deals going down right next door

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
totally disagree with all these snitches ..... broadcast his business to the neighbors ...not the police
doesn't that still make him a snitch? doesn't that make you a hypocrite? and who cares about getting called names, thats such schoolyard/jailyard mentality. Who cares! Our lives are not governed by weak-minded fools.


Well-Known Member
who cares about getting called names? not me ...what is our point?
does that make him a snitch? why? talking shit about a neighbor you don't like to another neighbor is not snitching man..nice try though
hypocritical how? in my opinion growing/selling weed in your home and calling the police on the dude next door for selling coke or pills or whatever this clown is moving is hypocritical ...not bad mouthing him to your buddy across the i said..if this is going on next door and no neighbors have bitched about it usually means the block has gone to shit..time to molve

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
I have no idea what you mean by "this country"... There are "legal" growers throughout the US, and there are Legal growers in Canada.

ted bundy

Active Member
Casually mention the place is being staked out- good suggestion. Could say hey bro I'm a little uncomfortable here with the way the cops have been watching this place. Or I'd move. A snitch is good for nothing in my book. Karma is a bitch. Do you know if theyre selling heroin, meth or crack? Pot dealers usually have harmless customers compared to hard drugs. Say you call the cops and tip them off, these guys get busted and figure you for the one who informed the cops, they'll be out on bail the same day probably and things could get dangerous for you bro. I faced a 30 year bid once over some punk who wanted to be a big shot with the cops, there were no drugs involved. Later on the dude had a near fatal accident- what comes around goes around.
Yeah once i heard this on dude snitched, 28 years later he got cancer.. No such thing as karma.. Be logical..