Clone problems


Active Member
I recently cloned one of my female Indica plants, and the tips of the leaves are yellowing slightly. The clone is about a week and a half old. Any suggestions? I know the yellowing has something to do with a Potassium or Phosphorous defficiency, something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
Make sure they're firmly seated in the medium. If they are "too firmly" seated, you may have bent or broken the stem and stopped water uptake.

Make sure that the lights aren't too bright, fluoros are all that's needed. Next time, an anti-transpirant spray will greatly reduce wilting-- they form a waxy barrier that keeps water inside the cutting.

The cuttings may be too large with too much leaf mass. You can trim off the half of the fan leaves to reduce area or take smaller cuttings. See the cloning article or aero-cloner instructions for photos of properly sized cuttings and a way to clone without wilt.

Also monitor closely the ambient air temperature as anything above 80 is starting to get too hot and this will serve to accelerate both transpiration and the drying out of your medium.


Well-Known Member
I recently cloned one of my female Indica plants, and the tips of the leaves are yellowing slightly. The clone is about a week and a half old. Any suggestions? I know the yellowing has something to do with a Potassium or Phosphorous defficiency, something along those lines.
please give us a few more insides to your set up. clones normally need no fertilizer until they are established plants themselves:-|
so your guess for nutes deficiency is unlikely. i would rather say you got a too lose medium around the clones stem, so it won't root. or you moised and misted it not enough.:-?
do you grow them in a dome??


Active Member
Yes, they are in a dome plastic tray. I mist it moderately 2 - 3 times a day, depending on dryness of the leafs/humidity inside the dome. This clone is about 16 days old now. Also, the clone was taken while the plant was in the flowering stage. I received the plants this way, and had no other choice, as the other two Inidicas were on the brink of death when I received them.
I have the clone under fluros, and the temperature isnt too hot.
I'll post pics as soon as I can


New Member
must be that they are too big (as mogie said). The cutting is concentrating on developing root and can no longer sustain the larger leaves.


Active Member
It has one semi-large leaf (probably 2 inches long on the middle fan tip) eother is not even half that size. Then it has 2 small leafs coming from the middle of the clone, with a flower right there.
So what should I do? Trim the leaf, or what?


New Member
probably not. If everything is okay with your set-up it can only be that they are reverted clones. I've had yellowing leaves on clones before and I just left them. If they go completely yellow and shrivel then you might as well pick them off.

It does sound as though your cutting is rooting, so just wait it out.