4x4 Ebb n Flow White Russian SoG Style

bro coming on someones thread and trashing it is BAD karma!!! i have to say you are funny hating on him vegging for a few weeks :-P he is not running a x4 plant per square foot system right now so why the hell should he not veg? and then saying 1 gal pots are not big enough? wtf are you serious how do you figure? what is your best guess per gal of root space for yield bro because i have pulled 2 zips out of a single plant in a 1 gal square pot on a flood tray filled with hydroton with a few weeks of veg under a 400w light! geez im dumbfounded really. pure ignorance.

here is a 2 oz plant out of a 1 gal pot:)


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Man everyone I talked to in real life (including some reputable people on here) has told me that 1 gal pots for a SoG was actually too big so I went with the smallest size they had. They said there's not as much roots in hydro and especially since I'm running Smart Pots I don't have to worry about a root ball. Even the hydro experts at my hydro stores have told me that my system is fine right now (Believe me I have gone over every little detail with them). I see what you are saying about stretching but they are still so little! I want my canopy covered man.

GREEN! Thats whats up! I know its possible I dont see how it would affect my yield that bad.
bro phuzy keep doing what your doing bro this dude is smoking fuckin crack thats like saying in my 2 gal cap i could expect less than 2 zips a plant lol when im shooting for 4-5 a plant WOOOOOOOW thats some shit right lol. next time we will throw x4 ladies per square foot, with a 1000w and show this "pro" a real sog grow :)
Right? It's only just begun :fire:. I could understand if I was running 4 a sq. ft. but I'm not.. so I have to grow with what I have. I really don't see how flooding so low is relevant for this either.. Wouldn't the roots dry if they NEVER got water?
Right? It's only just begun :fire:. I could understand if I was running 4 a sq. ft. but I'm not.. so I have to grow with what I have. I really don't see how flooding so low is relevant for this either.. Wouldn't the roots dry if they NEVER got water?
well they will eventually seek out the water but like you said i see no relevance in this to yield. nothing stated in those posts add up to me. for one the pics posted had some stretched out plats in it (which he stated was caused by hydroton) then he says sog is not about gpw pffft, on what planet? all growers aim for a good gpw lol, i can grow a single plant under a 1kw light and pull 8 zips that doesnt make me a "pro" just makes me "average" in gpw.
I thought that too. I wanted to try SoG for that exact reason lol. Ive seen some guys pull huge gpw with this method his plants didnt compare at all. To each their own i guess
im not sure you're good at math slump.

SOG isnt really gpw as much as its zips for clones rooted into flower.

& your boring clone "we seen it 100x before" tute aside, i'lll leave you to explain the process from here "pro".

Not trying to hijack here phuzy - just want to put some math out there.

14oz x 28g = 392g total. 392g/600w = 0.65 GPW - I majored in sales/marketing...but there was some math.
Not trying to hijack here phuzy - just want to put some math out there.

14oz x 28g = 392g total. 392g/600w = 0.65 GPW - I majored in sales/marketing...but there was some math.

Actually, thank you for your math wisdom lol. I don't consider anything "pro" about .65 gpw
WTF!!! Those plants should be in 5 gallon pots by now!!! :-P jk

What's up Phuzy? See you have all of the usual suspects here. Great thread man...nice job on the setup. I'm sub'd for sure man. Best of luck...hope your buds stay frosty!!
gud can be hostile and a little aggro..


the man is on point, his word is as solid as your gonna find. he's a pro.

Wow!! This thread has been hijacked man!! Nice to see dudes going postal!!

Hey man, you have frosty nugs and a great setup. Props to you on that. Your attitude is shit though and you are really being a dick to the OP. This is his journal man. Don't go flaming the shit out of it. If he does't want to take your advice then just leave it on the door and go about your business man. Looks like you got plenty to keep you busy anyway.

Your math is still WAY off though. Please don't flame me but you aren't getting close to 2.2gpw (grams per watt). That's not how it is measured. You stated that you get 12 cuttings an push them to flower and they give you 12-14 zips. So say 14; that is 392g. 392/600 is 0.653gpw. Just going based on your statements. 12 weeks is 4 harvests. You have 3 600w lights and 3 trays. You measure each harvest. Not 4 harvest and then divide it by 3 lights. You are a little off there. If you wanted to take the average then you would do (using your numbers): 3 harvests in 9 weeks. 36 zips is 1008g. 1800w of light. 1800/1008 is .56gpw.

I don't think you understood the whole gpw (grams per watt) thing. Lot of growers don't know about it or really don't think it even carries any weight. I'm still on the fence though. I just figured you didn't understand it cause if you did you would know that 2.24gpw on a horizontal grow is fucking impossible. On a veritcal stadium grow it would still be damn near impossible. I've only seen it done once on a stadium grow and that was by Heath Robinson. No offense but you aren't him.

Much love everyone...let's get this thread back on track.

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried to tell me that the sky was red man. You say you are 100% sure of this but you are clueless and this only goes to prove what the others were saying about you. I tried to diffuse the situation but you are just too big of a douche to even accept that. I wish you the best of luck man but you should definitely go away and make sure not to repeat those "supposed" gpw numbers of yours or else you will get laughed out of this forum.
Looking good and nice set up . BUT ! using smart pot aint good idea. i know few people use smart pot in hydro they have lots issuie with root bound. . keep eyes on that . Good luck
I had a thread going for over a year with over 1500 photos! With multible rooms! Drgreen know what im talking about!
@gud i know your meaning well but its coming off all wrong! Sit back fire upp some of that gud weed and relaxe.
WTF!!! Those plants should be in 5 gallon pots by now!!! :-P jk

What's up Phuzy? See you have all of the usual suspects here. Great thread man...nice job on the setup. I'm sub'd for sure man. Best of luck...hope your buds stay frosty!!

Thanks for the reply and dealing with that egotistical know-it-all lol. We'll see how it goes
Yes! Back to the goodness. Really going to be glued to this one as I'm trying to get my brother into a similar configuration. Keep up the good work phuzy.
I need to get something clear here to everybody! I did not report gudkarma to admin nor did i delete any of his posts!
It was admin only! You all are my friends and so is gudkarma! And i didnt want to get in the middle of all that last night.
Dont understand why people are placing blame on me but they got it all rong!
I need to get something clear here to everybody! I did not report gudkarma to admin nor did i delete any of his posts!
It was admin only! You all are my friends and so is gudkarma! And i didnt want to get in the middle of all that last night.
Dont understand why people are placing blame on me but they got it all rong!

Hey Hellraizer, I'm not sure who's placing blame on you but I sure am not. A forum needs to police itself more than be policed. I think RIU does a pretty good job at that. That being said, man you don't have to explain yourself to anyone here. In my book you are the best MOD here and always willing to take the time to help people. You have created a really cool environment in the threads you look after and I really enjoy passing information with you because I feel like I have learned some great things from you and I hope you have picked up a few tidbits of information from me as well. Keep up the GREAT work you are doing. We truly appreciate it.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this is all wrong. The tent, reservoir and trays are all in the wrong place. They need to be moved immediately to my place!!!

Looks great. Keep it up