Moisture retaining crystals.. good or bad?


Well-Known Member
Well found some cheap moisture retaining crystals from 'woolies' 97p a pack..

Do you think i can use these on my seedlings when i transplant?

Or do you/ have you ever used moisture retaining crystals????


Active Member
I mixed some in with my soil mix and they were there holding moisture a month later when I did a re-pot. It certainly didn't seem to harm the plant at all and maybe it did help retain some moisture because I never encountered wilted leaves and whatnot.

Anyone have some negative aspects of using the crystals?


Well-Known Member
I've never used them but have a mate who swears by them, says it cuts down on watering frequency so he can leave for a few days. I am home every day to check mine so don't need them.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people use them whether they know it or not. Isn't that what Miracle Grow puts in the soil to make its "Moisture Control" soil?


Active Member
Lots of people use them whether they know it or not. Isn't that what Miracle Grow puts in the soil to make its "Moisture Control" soil?
I think it's more coconut husks and such, but Ihave not used the moisture retention stuff since I grabbed thes crystals


Well-Known Member
I've never used them but have a mate who swears by them, says it cuts down on watering frequency so he can leave for a few days. I am home every day to check mine so don't need them.
My light is only 250w but I have found my soil dries out even whilst i sleep.

Thanks all for quick replies ...

I might experiment, i have four seedlings all under a week old, I might try giving two some crystals and see what happens.

I noticed nappies have moisture retaining crystals inside ( i don't wear them , my daughter does ..hehe), so i suppose if it's good for a babies bum ... it shouldnt be that harmful to plants .. (female logic..)