The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
It was a thread on here that I read a couple of months ago when I was having problems with these bugs coming out of nowhere. Not sure exactly which thread, but I just googled it and apparently a lot of people have had this problem. I have seen the quality go down year after year with big chunks of bark and tons of thorns. I have always had problems with fungus gnats with them but I would just use some gnatrol, but spider mites and whiteflies are another thing............


Well-Known Member
It was a thread on here that I read a couple of months ago when I was having problems with these bugs coming out of nowhere. Not sure exactly which thread, but I just googled it and apparently a lot of people have had this problem. I have seen the quality go down year after year with big chunks of bark and tons of thorns. I have always had problems with fungus gnats with them but I would just use some gnatrol, but spider mites and whiteflies are another thing............
yeah thats a whole different battle!


Well-Known Member
Doesn't laxfiz hang out here? Dude if I raise the bid on irukandji by 10$ then I'm making a point that ur wasting your time outbidding me by 0.25.......... either jack the price up higher than I will pay or don't bother.


New Member
It was a thread on here that I read a couple of months ago when I was having problems with these bugs coming out of nowhere. Not sure exactly which thread, but I just googled it and apparently a lot of people have had this problem. I have seen the quality go down year after year with big chunks of bark and tons of thorns. I have always had problems with fungus gnats with them but I would just use some gnatrol, but spider mites and whiteflies are another thing............

nope you're right.

i know a person on the right coast (east) that had the same problem... whiteflys & mites from ff soil.

detritus im not sure about... bugs ...absolutely certain.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
I haven't seen Laxfiz on here in a while.

Yeah lilbsdad I remember reading that about the ffof too now that you bring it up. That's bogus. I'm pretty sure batman uses it with no issues. I'm thinking I read that they started bagging it somewhere else?

The 76ers are not gonna make it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and apparently it is which batch you get, my friend uses it too and has not had problems but he is a few hours from me and gets his at a different place. I have not seen one bug since switching though, I could not figure out where those things were coming from and the soil was the only thing. I also do not have bugs in my mother room but transplanted clones into FFOF and Light Warrior mix and ALL of them had mites within a week and my mothers were clean. Pretty much left no doubt for me after that


Well-Known Member
Threw my hat in the ring for those The White X Ghost OG. I didn't read they only made 10 of those, someone is going to have to pay if they want them


Well-Known Member
That's where the larceny comes into play! Sell a 100 or so seeds, and sit on the rest only to drive up the demand.


Active Member
Yeah, probably be another auction up every week for the rest of the
Like. The other pack of 5 seeds was already sold at CC for $210, so you shouldn't see anymore of them. That's gotta be the most limited drop I've ever seen. Sure are alot of 'limited' drops lately. No breeders want to mass produce anymore. Not enough money in it. I say make money off the herbs and stop extorting the seed collectors.


New Member
Spider mites, whiteflies, and fungus gnats coming out of FFOF where I am at. My partner had the same thing, I think someone had a thread on here or mentioned in a thread that they opened a bag FFOF and put it under a microscope and found spider mites. I have not had any problems since switching. Mr. C finally got back to me, I like that thread he put up as he can weed out the payments and orders from random pm's
Thats fucked up. its the only base soil I've used for like ever. & I've never even seem a spidermite before. I can understand to an extent bugs being in any soil that's not sterilized. But we don't want sterile soil, we want it alive. I think it's more likely whoever made that comment say a different bug and made claim it was a mite. Bugs are attracted to dirt, they want plants or other bugs to eat. I have heard of Aphids and gnats making it in bags of premium soil and I have experienced and seen one of these aphids myself in a bag. Taking care of your plants we all know.. or should know by using preventative measures to ensure that things stay in control is of course the responsibility of the grower. Bugs come with the territory. But claiming FFOF was infested with mites I can say with years and years of using it.. probably didn't happen and was a misunderstanding.


Active Member
even if mites were in the soil when ff bagged it how would they live in the soil with nothing to feed on for months it makes no sense if mites suck the juices ouit of leaves how do they thrive in bagged soil??


Rebel From The North
Its the eggs can live up to 18day and the life cycle of adult is 2weeks without a live plant so total is 32day
Plus once hatch another 14 days so 46days in the dirt before there dead.

And if there frozen they hibernate :(


Active Member
soil get shipped around and sits in warehouses and and grow shops i will almost guarantee most soil has been sitting at least forty days