Hello everyone , sorry for not updating on my situation soon enough .... I was down with corona for a month and couldnt tend to the soil that was cooking or my plants or anything else ... now after like a month and a half when I opened the lid of cooking soil , it was all rock solid dried which was expected but I also found some white mold on the soil ... I dont think its mycelium because it looked like small THC trichome heads on the soil and not like threads of fungus which mycelium has ... I have taken a few close up pics of the mold hoping someone could chime in and let me where to go from here ... really bummed with the whole situation :/
The soil isnt overwhelmingly covered with the mold , but I can see it visibly with the naked eye as little white clusters in nooks and crannies. I also remember overwatering the soil before keeping it to cook ... so here I am again , looking for your expertise and advice

... Do I just add some water and mix it all up again and let it cook/use it ? Or is there anything else I should be doing ? Thanks in advance !