anybody gonna be trying TGA's new bagged super soil??????

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haha this banditt guy....get off the internet and stick to watching cartoons buddy, this where ADULTS play
lol so it sounds like ur soil amending list is pretty close to the super soil recipe, obviously not exact i wouldnt want to insult ur intelligence, but there are quite a few recipes for amending soil and to be honest i wouldnt use urs, i dont use subcools super soil either so dont take it personal i make my own compost heavy hot mix, and btw most hot soil mixes or super soils arnt the best to plant seedlings or freshly rooted clones in, basic horticulture, and it does not take years to stablize a strain, if u know what ur doing and keep good notes, u can do it ina bout a year and half or 2yrs it doesnt take years on in to do it (tho there are a few expections), using a punnett square can help u graph dominant and reccessive traits and u can get a idea of the percentage of plants that will have the traits ur tryin to stablize, certain traits i look for when breeding are the smell, flavor, high, trichome content, hollow stems, bug and weather resistants, and size of root mass, the more traits ur trying to stablize the harder it gets and less percentage of plants breed true

ive grown subcools gear quite a few times and never got hermies, instead of reading on how unstable tga strains check out sum of the other seed banks, their strains arnt very stable and alota companies are jus sellin fem seeds that herm out, ive had a burmese kush that hermed out naturally, no light leaks no excess in nutrients, none of the other seeds hermied out (tho they got pollinated thanx to the herm)

and i really dont see how subcool is preyin on the weak and ignorant, subcool is jus trying to run a buiness and is doing it successfully
for the record i dislike anybody who hates on someone else for being successful

OK! You're starting to get the picture!

Anybody that knows anything about gardening and soil amendments knows that NotSoCool's recipe is nothing more that the same basic ingredients that everybody else uses, only he arrogantly attaches his alias to it and spreads lies about it being "his". What a fucking tool.

The tiny bit of success he's achieved has gone straight to his head. He thinks he's some type of guru and everybody should bow down before him.
If you saw the video of him showing his true colors before he hid it, you'd agree too, he's a tool.

<snip>and i really dont see how subcool is preyin on the weak and ignorant, subcool is jus trying to run a buiness and is doing it successfully
for the record i dislike anybody who hates on someone else for being successful
You're new here. Just observe his tactics. Watch how, where and to whom he markets his gear. Also watch how he carefully avoids discussions with veteran growers when those veteran growers challenge his statements or tactics.

The majority of members here are naive kids. Wide eyed, weak and ignorant, reaching out for acceptance and guidance. NotSoCool knows this, and he preys on them. Way too many of those kids (and unfortunately, adults too) have fallen for his BS and are spreading his BS to others, who in turn spread it to others. They just don't know any better. That's why you and so many others still have the wool pulled over their eyes. If enough people are saying the same thing (as in NotSoCool's BS) it must be true. Right?

Be smart and don't believe ANYTHING you read on stoner forums, especially if it's from a person that wants to sell you something.
In fact, don't believe anything I'm saying. Verify everything elsewhere.
RJ - get a new hobby besides obsessing about other people on the internet. Its really not healthy.
hey bandidto you do realize your in subs oldschool organics section right? lmao wheres your forum? or your cup for that matter? oh wait nobody knows who you are! i would hardly blame the genetics for your FAIL as a grower. you ever think the reason you got seeds in you buds is because 1) your skills as a grower are shotty and 2) your too much of an asstwat to pay attention to the girls and your shotty skills led to a nanner that you FAILED to see like a rightous grower would, man i deff need to take advice from this cat right here... i wouldnt exactly call winning cups a small achievement

i do think its funny tho that you guys get your panties in such a twist, funniest part is sub is laughin his ass off at you for being dumbasses, you say hes an asshole, a prick and all this but you make yourselfves look like fuckin idiots, so let me ask you this, if your so against Sub, who are your breeders? Arjan? Gypsy? Stoney Girl? Ken? Neville? theres a reason TGA is sold out in 20 minutes and the rest of them are in stock constantly. and that reason is.... success and bomb genetics. you guys make me laugh my arse off because nothing you say holds water, sure Sub tells it how it is, be a dumb fuck and get answered like a dumb fuck. theres a reason you know who sub is, i notice your not all talkin shit about farmer dan in utah, and i can tell ya right now that the dude knows more about the plant than you could hope for, and his genetics are top notch. not to mention that the reason that a lot of breeders hate on sub is because compared to them he is relatively new on the seed scene and is outselling their genetics put together, so you get asshats that feel the need to talk shit in order to try and slow down his biz but guess what? its not working. not by a long shot. but like Sub said, go ahead and keep talking shit because soooo many people revere the words that come from you, and we could use the laughs.

