9 week flower bag seed grow


Ive been flowering for 9 weeks and the plant is just over all small!! dont know if i should just chop or not...any advice would help. i dont have a ph meter and i use city tap but i mean theres buds on the plant just not big ones haha 12/12 cfl and led used



Well-Known Member
give it a few more weeks, pump some good bloom nutes into it (start off low dose and small watering then increase the dose in a small watering every day)

plant looks light deprived, maybe work on your lighting for next grow, also looks like you topped early and ended up with 2 main colas, next time LST and let side branches reach up to canopy.

when did you start day 1 of flower, I go by the first day there are pistols on 80% of the budsites, then i start my countdown. if you started on the day you flipped to 12/12 you have added an extra 2 weeks onto flowering time so in reality they are only 7 weeks into flower. most strains take 9 weeks to be fully ready, some take up to 13 weeks (i go 8 weeks then 1 week for flush or 12 weeks 1 week for flush)


thanks man. where can i find that bloom stuff. im using 80 watt cfl and 300 rgb leds as of right now. and ok they are 7 weeks then..took 2 weeks to show sex of plant anyways but they came fast after that. i topped between the 4th and 5th node during veg. and i vegged for 2 months as well one month 20/4 then 18/6 then 12/12


Well-Known Member
i use Miracle grow "bloom booster" formula, its easy on the plants and works good for me, I only use it when im being to lazy to make bananna compost tea though.

its $5 at wal mart its like a 10-52-10 fertilizer.

not trying to be a dick but for 2 months veg time something has gone wrong, dont have much to compare the size of the plants to but this is what 2 months veg time did for me


^^^ this is one plant, vegged for 8 weeks under a 400w HPS/MH

right now its in week 3 of flower.

so your doing something wrong, not trying to be a dick but would like to help you fix it. need every detail of your setup, 80w of CFL isnt much and i dont know much about LED. but i would be willing to bet that the plants are just light/nutrient deprived and with a little tweaking next grow could be great.

im subbed up..


Active Member
i use Miracle grow "bloom booster" formula, its easy on the plants and works good for me, I only use it when im being to lazy to make bananna compost tea though.

its $5 at wal mart its like a 10-52-10 fertilizer.

not trying to be a dick but for 2 months veg time something has gone wrong, dont have much to compare the size of the plants to but this is what 2 months veg time did for me

View attachment 2125422

^^^ this is one plant, vegged for 8 weeks under a 400w HPS/MH

right now its in week 3 of flower.

so your doing something wrong, not trying to be a dick but would like to help you fix it. need every detail of your setup, 80w of CFL isnt much and i dont know much about LED. but i would be willing to bet that the plants are just light/nutrient deprived and with a little tweaking next grow could be great.

im subbed up..
Ya but you did not cut all you Fan leaves off.. Buds dont need light.. Fan leaves do, they grow the plant, not the other way around. Do you think Oranges catch light and grow the tree? or the leaves gather the light and grow the oranges. Cutting off all your fan leaves is like running on 3 tires and wonder why you stuck at 15mps.


im just gonna shop it, ive got a new plant thats a couple days old. im going to focus on that one this time around do it more accurately. this plant had alot of mess ups. im honestly shocked it didnt hermi...when is the earliest i can add nutres to the new plant. im already 3 nodes tall


Well-Known Member
depends on what soil your using. if your using a nutrient rich soil like Miracle grow or fox farm then you shouldnt need to add any nutes till at least week 4-6. the plant will tell you when it is ready for some food by growing in light green


Active Member
your plant is burned, has sun cancer (im guessing you switch it from real sun to your indoor lighting on some days) , sad, and overall dying... thats why it looks like that and why its so small

im not going to "plump up" any more.. your pistons are already receeding, that plant is pretty much as big as its going to get.