Growing under the electricity radar? growing w/o making a bid dent in the bill?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I feel my last thread's title was confusing so i wanted to make a new 1.

Basically i now live with a roommate. They don't approve of cannabis use or growing it but naturally im not gonna let that effect me and force me to buy it on the street or from a club when i know how to grow!

So heres the deal. i moved in with a friend (roommate) who already lived on the property for a number of years so they are VERY familiar with what the bill should be every month. My goal is to grow stealth (complete with stealth cab and carbon filter, etc) but use as little electricity as possible while still pulling down a respectable harvest.

success in this situation is growing WITHOUT making a major change to the bill. obviously i can't just say "i have a fish tank" as with our agreement my buddy pays the electricity himself. Im responsible for other bills and my half of the rent. I don't want to tip him off that im growing (ie. if the bill jumps up he'll know)

what lighting setup would be best for no real significant jump in electricity?

my gut tells me a 150w hps is the best i can do. is this true? would LED's in a similar wattage be a better idea? (ie better yield than a 150w hps?) i feel a 250w hps may be pulling too much electricity and require extra fans, etc to keep the stealth box running cool.

stealth box isn't complete yet but i plan to build one big enough or small enough to cater to whatever light i do end up using. obviously CFL's wont cut it as they are half as efficient as hps so if i use 150w of cfl i might as well just use 150w of hps and get a better yield.

my personal consumption goal right around 2oz per month. is this possible? im going from a 1635 watt setup to this so forgive the amateurish questions but i really have never grown on such a small level and don't know whats the best move in this situation.


Well-Known Member
Well when you are growing it is certainly hard enough to hide without having to hide it in the house too...I don't know...I mean CFLs are cheap and use little power, but leaving anything on most of the time will affect the bill...just you living there will affect the bill...

I think it is a bad idea to grow somewhere that isn't your house and that the person already there doesn't like it...seems like a bad idea to me.


Well-Known Member
So you want to grow in this guy's house without him knowing, and he has to pay the whole electric bill?


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like you should learn to grow outdoors and wait for the proper time where you are...and if that isn't possible then I think you will have to buy til you can grow again.


Well-Known Member
no offense to you but i have a mmj card and the know how so theres no way im buying it. i really could understand his position IF i were growing for profit/dealing or didnt have an mmj card. but since i do have a card and it really is strictly for my use only theres no way im gonna go out and buy it.

hiding the grow wont be hard as we both have our own spaces that don't get looked through by the other. plus i plan on going stealth and locking it up so he couldnt look if he wanted to. my main issue is the bill because i don't want it to jump up enough to make him think theres a grow.

i know the bill will go up just because im there. that i get and im sure he knows that as well. however if i use something like a 400w or 600w he's gonna DEFINITELY know theres a grow going on...i know even a 150w will raise the bill but my point is to raise the bill VERY minimally.

and yes he pays the whole electric bill but i pay ALL the water, garbage, TV, and internet. at the end of the month it equals out thats why we set it up that way. my point is i dont wanna bump the bill high enough that he suspects im growing. a 150w i KNOW FOR SURE wont bump up the bill very much per just wondering whats the best setup i could do? 150w hps? 250w hps? an LED light somewhere between 100-200w? if so which one as i know virtually NOTHING about the different brands of LED.

im just looking for something to give me a good harvest to hold me over till my next harvest. i dont mind growing from clone if need be and only using my lights on 12/12 all the time either. i just need 2 zips a month (or for my harvests to average out to 2 zips a month)

im just trying to determine the best way to maximize my harvest while not doing damage to the bill too much.

also outdoors isn't possible due to where i live and the surroundings.


Active Member
if i were u i would go with a 150W LED. its not as bright to the eye so it wont be shinning all out ur doors and shit and its a good light for a stealth grow and lite on electricty for the yield ull many plants u tryna grow? 2 ounces ur prob gunna need 2 plants to be safe right?


Well-Known Member
if i were u i would go with a 150W LED. its not as bright to the eye so it wont be shinning all out ur doors and shit and its a good light for a stealth grow and lite on electricty for the yield ull many plants u tryna grow? 2 ounces ur prob gunna need 2 plants to be safe right?
which brands of LED would suggest? my only hesitation with LED is there is a LOT of scamming going on where they are selling the inferior 1w and passing it off as the real deal 3w (at least i think thats the scam going on especially on ebay and such)

i understand with LED's that the lumens aren't as important as the PAR (which is basically the usable light for the plant correct?)