I must start out by asking myself, "you got a dog in this fight" (Mel Gibson rant) and the answer is no.

Many patients do not have the ability to make their own soils due to their health or living arrangements. This is a great idea and I for one would try this product out.

Anything that can make it easier for a patient to produce their own medicine is a plus. Maybe this will get some of the other companies to offer similar products.

Patients first-

If you weigh all the positive and negative reviews of subcools gear the overwhelming response would be very good..there are many of his seeds that are a staple in many veteran growers gardens....if you sling rocks dont expect that person not to throw them back......his soil recipe obv works for him and many others,and who cares if he wants to sell it or if it is similar to others...everything in this underground market costs...seeds,nutes,light etc....if you had hermies maybe its something you did,if this was his seeds im sure you would hear alot more about it as we all did about cali connections issues...and if his seeds were bird seed im pretty sure they wouldnt sell out as soon as they hit the seedbanks
hey bandidto you do realize your in subs oldschool organics section right? lmao wheres your forum? or your cup for that matter? oh wait nobody knows who you are! i would hardly blame the genetics for your FAIL as a grower. you ever think the reason you got seeds in you buds is because 1) your skills as a grower are shotty and 2) your too much of an asstwat to pay attention to the girls and your shotty skills led to a nanner that you FAILED to see like a rightous grower would, man i deff need to take advice from this cat right here... i wouldnt exactly call winning cups a small achievement

i do think its funny tho that you guys get your panties in such a twist, funniest part is sub is laughin his ass off at you for being dumbasses, you say hes an asshole, a prick and all this but you make yourselfves look like fuckin idiots, so let me ask you this, if your so against Sub, who are your breeders? Arjan? Gypsy? Stoney Girl? Ken? Neville? theres a reason TGA is sold out in 20 minutes and the rest of them are in stock constantly. and that reason is.... success and bomb genetics. you guys make me laugh my arse off because nothing you say holds water, sure Sub tells it how it is, be a dumb fuck and get answered like a dumb fuck. theres a reason you know who sub is, i notice your not all talkin shit about farmer dan in utah, and i can tell ya right now that the dude knows more about the plant than you could hope for, and his genetics are top notch. not to mention that the reason that a lot of breeders hate on sub is because compared to them he is relatively new on the seed scene and is outselling their genetics put together, so you get asshats that feel the need to talk shit in order to try and slow down his biz but guess what? its not working. not by a long shot. but like Sub said, go ahead and keep talking shit because soooo many people revere the words that come from you, and we could use the laughs.


He's laughing alright, laughing all the way to the bank on you idiots who think he has fire genetics. Why does his shit sell out so fast? He is good at promoting his garbage and he has a following of fanboys like you that jump on the bandwagon to buy whatever he puts out. Be it t-shirts, nug jars, crappy herm prone seeds. It's a a bunch of hype. I remember when plush berry came out some jackass made a thread calling it the best strain in the world before it was even released. Brainwashed idiots....You been on this site 2 months bro. Talk to me again in a couple years after you have actually grown something.

As for grower error on my part, sure could be. But since I've been seed free since dropping subby's strains I'd say that's prolly not the case.
if you had hermies maybe its something you did,if this was his seeds im sure you would hear alot more about it as we all did about cali connections issues...and if his seeds were bird seed im pretty sure they wouldnt sell out as soon as they hit the seedbanks

haha wasn't old subby just crying on one of his videos the other day about how he won't be on some forum anymore due to people calling out his breeding practices? :lol:

Do a quick google "subcool herm" and then tell me you've never heard about his strains herming up.
I agree with DR. RESIN. The overwhelming majority of reviews I read are positive. The only negative comments I have come across were either a low female/male ratio, or lower than average yields (which could be attributed to phenotype and the growers garden/skills).

