The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, I'm sure he or one of the Newbie Central mods will take care of it.

doesnt realy bother me as such but it was a bit out of line, if he had just admitted he was defending the undefendable we would all have slagged the shit out of him for 5 mins and then let it go...THAT is British way....instead he comes on all high and mighty( read that as American) and in here thats just total provocation, and with the guys in here your gonna get a lot of shit coz we wont back down.


Well-Known Member
i thought scotland didnt want to be apart of the uk or are you refuring to secret societies
some dont want to be otheres do, it more a question of having our own parliamnent as many believe that with the seat of power being in england then they have too much control up here, its supposed to be a partnership but some , minly the conservative party ( kinda republicans) seems to view scotland as a bit of the English empire.
as for the British empire, basically the english told us what they wanted and we went and killed everyblody and took it, the empire relied on the scottish infantry...great big hairy bastards in kilts playin bagpipes and choppin every body up.


Well-Known Member
doesnt realy bother me as such but it was a bit out of line, if he had just admitted he was defending the undefendable we would all have slagged the shit out of him for 5 mins and then let it go...THAT is British way....instead he comes on all high and mighty( read that as American) and in here thats just total provocation, and with the guys in here your gonna get a lot of shit coz we wont back down.
You're preaching to the choir bro. Potroast told all of us a while back to just leave the UK growers thread alone (with the exception of spam and shit like that).........Balzac must've just forgotten about it.


Well-Known Member
but didnt yall give it all back......
some places rebelled but mostly it became whta is known as the common wealth, the queen is still head of stae but they have their own governments, still close ties with britain and preferred trading partners....after the 2nd world war we were economically fucked so we couldnt afford to control these countries by force.


Well-Known Member
You're preaching to the choir bro. Potroast told all of us a while back to just leave the UK growers thread alone (with the exception of spam and shit like that).........Balzac must've just forgotten about it.
i'd noticed that we seemed to get away with alot more than most other threads and i'd kinda assumed we were just ring fenced and left to eat each other, kinda Escape from New york kinda suited us...we are a different breed and we tend to play verbally very rough.


Well-Known Member
i'd noticed that we seemed to get away with alot more than most other threads and i'd kinda assumed we were just ring fenced and left to eat each other, kinda Escape from New york kinda suited us...we are a different breed and we tend to play verbally very rough.
Well, you're all ok in my book and I respect what you guys are doing in regards to the "cat".;-)

He's bad news.:fire:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ah, would you look at that, a moderator abusing his powers, who'd have thought :D Perma ban threats though, maybe he'll put the two together and start to understand the point to my rhetoric. He'll protect a grass, who cares, it's just a grass, nothing to do with me, right up until hey, maybe he could be grassed then he's happy to start thinking about perma bans. This is what we would call double standards :D

Morning all :D


Well-Known Member
mornin alls.................. the skys lookin better from angle ;) newuser - thanks fr the tip im golden brown lol ;)