1st grow =) with pictures, would love any advice!


Active Member
Just a quick update! Today is day 19 from Germination, not sure if their growth is good for that amount of time but I am pleased with their progress! Today I used a 3 in 1 Fungicide, Insecticide, and Miticide on all the plants just as a precaution, not sure if that was a good thing to do or not....(that is the milky looking substance on the leaves in the pictures). Last time I watered was two days ago but my moisture meter says the soil is still wet so I'm going to hold off on watering for at least another day. If anyone sees anything I should do don't hesitate to leave some advice =) I hope all of yalls weekend is going great!! and happy growing/smokingDSC02443.jpgDSC02455.jpgDSC02451.jpgDSC02452.jpgDSC02453.jpgDSC02454.jpgDSC02450.jpgDSC02449.jpgDSC02448.jpgDSC02447.jpgDSC02446.jpgDSC02445.jpgDSC02444.jpgDSC02456.jpg!!! :weed::weed::peace:


Well-Known Member
They look great! I'm not a fan of "isides" at all! I would never put that stuff on my ladies... But I fortunately live in a virtually bugless place! So do what you do just don't spray that stuff on them when they are budding... You don't want their buds tasting like yuk...


Active Member
for sure dabumps!! I figured I would spray them this one time and hopefully be done with that!! I would hate to lose my babies to fungus or spider mites or something, It definitely took some courage to spray my babies with the stuff! hah


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Great work Sterdaddy when i first checked out your grow two weeks ago it was just coming out of the soil now that those plants are starting to form a good root system and some leaves for photosyntesis they will take off on you. I can tell you have been keeping the t5s or cfls close because its nice and short and bushy which will really help you out when it comes time to flower the shorter and bushier they are the more nodes they have the more places to bud when it comes flower time keep it up man you will be smoking your own primo in a few months just remember be patient and dont love her to death


Active Member
hey y'all!! Today is day 22 since germination!! I just wanted to post some progress pictures!! If anything sticks out to you that looks abnormal feel free to enlighten me haha!! Seriously though to everyone that has responded or following my babies progress I thank you so much!!!! I wouldn't even be this far without y'all taking the time to write out your hard earned knowledge!!! I just watered today right before I took the pictures so that's why some of the leaves are wet! My soil PH is 6.5 and the water I use for watering is also 6.5 PH, I hope thats an ok range for now =). Happy growing/smoking!!! :weed::peace:DSC02457.jpgDSC02458.jpgDSC02459.jpgDSC02460.jpgDSC02461.jpgDSC02464.jpgDSC02465.jpgDSC02466.jpgDSC02467.jpgDSC02468.jpgDSC02469.jpgDSC02470.jpgDSC02471.jpgDSC02472.jpgDSC02473.jpgDSC02443.jpgDSC02444.jpgDSC02445.jpg


Well-Known Member
DO NOT forget to PH your solution when adding nutrients......By that, I mean, add your nutes to your water THEN Ph the solution to 6.5......Don;t just Ph the water, then add the nutes and happily send your girls into nute lockout.....that might be primary information, but one never knows what other people are thinking.....


Active Member
thank you greenlikemoney!! I'm actually not feeding them nutrients yet they have been in their new containers only a week and I'm using FFOF soil so I figured it has enough nutrients for another week then I will start adding FF Grow Big in my water, but ty for the advice once I start nutes I will definitely do this!


Well-Known Member
ya always have a water cycle before transplanting and water when u transplant. Ive herd of ppl adding some "superthrive" when they transplant maybe but ive herd and have stuck to just water.


i have also experienced the way the FFOF soil crumbles and falls away when you transplant. I've even tried waiting til the cup is almost rootbound, with thick, full, root matrix. doesn't seem to help. i've decided its just something about the composition of the FFOF that makes it so crumbly. so one of the things i've been known to do if i need to transplant a leggy sprout while its still fragile is that i fill a cup about 1/3 full. then, holding the old cup above the new one, i cut the bottom off the old cup with a box cutter. then with some gentle squishing of the cup, i squeeze out the root matrix and the sprout, all fall easily through the bottom right into its new home. then i backfill. I find there is far less root disturbance than tipping the cup upside down.

I also try to remember some things some friends have told me:

"It's a weed, it wants to grow"


"Seedlings, like kittens, puppies and babies, are pretty rugged and resilient"


the thing about superthrive is that they won't tell you what's in it. some proprietary collection of ingredients. I'll pass and go with stuff that i know the ingredients of. also, i can't prove this, but i think my kitty drank some water with that superthrive in it one year... she developed a serious liver problem. We now call her "the $2,000 cat"


Well-Known Member
Hey Ster, They have 80 years of proof Super Thive works. I use it now and after transplants the don't act like they were. Get a pest strip for prevention, summer coming. You are doing great...rw:bigjoint: It got vitamins and hormones for plant, the animal kingdom should not drink it.lol


Active Member
Sometimes when you transplant a little bit of water around the edges not too much that it goes to the bottom but just enuff to get the soil moist around the edges do this right before you pop it out of the bucket its worked for me. I am quite familar with the Ffof soil and the whole nute lineup ster daddy best to wait until they show some defficensys before you hit them the grow big is some hot shit so go at atleast half strength and wait a few days to see what happens and if your plant starts getting really really green like dark green back off on the grow big thats a nitrogen overdose. All strains are different but its best to start off small and slow instead of a big dose thats gonna overdo it and burn your plants.


Active Member
Hey y'all! Just thought I would give a 4/20 update!! Today is day 26 since germination!! One of my plants seems to still be struggling. It's just not developing as much as the other four White Widows. I'm not sure if it will even live or not but I suppose 4/5 is ok. I haven't researched SCROG as much as I should if I were to attempt it but do y'all think it is pretty do-able for a first time grower?? or should I hold off for now. I also was finally able to set up my exhaust and I think it has helped a lot with temperature control! Anyway here are the pictures and HAPPY 4/20!!!!!!!! :weed::bigjoint::peace:



Well-Known Member
Hey y'all! Just thought I would give a 4/20 update!! Today is day 26 since germination!! One of my plants seems to still be struggling. It's just not developing as much as the other four White Widows. I'm not sure if it will even live or not but I suppose 4/5 is ok. I haven't researched SCROG as much as I should if I were to attempt it but do y'all think it is pretty do-able for a first time grower?? or should I hold off for now. I also was finally able to set up my exhaust and I think it has helped a lot with temperature control! Anyway here are the pictures and HAPPY 4/20!!!!!!!! :weed::bigjoint::peace:
I dig it man they are coming along real nice like. You have a pretty badass setup!