Any time someone achieves a level of success in a given field, there will be haters. It comes with the territory. I played professional hockey for years, so I know this first hand. The proof is in the pudding. If subcool is putting out sketchy genetics, then he won't be selling much product .... and will find himself looking for a new job. If he offers quality genetics to people, at a fair price, he will enjoy great success for years to come. The latter seems to be the case for him thus far.

I have a 5 pack of jillybean (in veg), cheese quake (germinating), and plushberry (still in the pack). I will grow them out, and judge for myself. I will post an objective journal right here when I'm done. From all that I've read, I'm anticipating some really nice smoke!
hey bandidto you do realize your in subs oldschool organics section right?


Nope he has no idea where he is or what he is doing, due to his cranial rectal inversion.
Doc's say his head is so far up his ass they have to amputate.
They also say he should not have any lasting side effects from the procedure.

Good luck bandaid dosent look like you are converting many people to your side. Better luck next time.
Oh hey I know you cant see them but the street lights are on its time to go inside little guy.
Nope he has no idea where he is or what he is doing, due to his cranial rectal inversion.
Doc's say his head is so far up his ass they have to amputate.
They also say he should not have any lasting side effects from the procedure.

Good luck bandaid dosent look like you are converting many people to your side. Better luck next time.
Oh hey I know you cant see them but the street lights are on its time to go inside little guy.

My rep bar would disagree.
Wow! Are you all naive?? You're all being conned.

MJ is just a plant, nothing more. It uses the same nutrients as all other plants.
Once you're able to accept that, your eyes might be opened to the shenanigans going on.
People like "NotSoCool" are abusing the medical aspect, lie-ing to people, and preying on the ignorant and uninformed.
Wake up, Knuckleheads! NotSoCool is not the person you think he is. EVERYTHING he does is for profit.

Here's just one of many links with NotSoCool ranting about nonsense:
Ah, nevermind. It must have been too embarrassing because now he's made it private.
The proof is out there people. You just have to open your eyes.

As a final note I'll leave you all with this:

There's absolutely no need to buy expensive soil mixes.
If your current soil is lacking, amend it. Pretty simple huh?

First off, you are grossly miss-informed about what Subcool is all about. Sub produces high quality genetics which to me is necessary for a good product of such nature and I would venture to guess that he wouldn't be in buisness today if it were not the case. It is also condusive to the medical marijuana community so he has added his bit of good to that world.

Secondly, after 20 plus years of being in the trenches of growing, plus all the time spent on being a public figure, and let's not forget the possibility of jail...why can't the man provide for himself and others around him? It is obvious that he put all his chips in with the weed game a long time ago and it is about time he cashed in.

Welcome to capitalisim you communist putz.

someone must have got a case of this shit at costco


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haha wasn't old subby just crying on one of his videos the other day about how he won't be on some forum anymore due to people calling out his breeding practices? :lol:

Do a quick google "subcool herm" and then tell me you've never heard about his strains herming up.

Somebody has been watching the Weed Nerd.
He's laughing alright, laughing all the way to the bank on you idiots who think he has fire genetics. Why does his shit sell out so fast? He is good at promoting his garbage and he has a following of fanboys like you that jump on the bandwagon to buy whatever he puts out. Be it t-shirts, nug jars, crappy herm prone seeds. It's a a bunch of hype. I remember when plush berry came out some jackass made a thread calling it the best strain in the world before it was even released. Brainwashed idiots....You been on this site 2 months bro. Talk to me again in a couple years after you have actually grown something.

As for grower error on my part, sure could be. But since I've been seed free since dropping subby's strains I'd say that's prolly not the case.

so wheres your cup lol or your forum? i like how you sidestep those, wow lol i been on this site for a short time so that means i havent grown anything lmfao your naivete is only proceeded by the dribble that comes out of your mouth. the funny part is that you have been here since 2009 and more people listen to my word than yours and im more well known. your a dumbass and making yourself look worse with every post, the funniest part out of all of this is that you know nothing about me, and obviously havent seen me in action. so back to my question, who is your breeder? what work have you done? and where the hell is your cup? have you even entered anything? you are making my day by making yourself look so bad lol theres a reason i bump elbows with who i do, and nobody knows who you are. ninja please.

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