Miracle Grow


Active Member
I have a quick question would it be ok to use miracle grow for budding if so what should i use any suggestions


New Member
A friend of mine uses miracle grow and all his bud taste like Nutes. His problem is he uses extended release Nutes and since they bind to the soil to last for so long they can't be flushed out. I hear bad things about miracle grow, but I'd just make sure you don't get extended release anything. Good luck and happy smoking!


Well-Known Member
i use Miracle grow Bloom Booster, its a 10-52-10 fertilizer and for $5 you get enough for 3x 5 plant grows.

i havent had any problems with burn from this product but i have had issues with other miracle grow products burning my plants and this is the only MG product i would recomend.


Active Member
i use Miracle grow Bloom Booster, its a 10-52-10 fertilizer and for $5 you get enough for 3x 5 plant grows.

i havent had any problems with burn from this product but i have had issues with other miracle grow products burning my plants and this is the only MG product i would recomend.
and what else do you use with this anything else?


Active Member
Id stay away
What is recomended I like advance nutes but cant find any where i live but what is good for blooming

A friend of mine uses miracle grow and all his bud taste like Nutes. His problem is he uses extended release Nutes and since they bind to the soil to last for so long they can't be flushed out. I hear bad things about miracle grow, but I'd just make sure you don't get extended release anything. Good luck and happy smoking!
could you suggest what I can use ?


Well-Known Member
What is recomended I like advance nutes but cant find any where i live but what is good for blooming

could you suggest what I can use ?
If you don't have access to hydro/chemical nutes I would start looking and asking around the organic section you would be very happy with the results you can get with organic


New Member
be very careful with meracle grow it can quikly burn your plant if you dont give it almost less than a 1/4 what it says on the box... trust me i have a stunted plant im nursing.


Well-Known Member
ive used miracle grow before and haven't had any issues with it i would start on half strength then 75 then full strength like any other nutes get what you can and if miracle grow is in your budget why not


Well-Known Member
A cheap organic grow is pretty easy to setup. First you get some organic soil. You can run a mix of coir, perlite, and worm castings or you can buy a bag of ready made soil. Miracle Grow Organic Potting Soil will work fine, but Kellogg Patio Plus available at Home Depot is cheaper and has better ingredients. Roots Organic and Fax Farm are also excellent choices, but they cost a lot more.

Once you have your soil, pick up some Alaska Fish Emulations (NPK 5-1-1) and Alaska More Bloom (0-10-10) or look into the Kelloggs Organic All-Purpose 4-4-4 fertilizer. [FONT=arial, sans-serif]Apply as direction on the package. [/FONT]


New Member
What is recomended I like advance nutes but cant find any where i live but what is good for blooming

could you suggest what I can use ?
I use the fox farm series. I'm pretty new though so I'd ask around. It's working well for me and I hear a lot of good about it.
you get out of soil what you put in, but cheap and you will get cheap results.
MG is crap IMHO..but i used it when i started out so wtf do i know?


Active Member
nothin wrong with mg, ive used it off and on for 30 years and seen no difference, nitrogen is nitrogen...potassium is potassium...and so on, saying its not is scientificly unsound, it shows better results than MANY of the cartoon bottle nutes....which are manufactured as a powder ,,then water is added to make it more marketable , then put in the cartoon bottles.believe it or not ...there are only a few manufacturers and many bottled brands,


New Member
I use it all the time no problem mg 20 20 20 for vedge works real good. as long as you adjust your ph and use cal mag plus you will be ok and I also use a shultz bloom plus 10 54 10 for flower and it works fine. I went through the hole organic top dollar nutrient deal and and had bad results. dont get cought up in the expensive fertilizer shit. I never have a problem with a chemical taste but I do a 7 day flush


Active Member
so if i where to use miracle grow bloom booster for the first 2 weeks 1/4 strength another 2 weeks 1/2 strenght and 3 weeks or 4 weeks at full strenghth then flush the system for 7 days would that be ok? with added cal an mag?


Once you have your soil, pick up some Alaska Fish Emulations (NPK 5-1-1) and Alaska More Bloom (0-10-10) or look into the Kelloggs Organic All-Purpose 4-4-4 fertilizer. Apply as direction on the package.
^THIS. I've been growing in soil with Alaska Fish Fert and my plants are healthy, green and happy. Its hard to over fert with this stuff so any serious problematic issues such as nute burn shouldn't be an issue. I highly recommend growing organic, its cheap and safe.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
If you do use mg flush for 14 days if you want to get it out. Flush with 10% nutes on the first flush, it removes more fert salts then straight water. I am a organic grower and I can grow larger plants with organic 5ft indoor/ 9ft outdoor depending on genetics! It also doesn't ruin the spots/soil by destroying microbial life. Good luck either way!


Active Member
so if i where to use miracle grow bloom booster for the first 2 weeks 1/4 strength another 2 weeks 1/2 strenght and 3 weeks or 4 weeks at full strenghth then flush the system for 7 days would that be ok? with added cal an mag?
depends on the soil you'll be using. if you're using any soil with nutes already in it, whether it's fox farms or miracle grow or otherwise, you really don't need to bother with nutes for the first 4 weeks or so. depending on how big you're growing your plant, you may only need bloom nutes. you want high nitrogen (N) for veg, if you'll be giving nutrients in veg; and then you want high phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) for flower. i'm using miracle grow african violet soil. i fed maybe 5 times with some of the miracle grow cactus food in the small bottle. it's a 2-7-7 fert and i used 1/4-1/2 strength when i did feed. i think i may have slightly burned the lady, so i'm just going back to straight water. there should be enough ferts still in the soil and she looks to be growing fine. and just saying, i read an article on here somewhere (i think it was on here...) that flushing actually causes more stress to the plant than actually 'flushing.' it's really the drying/cure process that will dictate how the bud tastes