New Grower - Is this Heat Stress or Air Stress?


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  • [h=2]
    • Hey All...​

    I'm a new grower and about 20 days in the veg state (18/6 H of light). Already encountering my first problems... My indoor grow area is about 4sq.ft (1,5 sq. m). The temp flactuates from 71F to 77F (22C - 25C). Humidity is 58% - 75%. The water pH level is 6.5 and the soil pH about the same. I am using BioBizz nutrients.
    As you can see from the pics attached some of the leaves firstly demostrated some "indentations" on the top parts. Like small inward dents. Then some of the edges curved upwards and now some leaves appear brittle and dried. They feel like paper... I researched the symptoms and thought that it is heat stress, so I moved away my 400W MH lamp (from 1,7ft/52cm from top leaves) to 2,2ft/70cm resulting in slower growth. I don't know what else to do...
    Do you have any ideas? Is it indeed heat stress? Or is it nutrient burn?
    Any help from someone more experienced would be appreciated.Thanks in advance!



Active Member
I commented the same thread yesterday, please stop spamming no that is not heat stress
First of all mate... It's not spamming cause you don't have to read it. The fact that you answered it yesterday does not mean i got a satisfying answer... No offence but you said in one of your threads that you are new to growing just like I am... So don't start patronizing people about what to do!
I found out that there is this place to post problems for diagnosis so I copied my thread from newby central to here. Show some lineance to new blog users... Thanks again!


Active Member you have air circulation? intake / extraction? co2?
Hey Delvite! I have some air input from day one and just bought filters and extraction fans which I'm about to install. No CO2 though! Thanks for replying!


Active Member
I am thinking of making a CO2 producer... I've seen some videos of home made CO2 with bottles os water or club soda with sugar and dried yeast... Does that really work? or should I just buy a CO2 tank? Any ideas?


Active Member
What kind of Nutes have u given them, one of my friends had same issue with a specific strain, it was first sign of nute burn
Hey there mate!!! I'm giving them BioBizz nutrients. BioBloom/BioGrow/BioHeaven/TopMax and occasionaly some AlgitSuper as well as some OxyBoost H2O2. Their soil is BioBizz AllMix. The problem is that I'm not sure what kind of strain they are (some kind of Indica/Sativa cross I guess) cause a friend gave them to me just to test grow.. He got them as freebies alongside with some seeds he ordered some time ago and does not recall the strain!


Active Member
So I've been told recently... So I stopped watering them every two days and now they are going to be watered when the soil looks dried at the top of the pot. Thanks for the input bro!
i use bio buzz soil, grow, bloom and have done for some time
i water every 3-4 days and do not use any nutes for the first 2-3 weeks and then 1/2 strength nutes, so if you re-pot the plants, let the plant use some of the nutes in the new soil first, so wait about 2-3 week before you give them nutes
when i repot from a 1 ltr pot to a 15ltr pot it may take 10 days before it needs water and up to 3 weeks before i give them nutes,
only water when the pot is light and look at the edge of the pot it should pull away from the sides leaving a 3-5mm gap
the plants need the soil to dry out before you water


Active Member
i use bio buzz soil, grow, bloom and have done for some time
i water every 3-4 days and do not use any nutes for the first 2-3 weeks and then 1/2 strength nutes, so if you re-pot the plants, let the plant use some of the nutes in the new soil first, so wait about 2-3 week before you give them nutes
when i repot from a 1 ltr pot to a 15ltr pot it may take 10 days before it needs water and up to 3 weeks before i give them nutes,
only water when the pot is light and look at the edge of the pot it should pull away from the sides leaving a 3-5mm gap
the plants need the soil to dry out before you water
Thanks a million mate! I'll keep that in mind... I didn't know that you don't need to add nuts when the soil is new. BioBizz directions say to add nuts from day one. Much appreciated.


Active Member
mrnash ma just bumo ur thread next time no reason to repost
I'm sorry I didn't get that... What does bumo mean? As I said earlier I reposted this first under Nebie Central and then I realized there is a special forum for plant problems. I apologize!