1st grow =) with pictures, would love any advice!


Active Member
hey INDoor!!! It's so exciting seeing them come to life!!! I just don't want to transfer too soon but also don't want to leave them in the red cups too long. They are my babies and I don't want to shock them! Best of luck to yourself, if you throw pictures up let me know I'd love to see them !


Active Member
I would wait a little bit. They have LOTS of room in there! I would wait till the root system gets a little better. I did mine @ about that exact same stage and it was a mess. The roots are tiny and they didn't hold the soil together very well. If you don't know much about transplanting it's easy to fuck up..
Dabumps thank you for the response! That calms me down haha I will definitely keep them in their cups longer then! I'll keep updating their progress too so yall can help me decide when is best, appreciate it so much!!!!


Active Member
hey yall!! So today is day 15 in the little red cups, I think I'm going to transplant either today or tomorrow, I'm worried about the plants getting root bound in those little cups ha. Also can anyone maybe help pinpoint what the brow spot is on the one leaf of one of my plants, I took a close up of it and can't figure out what would have caused it =(Anyway here are the pictures!



Well-Known Member
You're plants are looking great! Yup, it's transplant time! All I can say about that spot is "Shit happens"... In saying that I mean. I could be any number of things. BUT since it's one leaf on one plant then I can only assume this it is probably a droplet of water sat on your lady and then the light used it as a magnifying glass to burn it a bit. Just be careful not to let water droplets stay on your plantas! GRATZ on making it this far! I'm all excited for you cuz I remember when mine were @ that level it was so cool! Just wait! After the transplant is the part of the show when they EXPLODE!!

Edit: They look super healthy! Someone has a bit of a green thumb I believe!


Active Member
Thanks for the replies!! It is so exciting seeing them come to life!! And Dabumps that must be it!!! When I used my spray bottle to water them I would let the droplets sit on the leaf, I won't let that happen again!! Yall have been great, thanks to everyone who has replied with advice!


Active Member
Hey Ned!! Hope your grow is going along ok!!!......Here are some pictures after my transfer, they are in 3 gallon pots :D. However before I transferred from the red cups I gave them a feeding of FF Big Grow the seedling dosage, but I think it might have slightly nute burned one of the plants but I won't use it again now that they are in their new home. I do however have a question about watering, for 3 gallon pots how much water should I use per pot? Also should I go ahead and start worrying about insecticides? Will spider mites show up this early in the grow?? Appreciate any input!! For real you guys are the shit!! :weed: :clap: :peace:



Well-Known Member
Hey Ned!! Hope your grow is going along ok!!!......Here are some pictures after my transfer, they are in 3 gallon pots :D. However before I transferred from the red cups I gave them a feeding of FF Big Grow the seedling dosage, but I think it might have slightly nute burned one of the plants but I won't use it again now that they are in their new home. I do however have a question about watering, for 3 gallon pots how much water should I use per pot? Also should I go ahead and start worrying about insecticides? Will spider mites show up this early in the grow?? Appreciate any input!! For real you guys are the shit!! :weed: :clap: :peace:
They look great man!! I don't see my nite burn at all! They look super healthy! Your setup is pretty sick too! When you water just use a solo cup and to start out I would only water 1/2 to 3/4 cup. The idea is to give them enough water to go just a bit past the roots so that they drink what they have and dig for more! A solid root system is vital. I honestly would say keep the nutes coming they seem to like it. But go nutes then water then nutes then water. Only water / feed them every other day or when there is an inch of dry soil on top moving to 2 inches as your plants get bigger! They look awesome! Always be happy around them. Rumor has it that buds smoke mimics the attitude of the grower! Energies and shit, man!

Im in week 4 of flower and I feed 4 plants about 1.5 gallons. At this point I water till I see liquid come out of the bottom!


Well-Known Member
theyre gonna be hella bushy man :clap:!! keep it up,
same here I water slowly until it starts dripping from below that means you reached saturation, shouldnt be a bad thing just a green light telling you that youre done with the re-fill.


Well-Known Member
They look great! I have some seedlings that were germed on the 2nd. I will be watching your grow. I put mine in 3 gallons yesterday. I managed to "nute burn" a couple of mine, but not too bad. Good luck, subbed!


Active Member
thanks so much guys!!! I'll be posting some more pics soon! TY Roofwayne for the link!! and apollard09 I ordered feminized seeds from Ministry of Cannabis.. They were great, shipping was very fast and discreet!!


Active Member
The best part about the 1st grow at least in my opinion is the learning process. My 1st grow is not done, but i have learned so much from the starting point until now. I already see you started 1 step ahead of me with a known strain of seeds. I started with random bag seeds. These are looking good. Please keep us updated.