Patient sues NJ over medical pot delays


Well-Known Member
read it earlier. about time someone is doing something cause the people in this state are making me sick

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
if pa pass a mmj bill i hope it aint nothing like nj
Kiz and All Jerseyites,

hope Jersey takes a turn for the better and things start looking up!
been thinking about other med states lately, bcuz Michigan is in the midst of medmj 'reformation' - thEy may refer to it as
clarification or some bull. makin the most of life tho, the future can't lie to patients! and thEy did start to chill on those shakedwns/descrimination previously rampant in NYC and area, so change for the better can -and Will- prevail. Where is the state of Jersey keeping the med supply btw?

Peace n good ppl