150w of LED (assuming its the 3w version with a good PAR rating) would yield me about what in comparison to a 150w hps? better? same? worse? Im pretty sure 2 plants under a 150w would yield me 3-3 1/2 oz total dried weight? correct me if im wrong.

what would 150w of LED do in comparison on avg? or in a decent general range.

why dont u just take over the electric bill? and he takes the others?
i would but since he doesnt want a grow he wants the bill which i agreed to as i thought it would put him at ease. even though i have a mmj rec he doesn't support the idea. im not too worried about it being discovered since i plan to take all necessary precautions to cover light, smell, noise, etc.


Active Member
I see what your saying, and I empathize truly, BUT let me tell you man as somebody who has been at this shit for a while; This sounds like it's destined to become a bad idea. Just do an outdoor this year, and prepare yourself to get your own space, or a cooler room mate (fuck that dude).

You said you know enough about weed that you're not going to buy it, well man sometimes you have to know enough about life, and other people to find the right environment to grow it. The growing is easy, any retard can gro a weed plant with the resources available today.


Active Member
which brands of LED would suggest? my only hesitation with LED is there is a LOT of scamming going on where they are selling the inferior 1w and passing it off as the real deal 3w (at least i think thats the scam going on especially on ebay and such)

i understand with LED's that the lumens aren't as important as the PAR (which is basically the usable light for the plant correct?)

150w of LED (assuming its the 3w version with a good PAR rating) would yield me about what in comparison to a 150w hps? better? same? worse? Im pretty sure 2 plants under a 150w would yield me 3-3 1/2 oz total dried weight? correct me if im wrong.

what would 150w of LED do in comparison on avg? or in a decent general range.

i would but since he doesnt want a grow he wants the bill which i agreed to as i thought it would put him at ease. even though i have a mmj rec he doesn't support the idea. im not too worried about it being discovered since i plan to take all necessary precautions to cover light, smell, noise, etc.
u'll def get what ur looking for with 2 plants under a 150w LED lemme look around and see if i can find u a legit good deal..i've seen dudes do better with equal wattage in LED as HID..ive also seen the same..but not worse if done properly. which u seem to have the ideal since it isnt ur first..lemme look


Well-Known Member
been talking to the reps at Cidly, with their apollo LED's, prices are very affordable. At the very least I would try to work things out with you're roommate. If you have a MMJ card, I would use that as leverage in negotiations, as that *should* mean you have a legitimate reason to consume flowers. I would recommend picking up some of the electricity bill, or perhaps offering him AT least 25-50 dollars extra a month, since you would technically still be placing yourself and your roommate at risk federally (and this is the argument you are going to have to trump to insure you "win" the negotiation).

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
So if you're legal what's the house mate's problem? He just doesn't like weed or what? Dude doesn't have any right to limit your legal rights. That said, I'd get a dimmable 250w or 400w, so you can increase your wattage later if/when possible.


New Member
Sounds to me like you should learn to grow outdoors and wait for the proper time where you are...and if that isn't possible then I think you will have to buy til you can grow again.
sounds like he should learn some respect for his friend also
thats only advice i got for him


Well-Known Member
u'll def get what ur looking for with 2 plants under a 150w LED lemme look around and see if i can find u a legit good deal..i've seen dudes do better with equal wattage in LED as HID..ive also seen the same..but not worse if done properly. which u seem to have the ideal since it isnt ur first..lemme look

for sure 3w and my buddy has the smaller circular one for clones and it works fine but probly want a rectangle shaped one to cover both plant well..its a legit site so u know what ur paying..good luck

*edit for spellin
thank you for taking the time to find that for me. ill check it out after this post! thank you thank you thank you

Oh, and in case you didn't know, 150 watts run 12 hours a day will cost around $8 a month.
thank you! you get what im saying. 150w is pretty under the radar because when i DO finally move in (start of the month) if i run the 150w from day one he's not gonna realize theres a grow going on...if i moved in and started a 1000w grow he's gonna know right off the bat. thats why im looking for power in a low watt system. ideally id get a 175-200w hps if they made them widely available. ive seen them but not often and usually they are pricey and bulbs can sometimes be hard to find for odd wattage like that.

thank you!


Well-Known Member
You can't generalize power consumption without knowing your kilowatt/hr rate.......check his bill and then get back to us to figure out exactly what the added Watts is gonna cost you......oh and btw some of those crappy 150w hps magnetic draw over 3 amps! Due too shitty capacitor....

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
You should go LED. i have 2 of the Blackstar LEDs that we grow 1 plant under each one of them. They suck and the buds they grow are small but frosty.