

Well-Known Member
We need the GDamn like button back. I'm getting pissed I can't rep the people I want to. So the fuck what there is a few I decide to rep. There is only a few worth reping.


Well-Known Member
I do mine all year every year. So I know it's good. Don't want to change what isn't broken. Just wish I had something like fabs to change to. I'm blocked in. As far as my room goes.


Well-Known Member
who is?......
Really??? You bro. I'm sorry my other posts didn't get posted up. I would love to see more. But understand not posting as well. I can't give any rep out anymore. I would need to pass it to people that don't deserve it so not gonna happen.


New Member
Where now? I have even help most of your trolls. Should of let them fry.
most of them contact u guys to turn against me
cat even ask dsb to get me banned
wtf that fuckers bumped his fucking head or something
me and dsb talk on phone evry night and i hooked him up with a chic too
fuckers doesnt know what friendship is about if he thinks he can make them sell u out
listen cat right now and i mean this
dsb has enough on his plate with his dad real sick u leave him out of your sick twisted shit
or u are my number one target


Well-Known Member
Cat I'm not a person that's gangs up on somebody but you need to let people breath/vent. Dsb is going threw some shit I hope nobody has to deal with. Give some slake and ask your ferinds to give the same respect.


Well-Known Member
FAB you know me. I will say if your wrong there wrong and even if I'm wrong. I'm not for or agenst anybody. We have had our fights as well. But some things need wiped out.


Well-Known Member
Damn it. I still need to spread rep. Around befor I can give it to the guys that help the most. I haven't given lime rep sence the grow vid thread and still can't.


Rebel From The North
Nice fab looks like you moving up! Question that green poison is it a good yielder? Seems you been growing it for
Some time now!