Dude I knew this girl from highschool and she hit the bong with her pussy.....It bubbled and everything, wasnt like a full hit...I should have married that girl to honest was the coolest shit I ever saw.. Now some other mooly is with her watching her take bong hits out her twat...Always let the good ones go.
I got this off the Cannabible from Jason King and I think this is cool. It is called solar puffing. If you have a pipe or bong to use get a 4inch magnifying glass and vaporize your weed. it obviously only works when its nice out but at least you don't have to worry about wind and the heat is not hot enough to actually combust the vegetation.
This is a small passage from the book about it...
There are many benefits to smoking the solar way. First and foremost is taste. The experience of inhaling pure ganja smoke isincredible. Solar puffing completely eliminates your exposure to the nasty butane fumes that are emitted by lighters. Flint smoke which is highly toxic,is also avoided. Many people reported they had no idea how good there herb tasted so great! The difference in flavor become even more evident as you reachthe end of the bowl, when herb can often taste schwaggy. And because the bowl isn't drenched in butane, it burns clean and tasty right up to the last toke.
I believe in solar puffing in the day and vaporizing in the night unless you have a lens capable of doing lunar bong hits.(end of excerpt)
By: Jason King
i have often wondered how much bad taste actually comes from the source of flame. never had the idea to "solar puff", but i recently accquired a "solar cigarette lighter" that i can surely use to light my bowl. have one bowl left, so when the sun comes out a little more, i'll go give it a shot and see if there is any noticeable difference in taste.
no flame just heat, its like a vaporizer. If you get a chance the info is in Cannabible 1 almost in the beginning. It just must not be hot enough to combust/ignite. So your solar lighter will defeat the purpose. And when you do get the hang of itor know the "trick" it is almost as efficent as vaporizing.
but what is your solar lighter? how does this work? what is it burning? still sounds interesting to me.
Fuck yeah, my buddy has one..Been meaning to use it.. its fucking amazingstill love gas masks, dont know if that really counts as unique tho
except you are probably inhaling fruit particles, that cant be good, I have no idea thoughi like smoking out of fruits
i have smoked out of apples oranges limes and lemons
its the shit
Never tried it but I want to sofucking bad!!!!anybody mess with the gravity...