to mist the clones as well, they're due to sleep in 20 mins or so

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
inlaws not no? mine dont they wood run me out town haha.
i will do bigger pics in future haha. to many to supersize haha
if u tempted by the clones hypothetically wont b a prob.
wot i will do is flower the big one and soon as my clone vegging out i will take as many as u want matey.
i worry bout taking clones in flower seemed fail few times in flower wen i tried before. my clone i only spray 1ce a day as led cool temps and the baggy i use keeps moisture locked in. unlike last time under hps in a prob i was misting all day really


Well-Known Member
I'm bout 3-4 maybe more a dy, its not really warm but with cupboard door shut it does build up a bit. They're in coco party cups so not drying out that way, jst tryin to keep as humid as poss not having a prop, will get one eventually again cashflow lol.....

Am hopeful al get at least one this time, if a get 4 even better, more choices lol...

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u will smash it matey. i used out date rooting hormones till cheque clears in bank. if my clone dont take i will snip again n get btter rooting gel.
i cut bottoms mine my own way i figured out. i do a different angle from the 45 degrees. i do it so loads surface showing and cut up one side the bottom cut to to increase the rooting surface if u no wot i mean??
did that last time n got 4 out 4 clones. before i did the old way wot all peeps do and only half success so i modifyied it till it worked for me.
im always trying something new and mixing things up. i think u learn more from mistakes. which works well for me as i fuck up quite abit haha
i prob cut bottom clones 30 degrees ish so more to play with


Well-Known Member
Fuck mine were about 45 degrees lol, dipped into a new bottle of clonex. A dunno, maybe am no supposed to be a cloner lol.

Well fingers crossed about 4-5 wks left on the plants, thats y a thinkin if a stick a few BC's in 12/12 they would be ready a few wks after these and in between al hve refilled the farm with psychosis n tht'l b due jst after that and so on and so on lol. Plannin to never run out again n never handin a penny over to robbin cunts every again lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na everybody does the 45 degree u r right, its just something that worked for me as im cack handed and a clumsy fucker haha, was just saying incase these dont take, not to give up and try lil bit different next time.
yeah u sound like u got it mastered mate on the plant count. i just hope the bc smokes well or im gunna have few angry growers haha. well i should crop bc 1st so fairy will fly by mayb hypothetically ha ha. if ent best smoke or up to ya high standards always others who will pay through the nose for it hypothetically so u wont b stuck with it im sure.
wish i had a good bud to smoke off my last grow so i could hand on heart say its a blinding smoke but i didnt and cant.


Well-Known Member
A wnt gve up dnt wanna totally destroy this psycho though, may have to give up tryin on that n jst flower her so that a can say av grew psychosis lol... Keep tryin the clones with different plants. Will see what happens....

Am sure your Blue Cheese'l be decent mate, seems that you have cut the phenos down as well, u gettin any thc startin before flower?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
na i dont use the full spec on light till flower, as full spec helps stretch and wanna keep short. full spec has th far red (ir) and uv on it as well as the red specs and the uv and ir cause the thc i believe. got couple white hairs tho so starting preflower a lil now.
im happy i breed out the hermie gene man that was my target really. out 8 seeds i was gifted half was hermies, 3 males and one fem. and out my breed seeds no hermies as off yet.
mate in cormwall has 30 odd babys on go so will see how he does on his outdoor grow. so far no hermies showing for him either so im chuffed. dony b suprised tho if they go rainbow colours deep in flower, last one went crazy deep in flower and stank like a beasty so im hopeful like.
the psycho simular to exo and livers? in growing terms?


Well-Known Member
It seems to be mate, exo cheese is like a strong blue cheese, livers n psycho taste very similar although psycho stronger. Livers grows kinda viney as well. Fuck a dunno am stoned oot ma nut n strugglin to remember what the conversations about now lol, feel as if am jst rambling lol...

Wanna see some nice colours in ma plants, if ad left the livers another wk a think it would hve been a nice purple colour but a didnt notice still a started trimming lol... Might be doin a hypothetical deal with another riu member so waitin on a strain recommendation lol